The Origin of the “N-Word”

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
His name was Robert E. (Edgar) Lee. He fought the righteous fight during the war between the beautifully lush south, where all the southern belles are cute virgins and the fields thrive with abundance, and the north, a dark industrialized nightmare where the women are disease ridden whores and the peasants will cut your throat. Yessir, old Lee fought the good fight.

After the war ended, Lee became the mayor of a beautiful little town in the Deep South called “White”. One day, while leaned back in his chair in his office at City Hall, smoking a Habana and sipping on some fine sipping whiskey, the City Counsel president knocked on his door. He was looking to meet with Robert Lee about the goings on in White

The counsel president’s name was Thomas C. Beauregard III, from the North Shore Beauregards back east. He and Lee go way back. In fact, there’s talk about the two of them possibly being technically related on account of a family gathering that degraded into a wild orgy down on Robert Lee’s plantation in Columbus. But I digress.

The conversation began. Old General Lee leaned back in his creaking old chair from England and said, “Well, sir, I got to tell you, it is an absolute privilege to be the mayor of White!” Tom concurred, saying “Yessir, Bob. We got us a beautiful town here. Everybody loves it. Heck, White Pride is in the air!”

Lee continued, “Yessir. There’s a chicken in every pot, a roof over every head, and a cock in every twat. We sure do have it good here.” The continued praise of their little White paradise shook Tom. He knew he had to bring something troubling to Lee’s attention. He sighed, then started telling Lee.

Tom said, “General, I know you heard the talk about freeing the negroes.” Lee waived his hand dismissively, adding “poppycock!” Tom continued, “Sir, the calls are getting louder and more frequent. How long do you think we can keep them in the dark about Lincoln’s Proclamation? They are already suspecting that something is amiss.”

Lee shook his head. “Those damned old yankees. They are a bunch of no good, dog-fucking pencil dicks. They are the ones responsible, sending those no-good carpetbaggers down here to spy on us. They are the ones stirring the negro mind.”

Tom replied, “Be that as it may, sir, we need to do something. Many on the Counsel fear an uprising. We must act, and soon. I have drawn up 2 plans for us to consider, if you would like, General.”

“Of course!! Of course!!! Let’s see what you got, friend”, said Lee. Tom told Lee that Plan 1 was to gather up all the negroes and expedite their journey into the next world, so to speak. Robert E. Lee responded, “But who will tend to my crops? And what about my Saturday night Mandingo fighting in my parlor?!?”

Tom’s Plan Two was to come clean and tell all the negroes they are free. Since they have nothing, they could force them into low-paying jobs in the fields. Essentially, they thought it may end up being pretty close to the status quo.

And that is exactly what they did. But it did not turn out exactly like Bob and Tom thought. See, the negroes starting demanding rights just like those the white people have. Frankly, it became a real hassle for Lee. Agitated, Lee summoned Tom to discuss this matter.

The two men convened a meeting at the local whore house, “The White Pussy Hole”. Old Lee had an Asian chick, while Tom had a black lass. Both men were banging their chicks doggy style next to each other on a bed. During the humping they managed to conduct their meeting.

“Well sir, I am telling you that I just can’t stand it. The negroes are constantly wanting this and that and the other thing. I am thinking about resignation, I am”, said Robert E. Lee. Tom concurred, “It is the same at my office. I am being inundated with requests for this and that from the freed slave people. It takes all of my time.”

Lee continued, “I mean if … OH YEAH, BABY!!! YA’LL GOT A TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY, DON’T YA? YEAH!! … I mean, Ask me once, you know?!? I will get to it, eventually. It’s like dealing with women. They just nag, nag, nag!”

Again, Tom concurred, saying, “You are spot on, General, spot on! Those negroes … all they do is nag. They are a bunch a naggers, I tell you. And another thing is ….. OHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!! I’M GONNA COME!!! I AM GONNA COME ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!!!!! … “

From that point on both Lee and Tom referred to the freemen as “naggers”, because of their tendency to nag. The term caught on quickly. By the next summer there were signs up all over town saying “NO NAGGERS ALLOWED!!” and “IF YOU IS A NAGGER THEN DON’T BE CAUGHT HERE AFTER SUNSET.”

The fact was that nobody wanted to be nagged. In the evening a man sometimes wanted to go to a tavern, tie one on, and get a hand job out back. Or maybe a gentleman wanted to take his lady to dinner. They want to relax and have peace of mind. They did not want to hear all the nagging.

Of course, folks in the south spoke a certain way. For example, if a freed man walked into your store and started haggling over the price of something, you would pull out your shotgun, point at him, and say “GET OUT OF MY STORE, YA DIRTY NAGGER!!!” To some outside of the south this may sound like igg*; in other words, replace the “A” with “I”.

