The only legacy Obama will have is the biggest traitor ever to become POTUS.

This president is purely and simply a rank traitor to the republic. He vowed to transform our republic, and he has done so. This goal, which he put forward, begs the question: Do you seek to transform something — or someone — whom you love?

If so, then it is an issue of your ego and not one of service to that which you love.

This president, with the collusion of the Democratic Party, has Balkanized our republic and exacerbated every issue that seeks to divide us as a nation. He is by nature a tyrant determined to build up the Islamic presence in the republic, at the expense, philosophically and financially, of those people whose constitution he sneers at.

I have petitioned for his removal by impeachment for six years. As an American, I will not be ruled by decree.

he is a traitor with a secret agenda of destroying America.
God bless you. I called for his impeachment at 12:01 PM, January 20' 2009. It wasnt hard to foresee the absolute destruction of the American way of life he would bring. Now we face the possibility of Evita Peron finishing the destruction of our freedoms.
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You far right contard nuts are entitled to your opinions but not your own facts.
Bingo, Jake......this lack of reality that these nuts seem to harvest, based on GOP bullshit and lies, seems to take on a life of its own, when you challenge these fools with actual facts....these people are simply too far gone to ration with, that's why I have of these nuts on ignore, I can't take their ignorance anymore.
Growth of GDP hasn't reached 3% in 8 years. 97 million out of work. 47 million on food stamps. 30% recitivism of released GITMO detainees.
10,000,000 private sector jobs
When he came to power we were losing 600 to 800 thousands jobs per month
Cut the unemployment
Cut gasoline prices in half
Record oil and natural gas production. We're now number one on this planet!

He didn't do anything anywhere close to treasonous.
Actually, the Islamists he is bringing in have, to a vast majority, indicated that it is their desire to live under Sharia Law in this nation. Their birthrate is double that of your average westerners and his protégé Clinton has claimed she will bring in hundreds of thousands more of them. Factor these things in and in a few generations, you can see where your descendants will be cursing you for not stopping their influx. With a regard to this situation, Obama is indeed a traitor. All those American soldiers who died fighting to preserve this nation, would have been appalled at what he is doing.
how many of these mentally ill and deslusional threads are you going to do?

Whole lot of crazy in that post.
Moorelloyd doing his part to lower the standards around here.
And a whole lot of history of naive TV watchers like yourself. Who cannot imagine anything happening different than what CBS is telling you.

Actually, the Islamists he is bringing in have, to a vast majority, indicated that it is their desire to live under Sharia Law in this nation.

No, they have not.

Their birthrate is double that of your average westerners

because birth control is not easily available to them...

...and his protégé Clinton has claimed she will bring in hundreds of thousands more of them.

Protégé??? lol

Factor these things in and in a few generations, you can see where your descendants will be cursing you for not stopping their influx. With a regard to this situation, Obama is indeed a traitor. All those American soldiers who died fighting to preserve this nation, would have been appalled at what he is doing.

No soldier died in order for this country to go all xenophobe.

Cute the way you try to be all subtle patriot-like.

Everyone knows about the Alt-Reich now.

All you "alt-right" claimers better get ready for federal prison. It's where they put traitors.
how many of these mentally ill and deslusional threads are you going to do?

Whole lot of crazy in that post.
Moorelloyd doing his part to lower the standards around here.
And a whole lot of history of naive TV watchers like yourself. Who cannot imagine anything happening different than what CBS is telling you.

Actually, the Islamists he is bringing in have, to a vast majority, indicated that it is their desire to live under Sharia Law in this nation.

No, they have not.

Their birthrate is double that of your average westerners

because birth control is not easily available to them...

...and his protégé Clinton has claimed she will bring in hundreds of thousands more of them.

Protégé??? lol

Factor these things in and in a few generations, you can see where your descendants will be cursing you for not stopping their influx. With a regard to this situation, Obama is indeed a traitor. All those American soldiers who died fighting to preserve this nation, would have been appalled at what he is doing.

No soldier died in order for this country to go all xenophobe.

Cute the way you try to be all subtle patriot-like.

Everyone knows about the Alt-Reich now.

All you "alt-right" claimers better get ready for federal prison. It's where they put traitors.
Your ignorance is showing, Grandma. Go to the Pew Polls and the Huffington Post.

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