The Price Of Moral Certainty


Sep 23, 2010
The rising cost of abortions will further enrich Planned Parenthood with tax dollars:

Liberals are worried about laws that raise the cost of abortion.​

To hell with the cost of abortion after Planned Parenthood is defunded. If Roe v. Wade is not overturned, liberals can contribute to a private fund and pay for abortions out of their own pockets. It would be a beautiful thing to see liberals ripped off when they pay for moral certainty with their own money.

But they never seem to worry about the mandates in Obamacare that raise the cost of medical care generally.

The irony of liberals worrying about laws raising costs of abortion

The irony of liberals worrying about laws raising costs of abortion

The rising cost of medical care enriches the insurance industry, and Wall Street’s absentee owners. That was the whole idea behind Hillarycare I, and Hillarycare II (the ACA).

If you really want to see who controls Congress see how far you get by insisting that tax dollars NOT go to any entity traded on Wall Street either directly or indirectly. If nothing else, company stocks traded in every market should be permanently barred from receiving healthcare tax dollars. Health insurance companies, hospital chains, pharmaceutical companies, testing labs, etc., would still be free to operate as a 100 percent private sector business traded on a stock exchange if they so choose.

Another suggestion that ain’t going anywhere is to tell every hospital, clinic, testing lab, etc. that they must accept whatever payment they get in tax dollars or lose their boondoggle. The same rule should include hospital corporations who ripoff their patients for whatever fees secondary insurance policies do not cover. When you add those costs to a patient’s premiums and skyrocketing deductibles you can see that doctors and patient care entities are just as corrupt as is the healthcare insurance industry. They all ripoff their “paying customers” for whatever they can get, while they treat illegal aliens for free —— then they brag about their compassion.

I cannot answer Bob Unruh’s question:

'How many Lamborghinis were purchased with the blood of innocent children?'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 09/09/2015 @ 3:20 pm

‘How many Lamborghinis were purchased with the blood of innocent children?’

But I can give you a long list of Democrats who made it possible —— topped by none other than Margaret Sanger’s number one cheerleader:

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If nothing else, company stocks traded in every market should be permanently barred from receiving healthcare tax dollars.
I knew it was only a matter of time before Social Security was trotted out in this campaign season. Naturally, never blame Wall Street’s absentee owners for anything. Never blame problems on America’s massive transfer of wealth to the parasites in government. And God forbid that anybody blame millions of illegal aliens (United Nations refugees coming) who get medical benefits Americans worked for. Put the blame where it belongs —— lay the blame on Social Security and Medicare for every economic woe. In plain English, tampering with the payroll tax paid by those who do have jobs means forcing Americans to work harder for illegal aliens and Wall Street hustlers:

The trustees of Medicare and Social Security funds have estimated that the Disability Trust Fund will run out of money by this October. The president has proposed redirecting a small portion of the payroll tax to extend the life of the fund about 20 years. Congress has yet to act on the proposal.

As for the rest of Social Security, the GAO estimates that the program will go broke by 2034. Senator Orrin Hatch acknowledged the crisis and wants a bipartisan commission to recommend reforms.

June 2, 2016
Obama proposes expanding Social Security benefits while the program careens toward insolvency
By Rick Moran

Blog: Obama proposes expanding Social Security benefits while the program careens toward insolvency

NOTE: Whenever Congress says the word “REFORM” you can bet that private sector Americans are going to get screwed.

How about this for starters: Instead of reforming anything to pay for a theft, simply return the $716 billion:


“Both Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan attacked the president for allegedly robbing Medicare of $716 billion,” former president William Jefferson Clinton told the Democratic National Convention on September 5. “Here’s what really happened. There were no cuts to benefits. None . . . President Obama and the Democrats didn’t weaken Medicare. They strengthened it.”

If Clinton were under oath in Charlotte, this would be called perjury.

Fortunately for him, this was not sworn testimony. President Obama won’t place his hand on the Bible, either, before he addresses an AARP convention in New Orleans today at 11:45 a.m. Eastern, as will GOP vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan 45 minutes later. Obama and Ryan are likely to discuss the controversial question of what, exactly, the Democrats did with Medicare’s finances when they crammed Obamacare down America’s collective throat. Democrats claim they did not touch it. They then spring to add that, if they did touch it, they didn’t cut benefits. All they did was reduce “overpayments” to avaricious hospitals, doctors, and drug companies.

Obama’s Robbery of Medicare to Fund Obamacare, in One Chart
by Deroy Murdock September 21, 2012 11:44 AM

Obama's Robbery of Medicare to Fund Obamacare, in One Chart

p.s. Benefits for Medicare recipients did go down since 2012.
Nationally available contraception for anyone of childbearing age. /thread.

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