You see, it was just a big misunderstanding. They nag, so we call them naggers. It was the yankees and naggers that made up the “N-word” nonsense. It’s not real. It never happened. We were talking about naggers. There can be white naggers too. The term has nothing to do with skin color.
Niger-Niger means not just black in Latin, but any dark color. It could potentially refer to wide variety of complexions. For example, Spaniards may have been considered "dark" to Romans in the early republic when surnames were being invented.
His name was Robert E. (Edgar) Lee. He fought the righteous fight during the war between the beautifully lush south, where all the southern belles are cute virgins and the fields thrive with abundance, and the north, a dark industrialized nightmare where the women are disease ridden whores and the peasants will cut your throat. Yessir, old Lee fought the good fight.

After the war ended, Lee became the mayor of a beautiful little town in the Deep South called “White”. One day, while leaned back in his chair in his office at City Hall, smoking a Habana and sipping on some fine sipping whiskey, the City Counsel president knocked on his door. He was looking to meet with Robert Lee about the goings on in White

The counsel president’s name was Thomas C. Beauregard III, from the North Shore Beauregards back east. He and Lee go way back. In fact, there’s talk about the two of them possibly being technically related on account of a family gathering that degraded into a wild orgy down on Robert Lee’s plantation in Columbus. But I digress.

The conversation began. Old General Lee leaned back in his creaking old chair from England and said, “Well, sir, I got to tell you, it is an absolute privilege to be the mayor of White!” Tom concurred, saying “Yessir, Bob. We got us a beautiful town here. Everybody loves it. Heck, White Pride is in the air!”

Lee continued, “Yessir. There’s a chicken in every pot, a roof over every head, and a cock in every twat. We sure do have it good here.” The continued praise of their little White paradise shook Tom. He knew he had to bring something troubling to Lee’s attention. He sighed, then started telling Lee.

Tom said, “General, I know you heard the talk about freeing the negroes.” Lee waived his hand dismissively, adding “poppycock!” Tom continued, “Sir, the calls are getting louder and more frequent. How long do you think we can keep them in the dark about Lincoln’s Proclamation? They are already suspecting that something is amiss.”

Lee shook his head. “Those damned old yankees. They are a bunch of no good, dog-fucking pencil dicks. They are the ones responsible, sending those no-good carpetbaggers down here to spy on us. They are the ones stirring the negro mind.”

Tom replied, “Be that as it may, sir, we need to do something. Many on the Counsel fear an uprising. We must act, and soon. I have drawn up 2 plans for us to consider, if you would like, General.”

“Of course!! Of course!!! Let’s see what you got, friend”, said Lee. Tom told Lee that Plan 1 was to gather up all the negroes and expedite their journey into the next world, so to speak. Robert E. Lee responded, “But who will tend to my crops? And what about my Saturday night Mandingo fighting in my parlor?!?”

Tom’s Plan Two was to come clean and tell all the negroes they are free. Since they have nothing, they could force them into low-paying jobs in the fields. Essentially, they thought it may end up being pretty close to the status quo.

And that is exactly what they did. But it did not turn out exactly like Bob and Tom thought. See, the negroes starting demanding rights just like those the white people have. Frankly, it became a real hassle for Lee. Agitated, Lee summoned Tom to discuss this matter.

The two men convened a meeting at the local whore house, “The White Pussy Hole”. Old Lee had an Asian chick, while Tom had a black lass. Both men were banging their chicks doggy style next to each other on a bed. During the humping they managed to conduct their meeting.

“Well sir, I am telling you that I just can’t stand it. The negroes are constantly wanting this and that and the other thing. I am thinking about resignation, I am”, said Robert E. Lee. Tom concurred, “It is the same at my office. I am being inundated with requests for this and that from the freed slave people. It takes all of my time.”

Lee continued, “I mean if … OH YEAH, BABY!!! YA’LL GOT A TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY, DON’T YA? YEAH!! … I mean, Ask me once, you know?!? I will get to it, eventually. It’s like dealing with women. They just nag, nag, nag!”

Again, Tom concurred, saying, “You are spot on, General, spot on! Those negroes … all they do is nag. They are a bunch a naggers, I tell you. And another thing is ….. OHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!! I’M GONNA COME!!! I AM GONNA COME ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!!!!! … “

From that point on both Lee and Tom referred to the freemen as “naggers”, because of their tendency to nag. The term caught on quickly. By the next summer there were signs up all over town saying “NO NAGGERS ALLOWED!!” and “IF YOU IS A NAGGER THEN DON’T BE CAUGHT HERE AFTER SUNSET.”

The fact was that nobody wanted to be nagged. In the evening a man sometimes wanted to go to a tavern, tie one on, and get a hand job out back. Or maybe a gentleman wanted to take his lady to dinner. They want to relax and have peace of mind. They did not want to hear all the nagging.

Of course, folks in the south spoke a certain way. For example, if a freed man walked into your store and started haggling over the price of something, you would pull out your shotgun, point at him, and say “GET OUT OF MY STORE, YA DIRTY NAGGER!!!” To some outside of the south this may sound like igg*; in other words, replace the “A” with “I”.

