The Press Is Broken

This has been the case since Fox News began.

Fox is spinning and lying to save fauXI. Anyone who was fooled by fox' pro Biden election coverage cannot possibly still be fooled after Chris Wallace stood up and defended fauXI and lied and spun the truth to do so....

Fox News has never cared one bit about the United States. It cares about Israel and Zionist investments in China....
Mega globally minded entertainment corporations bought up the news agencies one by one...they hire people that they can use as tools to spread their propaganda...idiots like the two dummies on CNN every night....what they want is an end to patriotism and American sovereignty....Trump came in and rattled their cage with his America First agenda....and they stole the election from him....and way too many republicans stood by and let it happen....
Looks as if Jesse Watters is on point regarding the media and the catfishing of the American people.

The American press has an agenda. The smart Americans know the lefties agenda & do their own home work to arrive @ the truth of the matter. Both public education & the press need to be sifted through very carefully to come up with the true facts.
The writers and reporters at FOX, CNN, and MSNBC are not or nowhere near journalists. They all have an agenda and bend the truth to further their cause. If you believe any of these outlets you are gullible.
The writers and reporters at FOX, CNN, and MSNBC are not or nowhere near journalists. They all have an agenda and bend the truth to further their cause. If you believe any of these outlets you are gullible.
It is not just the cable news stations that have an agenda. ABC, CBS, NBS, PBS are as agenda driven and biased as any cable outlet. Often times in their cases, it's not what you see on their pages as much as it is what you don't see on their pages.
Looks as if Jesse Watters is on point regarding the media and the catfishing of the American people.

The only thing jesse is on to is a warm stinking sensation in his BVDs.
It's worse than that. The Press is a finely tuned Democratic Propanganda machine that never stops spewing disinformation. It would be an improvement if the Press were broken.
The improvement would be if knuckle dragging maga fuckups were intelligent enough to understand the news.
Mega globally minded entertainment corporations bought up the news agencies one by one...they hire people that they can use as tools to spread their propaganda...idiots like the two dummies on CNN every night....what they want is an end to patriotism and American sovereignty....Trump came in and rattled their cage with his America First agenda....and they stole the election from him....and way too many republicans stood by and let it happen....
Long term establishment elected republicans and long term establishment elected democrats are usually Swamp critters and more interested in how they can increase their personal wealth than represent the voters who elected them.

Trump threatened to drain the Swamp. That scared the hell out of both corrupt democrats and corrupt republicans. That’s why the democrats rigged the election and many republicans refused to stand up for Trump.
Looks as if Jesse Watters is on point regarding the media and the catfishing of the American people.

The press has ALWAYS been broken. Just without the internet there was no one to tell them, and they were too thick to notice. Even now they only care because it's convenient for their narrative.
It's worse than that. The Press is a finely tuned Democratic Propanganda machine that never stops spewing disinformation. It would be an improvement if the Press were broken.
The improvement would be if knuckle dragging maga fuckups were intelligent enough to understand the news.

And yet you were probably lied to over and over, and you think we are the dumb ones because we figured it out and stopped paying attention to them.

There's a reason the MSM is dying......they can only fool stupid people, like you.

The rest of us have moved on.
It's worse than that. The Press is a finely tuned Democratic Propanganda machine that never stops spewing disinformation. It would be an improvement if the Press were broken.
The improvement would be if knuckle dragging maga fuckups were intelligent enough to understand the news.

And yet you were probably lied to over and over, and you think we are the dumb ones because we figured it out and stopped paying attention to them.

There's a reason the MSM is dying......they can only fool stupid people, like you.

The rest of us have moved on.
What rest of you?

Is parler as big as Facebook now?
Mega globally minded entertainment corporations bought up the news agencies one by one...they hire people that they can use as tools to spread their propaganda...idiots like the two dummies on CNN every night....what they want is an end to patriotism and American sovereignty....Trump came in and rattled their cage with his America First agenda....and they stole the election from him....and way too many republicans stood by and let it happen....
Long term establishment elected republicans and long term establishment elected democrats are usually Swamp critters and more interested in how they can increase their personal wealth than represent the voters who elected them.

Trump threatened to drain the Swamp. That scared the hell out of both corrupt democrats and corrupt republicans. That’s why the democrats rigged the election and many republicans refused to stand up for Trump.
The former president was the swamp.

You got doped.
The improvement would be if knuckle dragging maga fuckups were intelligent enough to understand the news.
We are intelligent enough to see obvious bias and propaganda. You just slurp it in without question like a blind baby bird.


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