The Politics of Marijuana


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
I must say this really needs to be "hashed out" properly.

Some of Trump's die hards are so obsessed with preventing Americans from consuming marijuana legally they literally out themselves as completely

1. devoid of any concern of the financial status of the US
2. devoid of any understanding of what drives immigration out of South and Central America
3. devoid of any understanding of what marijuana actually does to humans
4. obsessed with keeping the left wing LEGAL PROFESSION in charge of destroying America's economy

Legalizing marijuana would be a plus $300 billion per year boost to the US Treasury

When we keep marijuana illegal, that doesn't stop it. Rather marijuana is imported from primarily south of the border, and the flow is this - cash leaves American hands and ends up in the hands of the worst, most murderous citizens of South and Central America, who then buy guns, militias, and the political class. That chases people looking for a "normal" life out... and they come here. Our DRUG WAR DRIVES IMMIGRATION FROM THE SOUTH. PERIOD. If you do not understand that and you are for Trump and against legalizing, you are a SUB HUMAN. You support that which you claim you oppose...

Dr. Sanjay Gupta was originally a parrot of the NYT's fearmongering bullshit about weed, really a re-hash of the "Reefer Madness" propaganda that drove making weed illegal initially. The NYT, of course, is a left wing supporter of having lawyers in every aspect of daily life. Drink too much soda = sue the restaurant. Dr. Gupta was enough of a class act to actually do his own research and realize the truth, that the NYT is completely disinterested in TRUTH and only interested in PROMOTING THE CAUSES OF THEIR OWN. Weed does not make people violent. It takes a tremendous amount to "impair." It has real and natural health benefits.

There really is no way to argue against legalizing today. There are fearmongering lies from left wing sources with dubious relationships with TRUTH.

and then there are ISRAEL's puppets in the pulpits on Sundays, saying exactly what the hand that feeds them wants = to enrich and empower JEWISH attorneys.... by spreading factless fear to sub humans who never question it...
I have a friend that is a very staunch Conservative and a former drug task force officer. He gave me a surprising look at his opinion on the drug problem in America. He thinks the government should immediately legalize ALL forms of drugs... and simply let the druggies kill themselves off through Darwarnism and use the money saved from enforcing those laws and keeping so many non-violent offenders in jail towards more important issues.

Which I for one disagree with the government when it come to pot. The reality is I am more likely to be killed by some drunk idiot than someone smoking pot and booze has no real benefit and yet it is still legal.

Pot need to be legalized and this war against it need to stop.

I know many will disagree with me while they enjoy their shot of Jim or a can of Miller but to me I would prefer the smooth feeling of the herb than drink another sip of booze...
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I have a friend that is a very staunch Conservative and a former drug task force officer. He gave me a surprising look at his opinion on the drug problem in America. He thinks the government should immediately legalize ALL forms of drugs... and simply let the druggies kill themselves off through Darwarnism and use the money saved from enforcing those laws and keeping so many non-violent offenders in jail towards more important issues.

That would almost eliminate the deficit singlehandedly. I am a "naturalist," don't think humans were biologically engineered to consume pills cooked up in a lab. That would also put all drug gangs out of business immediately.

The "druggies" as you put it vary considerably. Lawrence Taylor was the greatest football defender of all time, and cocaine did not stop that. When you are as good in your profession as LT was in his, then I'll listen to you....
I must say this really needs to be "hashed out" properly.

Some of Trump's die hards are so obsessed with preventing Americans from consuming marijuana legally they literally out themselves as completely

1. devoid of any concern of the financial status of the US
2. devoid of any understanding of what drives immigration out of South and Central America
3. devoid of any understanding of what marijuana actually does to humans
4. obsessed with keeping the left wing LEGAL PROFESSION in charge of destroying America's economy

Legalizing marijuana would be a plus $300 billion per year boost to the US Treasury

When we keep marijuana illegal, that doesn't stop it. Rather marijuana is imported from primarily south of the border, and the flow is this - cash leaves American hands and ends up in the hands of the worst, most murderous citizens of South and Central America, who then buy guns, militias, and the political class. That chases people looking for a "normal" life out... and they come here. Our DRUG WAR DRIVES IMMIGRATION FROM THE SOUTH. PERIOD. If you do not understand that and you are for Trump and against legalizing, you are a SUB HUMAN. You support that which you claim you oppose...

Dr. Sanjay Gupta was originally a parrot of the NYT's fearmongering bullshit about weed, really a re-hash of the "Reefer Madness" propaganda that drove making weed illegal initially. The NYT, of course, is a left wing supporter of having lawyers in every aspect of daily life. Drink too much soda = sue the restaurant. Dr. Gupta was enough of a class act to actually do his own research and realize the truth, that the NYT is completely disinterested in TRUTH and only interested in PROMOTING THE CAUSES OF THEIR OWN. Weed does not make people violent. It takes a tremendous amount to "impair." It has real and natural health benefits.

