"The Notion of Sarah Palin Being President

Bull shit!! once again you think your opinion is fact,its just your opinion nothing more nothing less.

There are plenty that feel the same about Obama as you do about Palin still all opinions.One thing about Obama,we have a record to look at,The total speculation about Palin is just that speculation.

an opinion is valid if it is based on the evidence which exists. as opposed to *your* uninformed opinion which seems only to require that you keep repeating that what i say isn't true.

thanks, palinista. poor dear. i'm starting to feel sorry for you, chicken nugget.

oh... and i voted for hillary in the primary. the president was just better than the idiot your party put on the national stage. *shrug*

*edit* i also think anyone who thinks there are "pro america parts of the country" doesn't deserve to be anywhere near government.

Sarah Palin has become a very emotional issue for a lot of people and the fact that she is not very smart is lost on those who are not very smart themselves... bwgd?

As far as the OP, I agree... I have been praying for Mitt to make a wise choice...praying that he doesn't pull a McCain and choose someone who solidifies the base but loses the rational middle. He needs to choose someone that people wouldn't be afraid to see a heartbeat away...

i'm not quite sure why other than they thing she "annoys liberals". apparently that's their only criteria.

i think romney will, assuming he gets the nod, pick someone who can bring in the bass. i just hop he does so more intellgently.
an opinion is valid if it is based on the evidence which exists. as opposed to *your* uninformed opinion which seems only to require that you keep repeating that what i say isn't true.

thanks, palinista. poor dear. i'm starting to feel sorry for you, chicken nugget.

oh... and i voted for hillary in the primary. the president was just better than the idiot your party put on the national stage. *shrug*

*edit* i also think anyone who thinks there are "pro america parts of the country" doesn't deserve to be anywhere near government.

Sarah Palin has become a very emotional issue for a lot of people and the fact that she is not very smart is lost on those who are not very smart themselves... bwgd?

As far as the OP, I agree... I have been praying for Mitt to make a wise choice...praying that he doesn't pull a McCain and choose someone who solidifies the base but loses the rational middle. He needs to choose someone that people wouldn't be afraid to see a heartbeat away...

i'm not quite sure why other than they thing she "annoys liberals". apparently that's their only criteria.

i think romney will, assuming he gets the nod, pick someone who can bring in the bass. i just hop he does so more intellgently.

Maybe even this guy, ay?

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Romney is going to have the same problem McCain had.

When the establishment is done shoving him down the throats of a GOP Rank and File that don't want him, he's going to have to kind of throw them a bone.

McCain's problem was never Palin. McCain's problem was McCain. He was the comprimise candidate because Romney was unacceptable to the Christian Right and Huckabee was unacceptable to the Wallstreet Bloodsuckers. But no one was ever thrilled with him.

Romney's problem is Romney. A large part of the GOP simply doesn't want the guy. And no pick for veep is going to put lipstick on that pig.
Your post is 100% correct. I personally believe from all that I have read that we will see a brokered convention and Palin will enter. There is a strong grass roots movement that the media isn't reporting that wants her to enter the race. I think she could whip Romney and Santorum and persuade their delegates to come to her. Romney just doesn't have that charisma that she has and he damn never talks patriotic love for country like she does that I have noticed lately. Her son reenlisting for the military is a plus to.
Poor Sarah will NEVER run for office again.

she got the book deal she wanted.....and the attention for further money making deals......and the Democrats are responsible for much of her success....
However, when Mitt took over as governor in Massachusetts, he balanced a budget that was headed for a $3 billion dollar deficit which is huge for a small state. He did raise corporate taxes a bit as they were very low and dramatically raised a lot of state usage fees which most conservatives don't have a problem with wihile lowering some other taxes though probably not as much as he suggests. But through a combination of raising taxes, eliminating waste, and spending cuts, he balanced that budget.

The only fly in that ointment that I can see is Romneycare which has not delivered as promised as large one-size-fits-all programs like that almost never do. But he has pledged on his honor not to impose anything similar on the USA and will do what he can as President to roll back what has already been done.

Big spender? I'm not seeing it.

The whole "Romney balanced the budget" thing is a fallacy.

First, you have to put it in the context of the time. In 2003, when he became governor, the country was coming out of the recession. Which means overall expendatures on unemployment and medicaid were going down as people went back to work.

Second, all the tough choices on tax cuts had been made by his predecessors (all Republicans) who did sign on to the tax increases that were needed.