You see, it was just a big misunderstanding. They nag, so we call them naggers. It was the yankees and naggers that made up the “N-word” nonsense. It’s not real. It never happened. We were talking about naggers. There can be white naggers too. The term has nothing to do with skin color.

I'm sure you thought that was a cute story. Goofy would be a better descriptor.
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Niger-Niger means not just black in Latin, but any dark color. It could potentially refer to wide variety of complexions. For example, Spaniards may have been considered "dark" to Romans in the early republic when surnames were being invented.
Is it transitory, for lack of a better term? If I get a really nice tan on vacation will I become an N-, then at some point lose said designation once I am white again? Or, are we talking permanence of dark skin? And how would one even know if we do not connect certain features to skin color, for example: large nostrils, large lids, an extra bone, bad credit, etc... I think these terms should encompass not just one physical occurrence, but also related traits and culture. I mean, I never considered Saddam Hussein as a N-. He was a murderous, soulless prick. But an N-? No. He is a far cry from, say, North African blacks. He is even farther removed from sub-Saharan blacks (i.e., negroids).

There is a lot to racial analysis. I consider myself to be an expert on assessing racial issues. For example, did you know that the sub-Saharan negroid black has larger nostrils than other dark skinned specimens because it enables them to more efficiently intake oxygen? This is an evolutionary adaptation whereby only those who can run the fastest can escape deadly predators like lions and rhinos. In order to run fast, you must be able to intake a lot of oxygen quickly and efficiently. If not, then you are more likely to be slow and, thereby, become dinner.

This nostril adaptation also relates to the sub-Saharan negroid's fear of water and poor swimmng skills. Because of the size of the nostril, when they are in the water they also can take in water more quickly and efficiently than individuals without said adaptation. You can throw a white man, for example, into the deep end of a pool and he will buoy himself and swim out. But do this to a sub-Saharan negroid specimen and he will drown, because after only a couple of nasal inhalations his entire lung capacity is deluged with water. The water weight will cause him or her to sink like a stone.

This is a fascinating field. I won't get into it all right now. But just to give the reader a little more of a taste, do you know why the sub-Saharan negroid male has such a long and girthy penis? It's because he sometimes confuses large, ugly mammals with the women of his species. He may be in a mating frenzy and, say, accidentally mate with a hyena. This is a dangerous thing. Therefore, he has adapted to have a large wang so that instead of pissing off a wild animal in an attempt to mate with it, he can actually pleasure it. This way he can go from encounter to encounter without getting himself killed so that he can eventually impregnate one of his own. Amazing!
I'm pretty sure that since a majority of blacks were rooted in Nigeria where the black-oil polluted Niger River flows, the name most likely comes from the land's name. On years when nature releases black oil, the river becomes as black as night. It's a reference point for the origin of the N-word, imho. In the deep south, it became a negative reference due to its loss of war between the states and Yankee spies making sure that black people were treated with a more humanitarian way than when they were slaves, but are now and always will be equals in every way in the near future. Another issue that went on for 90 years following the conclusion of the war between the states, was equality in school excellence. Black schools post WWII angered President Ike Eisenhower, who was the Commanding General in the fall of Nazi Germany, and he saw very, very brave black men defending America's trade waters and Europe in general from a heinous Nazi rule due to their fierceness on the battlefield, and blacks were some of the bravest soldiers in unselfish valor that took many of their lives, but turned the tide in favor of our Allies. So when he got home, he ran for and won the Presidency due to his successful gift of winning to the Allied Forces who were being deprived of their human rights by Nazi overlords as the Nazis pushed their way through Europe promising to kill off the Hebrew people who were famous for providing honesty in the banking quarter. Eisenhower came home with fire in his belly to make America livable for all, regardless of race, creed, or color. God never blessed America better post WWII. in my humble opinion. I grew up in those years in a frequently-recruited military family whose father said yes every time the government needed him to move half way across the nation. When I was quite young, my mother reminded me that we had lived in 16 different states, and after that, we took 2 more out-of-Texas tours to Ft. Richardson Alaska, and Cucamonga, California. After WWII there was a massive push to avoid communism from coming into this country, and in 1954, Congress passed the Anti-communist Law of 1954. In the same year, equal education became a national focal point in Little Rock, Arkansas to open white schools to blacks, who were being shortchanged intellectually in poorly funded education establishments that insured blacks would not ever be equal intellectually to whites, who had well-funded schools.

I think this last decade has answered Martin Luther King's goal of equality as registered in his epic speech, "I had a dream," in which he portrayed America once again as a land of brotherly love...regardless of race, creed, or color. I watched his speech on tv in a home that was lucky enough to have a television set and the best math teacher in Texas whose math team won the Interscholastic League Math blue ribbons without fail.

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