There really is no way to argue against legalizing today. There are fearmongering lies from left wing sources with dubious relationships with TRUTH.

and then there are ISRAEL's puppets in the pulpits on Sundays, saying exactly what the hand that feeds them wants = to enrich and empower JEWISH attorneys.... by spreading factless fear to sub humans who never question it...

More jobs and money sent to other countries
I have a friend that is a very staunch Conservative and a former drug task force officer. He gave me a surprising look at his opinion on the drug problem in America. He thinks the government should immediately legalize ALL forms of drugs... and simply let the druggies kill themselves off through Darwarnism and use the money saved from enforcing those laws and keeping so many non-violent offenders in jail towards more important issues.

That would almost eliminate the deficit singlehandedly. I am a "naturalist," don't think humans were biologically engineered to consume pills cooked up in a lab. That would also put all drug gangs out of business immediately.

The "druggies" as you put it vary considerably. Lawrence Taylor was the greatest football defender of all time, and cocaine did not stop that. When you are as good in your profession as LT was in his, then I'll listen to you....

If LT hadn't been rich he would have probably been sucking dick to buy crack and ended up dead.
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If LT hadn't been rich he would have probably been sucking dick to buy crack and ended up dead.


Believe it or not, but NFL players experience pain. Brett Favre got addicted to Oxy. Did you hate him for that, or just LT for coke for THE SAME THING???
I have a friend that is a very staunch Conservative and a former drug task force officer. He gave me a surprising look at his opinion on the drug problem in America. He thinks the government should immediately legalize ALL forms of drugs... and simply let the druggies kill themselves off through Darwarnism and use the money saved from enforcing those laws and keeping so many non-violent offenders in jail towards more important issues.

I would be for get one freebee...after that we let you od......and we remove stupidity

Other than that it should be illegal.
If LT hadn't been rich he would have probably been sucking dick to buy crack and ended up dead.


Believe it or not, but NFL players experience pain. Brett Favre got addicted to Oxy. Did you hate him for that, or just LT for coke for THE SAME THING???

Yeah I'm not a fan, but one difference is oxygen is used for pain...where coke is.purely recreational. Robin Williams said coke is God's answer to rich people
If LT hadn't been rich he would have probably been sucking dick to buy crack and ended up dead.


Believe it or not, but NFL players experience pain. Brett Favre got addicted to Oxy. Did you hate him for that, or just LT for coke for THE SAME THING???

Yeah, BUT Favre wouldn't have been in so much pain if he hadn't been an NFL QB.

BTW I wasn't trying to judge, but just to say that let people do their own thing and if they kill themselves because of their irresponsible self-harming actions, then so what?
Oh, so LT did not experience pain playing NFL ball????


YOU SAY coke does nothing for pain. LT says differently. I suspect your credibility on that subject is .... that you have never done coke, and hence are PARROTING someone obsessed with protecting the legal profession's profits over the well being of the United States = your preacher most likely.
BTW I wasn't trying to judge, but just to say that let people do their own thing and if they kill themselves because of their irresponsible self-harming actions, then so what?

That's fine.

I suspect you are really just a hatemonger who just hates the thought of someone else enjoying a joint....
If LT hadn't been rich he would have probably been sucking dick to buy crack and ended up dead.


Believe it or not, but NFL players experience pain. Brett Favre got addicted to Oxy. Did you hate him for that, or just LT for coke for THE SAME THING???

Yeah I'm not a fan, but one difference is oxygen is used for pain...where coke is.purely recreational. Robin Williams said coke is God's answer to rich people

Oxygen? damn I'm addicted to that stuff too!
If LT hadn't been rich he would have probably been sucking dick to buy crack and ended up dead.


Believe it or not, but NFL players experience pain. Brett Favre got addicted to Oxy. Did you hate him for that, or just LT for coke for THE SAME THING???

Yeah I'm not a fan, but one difference is oxygen is used for pain...where coke is.purely recreational. Robin Williams said coke is God's answer to rich people

Oxygen? damn I'm addicted to that stuff too!

What Rush Limbaugh got hooked on, and wanted himself in jail, until he decided he didn't, but he wants everyone else in jail who does the same thing with whatever...
buckeye, do you hate recreational marijuana users?

I know plenty...I just hate their obsession with it...its very annoying. Yes I know everything mademoiselle hemp and Washington grew it ect ect.
I just don't like mind altering substances.. I do drink, but if you banned alcohol I'd be OK with it....too many dope heads are zombies for my taste

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