The Obama legacy, thanks Drudge.


Carter holds the record for avg annual nominal employment growth, private payrolls expanded by more than 10% in 4 years.....during his term, the economy grew at an average real rate of 3.4%.....

The guy for whom you most recently cast 2 enthusiastic votes established the worst economic record of any POTUS going back to the Great Depression, displacing his father, who held that distinction before him....
no he doesn't.
Reagan and clinton both beat him, plus others
Ford invented the misery index but carter perfected it.
The economy also added jobs at a faster rate under Clinton than under any postwar president except Carter.

Presidents And Prosperity

Underlying data available on the page...

Any questions?

Thank you Ronald Reagan.

What does Reagan have to do with it?
youtube tina turner what love got to do with it - - Yahoo Search Results
What I think is that you use words of which you don't know the meaning.

You're talking to a bed wetting liberal.

Most of the time they really have no fuckin clue what they're talking about at all, they're just pasting shit from moonbat websites because they're programmed to believe these are cogent points but they obviously lack any critical thinking skills required for a follow up argument.
Carter holds the record for avg annual nominal employment growth, private payrolls expanded by more than 10% in 4 years.....during his term, the economy grew at an average real rate of 3.4%.....

The guy for whom you most recently cast 2 enthusiastic votes established the worst economic record of any POTUS going back to the Great Depression, displacing his father, who held that distinction before him....
no he doesn't.
Reagan and clinton both beat him, plus others
Ford invented the misery index but carter perfected it.
The economy also added jobs at a faster rate under Clinton than under any postwar president except Carter.

Presidents And Prosperity

Underlying data available on the page...

Any questions?

Thank you Ronald Reagan.

What does Reagan have to do with it?

If you were alive then I would not need to explain, but this article will do it for me.

The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy

I don't know who the f... Mr. Sperry is, but if you want to offer the opinion of some non-entity who popped up on a random google search, let me counter that with the judgement of the guy Reagan nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve...

In his autobiography, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (Penguin Press), Greenspan, 81, makes clear that his patron Ronald Reagan, who appointed him to head the U.S. central bank board in 1987, was a reckless steward of the nation's finances, eclipsed in economic irresponsibility by current president George W. Bush.

Clinton was in a fiscal bind when he came to power in 1993, and the record deficits of Reagan and George H.W. Bush put him there. "The hard truth was that Reagan had borrowed from Clinton, and Clinton was having to pay it back," Greenspan writes. "I was impressed that he did not seem to be trying to fudge reality to the extent politicians ordinarily do. He was forcing himself to live in the real world."

Greenspan is Clinton's unlikely defender
The Toronto Star ^ | September 18, 2007 | David Olive

Or you could just consider Sperry's claim that Reagan's fiscal policy was responsible by looking at the measurable results..

here are the deficit numbers

1981-09-30 -78968
1982-09-30 -127977
1983-09-30 -207802
1984-09-30 -185367
1985-09-30 -212308
1986-09-30 -221227
1987-09-30 -149730
1988-09-30 -155178
1989-09-30 -152639

here are the debt numbers

1981-10-01 1028729

1989-10-01 2952994

(for you home gamers, yes....that's a near TRIPLING of the debt in 8 years.....)

and if you prefer to be hung by the rope of Mr. Sperry's artless spinning


I expect that I will have to point out that the gap between the hashed red line and the black line represents the deficit.....and that a widening of that gap is NOT a good thing.....

5.7 million in 2008
Older Americans 2010: Key Indicators of Well-Being

47 million on welfare as of 2014..
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

So who does Obozo propose we get rid of to save money???


Start with Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles....

You gonna need a ride?

Unrepentant for what? Pissing you off? He should repent for doing something that is apparently so easy to do? Really? Are your feeling really that hurt that you need GWB to apologize?

How about the democrats apologizing for slavery or their stand on civil rights? Or the KKK or Jim Crow or pole taxes or segregation? When do you think they should repent of their sins?

What does "Unrepentant" qualify?

This is basic grammar, Free.....

Stick to mindlessly catapulting what Breibart tells you to think....

  1. showing no regret for one's wrongdoings.
    "he was unrepentant and said that his comments were completely accurate"
    synonyms: remorseless, unrepenting, impenitent, unashamed, shameless,unapologetic, unabashed
    "how can you expect to be forgiven if you're unrepentant?"
What I think is that you use words of which you don't know the meaning.

Clearly this has all shot way over your head....

The adjective qualifies "2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles", Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbecile......

That said, if you don't believe Scrub should repent for the damage he wrought then perhaps "Imbecile" is not sufficient to the task of describing your limitations.....
What I think is that you use words of which you don't know the meaning.

You're talking to a bed wetting liberal.

Most of the time they really have no fuckin clue what they're talking about at all, they're just pasting shit from moonbat websites because they're programmed to believe these are cogent points but they obviously lack any critical thinking skills required for a follow up argument.