And pledged on his honor? Really? The guy has no honor. The man was touting RomneyCare as a model for the country as late as 2009. Only after Obama actually did that has he come out against his own plan.
Sarah Palin has become a very emotional issue for a lot of people and the fact that she is not very smart is lost on those who are not very smart themselves... bwgd?

As far as the OP, I agree... I have been praying for Mitt to make a wise choice...praying that he doesn't pull a McCain and choose someone who solidifies the base but loses the rational middle. He needs to choose someone that people wouldn't be afraid to see a heartbeat away...

i'm not quite sure why other than they thing she "annoys liberals". apparently that's their only criteria.

i think romney will, assuming he gets the nod, pick someone who can bring in the bass. i just hop he does so more intellgently.

Maybe even this guy, ay?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdqje73KQwg]Jaco Pastorius - Donna Lee - YouTube[/ame]


a little bass at the party is a good thing. :rofl:
Sarah Palin has become a very emotional issue for a lot of people and the fact that she is not very smart is lost on those who are not very smart themselves... bwgd?

As far as the OP, I agree... I have been praying for Mitt to make a wise choice...praying that he doesn't pull a McCain and choose someone who solidifies the base but loses the rational middle. He needs to choose someone that people wouldn't be afraid to see a heartbeat away...

i'm not quite sure why other than they thing she "annoys liberals". apparently that's their only criteria.

i think romney will, assuming he gets the nod, pick someone who can bring in the bass. i just hop he does so more intellgently.

Maybe even this guy, ay?

Jaco's brother Rory used to do my taxes.

True story!
However, when Mitt took over as governor in Massachusetts, he balanced a budget that was headed for a $3 billion dollar deficit which is huge for a small state. He did raise corporate taxes a bit as they were very low and dramatically raised a lot of state usage fees which most conservatives don't have a problem with wihile lowering some other taxes though probably not as much as he suggests. But through a combination of raising taxes, eliminating waste, and spending cuts, he balanced that budget.

The only fly in that ointment that I can see is Romneycare which has not delivered as promised as large one-size-fits-all programs like that almost never do. But he has pledged on his honor not to impose anything similar on the USA and will do what he can as President to roll back what has already been done.

Big spender? I'm not seeing it.

The whole "Romney balanced the budget" thing is a fallacy.

First, you have to put it in the context of the time. In 2003, when he became governor, the country was coming out of the recession. Which means overall expendatures on unemployment and medicaid were going down as people went back to work.

Second, all the tough choices on tax cuts had been made by his predecessors (all Republicans) who did sign on to the tax increases that were needed.

And pledged on his honor? Really? The guy has no honor. The man was touting RomneyCare as a model for the country as late as 2009. Only after Obama actually did that has he come out against his own plan.

Was he? Or has he just been accused of doing that? And putting this under the cold bright light of brutal honesty, if he was a Democrat who had been elected governor of a state facing a $3 billion dollar deficit and steered it back to a balanced budget, you would not be applauding that regardless of the general economy? Really?

Don't get me wrong. I am not a Romney supporter per se so I am not campaiigning for him to be the nominee. But at some time we have to stop demonizing people and making enemies of them based on ideology rather than analyzing who has the moral fiber and credentials and vision to to do the job.

No honor?

Romney so far has been scandal free, has many friends, none of whom question his integrity, he is pretty much an open book as to his life, background, beliefs, and track record. He has demonstrated competent leadership in his church, pulled trouble busionesses back on track, successfully provided executive leadership over a state, rescued the Olympics that were in a sad state, and from all appearances is a successful husband and father beloved by his family. He has more money than he can spend in a lifetime so he likely isn't running for high office for personal gain--bragging rights maybe but not for material interests. (He inherited a lot of money from his father and gave it all away because he didn't need it.)

Is Romney a Saint? No. Who is? Are there things in his history to raise eyebrows and at least question? Of course there are. Nobody gets to his level of national prominance without a few warts and potholes along the way.

But compared to the current occupant of the White House, Romney is an open book and its all laid out there for everybody to see and make up their own mind.

Actually that is what I like about Sarah Palin. No secrets or skeletens in her closet either, at least that are of any consequence. She seems to have lived a pretty normal life and done very very well with what she had. She is her own person and considering the really cruel and hateful treatment of her by the Left on the national scene, she remains unbowed and unapologetic. I like her. Presidential material? I don't know. But she could not possibly have done a worse job than what we now have in the White House.
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