The opposite of DENIALIST....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
A favorite tactic of lefty mind bullies is to use language tags to make one word statements. In the ongoing climate debate you're not allowed to have a different opinion so you immediately become a demonized carricature
Known as a denialist. This is a hoo-rah slogan bark shared like some kind of football huddle chant for the affirmationists!

Ahh! See what I just did there? Fighting fire with fire! Affirmationists are people who reinforce each other with group hive mind affirmations regardless of any other viewpoints. Not agreeing with the affirmationists will get you tagged as a denialist. From here on out simply refer back to the tag namer with a tag name just for them. Affirmationist!

A favorite tactic of lefty mind bullies is to use language tags to make one word statements. In the ongoing climate debate you're not allowed to have a different opinion so you immediately become a demonized carricature
Known as a denialist. This is a hoo-rah slogan bark shared like some kind of football huddle chant for the affirmationists!

Ahh! See what I just did there? Fighting fire with fire! Affirmationists are people who reinforce each other with group hive mind affirmations regardless of any other viewpoints. Not agreeing with the affirmationists will get you tagged as a denialist. From here on out simply refer back to the tag namer with a tag name just for them. Affirmationist!

Considering that there is no science behind anything except 1C per doubling of CO2, I wouldn't worry too much about them because when everything they believe comes crumbling down because of colder temperatures or unrealized warming, they will be the first to argue they were the denialists all along.

There's actual precedence for this as the Democratic Party argues they were never the party that expanded slavery and were violent racists for 150 years. They argue the parties switched. So expect another switch to occur when AGW collapses.
Considering that there is no science behind anything except 1C per doubling of CO2, I wouldn't worry too much about them because when everything they believe comes crumbling down because of colder temperatures or unrealized warming, they will be the first to argue they were the denialists all along.

There's actual precedence for this as the Democratic Party argues they were never the party that expanded slavery and were violent racists for 150 years. They argue the parties switched. So expect another switch to occur when AGW collapses.
Pragmatically speaking....they deserve it right back.
Convenience labels are for lower IQ individuals who have neither the time or skills to debate complex and nuanced matters .
Intelligent people knowingly use them occasionally for convenience and for time saving .

The strange idea of Climate Change should be debated and presented only by top specialists and experts wherever and whenever possible .
Using full data and not cherry picked -Fake and shoddy methods . As per IPCC and Crack here .
imho .
A favorite tactic of lefty mind bullies is to use language tags to make one word statements. In the ongoing climate debate you're not allowed to have a different opinion so you immediately become a demonized carricature
Known as a denialist. This is a hoo-rah slogan bark shared like some kind of football huddle chant for the affirmationists!

Ahh! See what I just did there? Fighting fire with fire! Affirmationists are people who reinforce each other with group hive mind affirmations regardless of any other viewpoints. Not agreeing with the affirmationists will get you tagged as a denialist. From here on out simply refer back to the tag namer with a tag name just for them. Affirmationist!

If you don't think both sides do this ... then you're not looking ... the only difference between us and Orwell's 1984 is there's two parties lying to us instead of one ...

Who ever pays Clarence Thomas the most gets their way ...
A favorite tactic of lefty mind bullies is to use language tags to make one word statements. In the ongoing climate debate you're not allowed to have a different opinion so you immediately become a demonized carricature
Known as a denialist. This is a hoo-rah slogan bark shared like some kind of football huddle chant for the affirmationists!

Ahh! See what I just did there? Fighting fire with fire! Affirmationists are people who reinforce each other with group hive mind affirmations regardless of any other viewpoints. Not agreeing with the affirmationists will get you tagged as a denialist. From here on out simply refer back to the tag namer with a tag name just for them. Affirmationist!


Mainly Alarmist.

Then there's the Climate Terrorist that promotes climate fear to extract tax dollars.

Then the climate Nazi that tries to control everyone to stop climate change.

Then the climate spactivist who spews bogus scientific facts to save the planet.

Then the ones that fall for the alarmists, climate terrorists, climate Nazi's, and the climate spactivists, are called climate cucks.

So it's quite a tricky question because there's so many manifestations of the climate alarmist, they keep evolving into bizarre sub groups.
Mainly Alarmist.

Then there's the Climate Terrorist that promotes climate fear to extract tax dollars.
What tax change has taken place to address climate issues
Then the climate Nazi that tries to control everyone to stop climate change.
Banning ICE cars and gas stoves. End of the fucking world.
Then the climate spactivist who spews bogus scientific facts to save the planet.
No such thing. Valid science supports AGW theory.
Then the ones that fall for the alarmists, climate terrorists, climate Nazi's, and the climate spactivists, are called climate cucks.
Responsible citizens.
So it's quite a tricky question because there's so many manifestations of the climate alarmist, they keep evolving into bizarre sub groups.
But only one variety of idiot denier.
that there is no science behind anything except 1C per doubling of CO2

Actually we have real data on that, two and only two measures of atmospheric temps...

, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

and hence, there is NO EVIDENCE that increasing atmospheric Co2 warms the atmosphere... except from FUDGING THE DATA.
What tax change has taken place to address climate issues

Banning ICE cars and gas stoves. End of the fucking world.

No such thing. Valid science supports AGW theory.

Responsible citizens.

But only one variety of idiot denier.
Two things, you have it mentally bad and you denied geology science. In England, we call 'em a fucking retard.
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Valid science supports AGW theory

Can you explain why there is ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska with "valid science"


Crock's definition of "valid science" =


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