Do you believe you are smarter than Freewill?
no he doesn't.
Reagan and clinton both beat him, plus others
Ford invented the misery index but carter perfected it.
The economy also added jobs at a faster rate under Clinton than under any postwar president except Carter.

Presidents And Prosperity

Underlying data available on the page...

Any questions?

Thank you Ronald Reagan.

What does Reagan have to do with it?

If you were alive then I would not need to explain, but this article will do it for me.

The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy

I don't know who the f... Mr. Sperry is, but if you want to offer the opinion of some non-entity who popped up on a random google search, let me counter that with the judgement of the guy Reagan nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve...

In his autobiography, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (Penguin Press), Greenspan, 81, makes clear that his patron Ronald Reagan, who appointed him to head the U.S. central bank board in 1987, was a reckless steward of the nation's finances, eclipsed in economic irresponsibility by current president George W. Bush.

Clinton was in a fiscal bind when he came to power in 1993, and the record deficits of Reagan and George H.W. Bush put him there. "The hard truth was that Reagan had borrowed from Clinton, and Clinton was having to pay it back," Greenspan writes. "I was impressed that he did not seem to be trying to fudge reality to the extent politicians ordinarily do. He was forcing himself to live in the real world."

Greenspan is Clinton's unlikely defender
The Toronto Star ^ | September 18, 2007 | David Olive

Or you could just consider Sperry's claim that Reagan's fiscal policy was responsible by looking at the measurable results..

here are the deficit numbers

1981-09-30 -78968
1982-09-30 -127977
1983-09-30 -207802
1984-09-30 -185367
1985-09-30 -212308
1986-09-30 -221227
1987-09-30 -149730
1988-09-30 -155178
1989-09-30 -152639

here are the debt numbers

1981-10-01 1028729

1989-10-01 2952994

(for you home gamers, yes....that's a near TRIPLING of the debt in 8 years.....)

and if you prefer to be hung by the rope of Mr. Sperry's artless spinning


I expect that I will have to point out that the gap between the hashed red line and the black line represents the deficit.....and that a widening of that gap is NOT a good thing.....

CBO: National Debt to Hit $19.1 Trillion Under Obama
The Congressional Budget Office is predicting that the national debt will rise by a bit more than half a trillion dollars for the next two years, which will leave the nation with a $19.1 trillion debt by the time President Barack Obama leaves office.

That would be close to a doubling of the debt under Obama — the total national debt was $10.6 trillion when he took office in 2009, and now sits at nearly $18.1 trillion.
The economy also added jobs at a faster rate under Clinton than under any postwar president except Carter.

Presidents And Prosperity

Underlying data available on the page...

Any questions?

Thank you Ronald Reagan.

What does Reagan have to do with it?

If you were alive then I would not need to explain, but this article will do it for me.

The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy

I don't know who the f... Mr. Sperry is, but if you want to offer the opinion of some non-entity who popped up on a random google search, let me counter that with the judgement of the guy Reagan nominated as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve...

In his autobiography, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (Penguin Press), Greenspan, 81, makes clear that his patron Ronald Reagan, who appointed him to head the U.S. central bank board in 1987, was a reckless steward of the nation's finances, eclipsed in economic irresponsibility by current president George W. Bush.

Clinton was in a fiscal bind when he came to power in 1993, and the record deficits of Reagan and George H.W. Bush put him there. "The hard truth was that Reagan had borrowed from Clinton, and Clinton was having to pay it back," Greenspan writes. "I was impressed that he did not seem to be trying to fudge reality to the extent politicians ordinarily do. He was forcing himself to live in the real world."

Greenspan is Clinton's unlikely defender
The Toronto Star ^ | September 18, 2007 | David Olive

Or you could just consider Sperry's claim that Reagan's fiscal policy was responsible by looking at the measurable results..

here are the deficit numbers

1981-09-30 -78968
1982-09-30 -127977
1983-09-30 -207802
1984-09-30 -185367
1985-09-30 -212308
1986-09-30 -221227
1987-09-30 -149730
1988-09-30 -155178
1989-09-30 -152639

here are the debt numbers

1981-10-01 1028729

1989-10-01 2952994

(for you home gamers, yes....that's a near TRIPLING of the debt in 8 years.....)

and if you prefer to be hung by the rope of Mr. Sperry's artless spinning


I expect that I will have to point out that the gap between the hashed red line and the black line represents the deficit.....and that a widening of that gap is NOT a good thing.....

CBO: National Debt to Hit $19.1 Trillion Under Obama
The Congressional Budget Office is predicting that the national debt will rise by a bit more than half a trillion dollars for the next two years, which will leave the nation with a $19.1 trillion debt by the time President Barack Obama leaves office.

That would be close to a doubling of the debt under Obama — the total national debt was $10.6 trillion when he took office in 2009, and now sits at nearly $18.1 trillion.

You idiots never seem to remember that the last fiscal year under Scrub ended on Sept 30, which time the federal debt was 11.9 trillion.....

And until you can marshal the wits to grasp the concept of "Structural deficits", I advise you to leave this discussion to the grown ups......

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