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Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The latest, cutting edge cop drama, Shades of Blue staring J Lo.

Let me lay out the plot of the premier episode for you.

A rookie cop – black of course – hears gunshots behind the closed door of a drug dealer's apartment and breaks the door down. He sees a gun and blows the purported dealer away. His senior partner, a Latino single mom, comes in to find the dealer wasn't holding a gun, he was hold a video game controller.

Now, what would you do? She, of course, does the right thing. She finds an automatic in a bag filled with cash (which mysteriously disappears) and drugs. She puts a bullet through the door and another into the rookie cop's bullet-proof vest. Perfect! It'll be ruled a good shoot by IA.

And, there is, of course, the wise old – white – lieutenant who we learn is actually running a group of cops who are shaking down the Edge of the Law businesses in their precinct area. All to reduce crime and make it safer for the upstanding citizens.

Are you getting the gist of this? Dirty cops killing innocent civilians.

We get to see J Lo's gifted, musician daughter (no word why she couldn't keep her thighs together to have her) that she goes over the edge to provide for. In fact, all of the sterling cops in this scenario are being forced into “shady” activities for a variety of “good” reasons.

Then, along come those dirty, nasty Feds to throw a monkey (not being racist am I?) wrench into the whole thing and take her down for trying to bribe a stand up citizen – who turns out to be an undercover Fed.

Okay, enough of this! I turned it off at this point and don't give a crap what the rest of the story line is.

We've got police officers being shot at and killed around this nation and the Progs and Anti-Police Scum in Hollyweird have to do yet another Dirty Cop show! Let's give the world another reason to put a target on the chest of the rest of the men and women out there doing their best to protect YOUR home and YOUR neighborhood.

Anyone else share my view of this piece of crap?
I find it hard to be sympathetic to a character who gets in the shit because he or she is a criminal and in this series the main character is a piece of shit dirty cop

Idgaf if she gets shot in the face

The latest, cutting edge cop drama, Shades of Blue staring J Lo.

Let me lay out the plot of the premier episode for you.

A rookie cop – black of course – hears gunshots behind the closed door of a drug dealer's apartment and breaks the door down. He sees a gun and blows the purported dealer away. His senior partner, a Latino single mom, comes in to find the dealer wasn't holding a gun, he was hold a video game controller.

Now, what would you do? She, of course, does the right thing. She finds an automatic in a bag filled with cash (which mysteriously disappears) and drugs. She puts a bullet through the door and another into the rookie cop's bullet-proof vest. Perfect! It'll be ruled a good shoot by IA.

And, there is, of course, the wise old – white – lieutenant who we learn is actually running a group of cops who are shaking down the Edge of the Law businesses in their precinct area. All to reduce crime and make it safer for the upstanding citizens.

Are you getting the gist of this? Dirty cops killing innocent civilians.

We get to see J Lo's gifted, musician daughter (no word why she couldn't keep her thighs together to have her) that she goes over the edge to provide for. In fact, all of the sterling cops in this scenario are being forced into “shady” activities for a variety of “good” reasons.

Then, along come those dirty, nasty Feds to throw a monkey (not being racist am I?) wrench into the whole thing and take her down for trying to bribe a stand up citizen – who turns out to be an undercover Fed.

Okay, enough of this! I turned it off at this point and don't give a crap what the rest of the story line is.

We've got police officers being shot at and killed around this nation and the Progs and Anti-Police Scum in Hollyweird have to do yet another Dirty Cop show! Let's give the world another reason to put a target on the chest of the rest of the men and women out there doing their best to protect YOUR home and YOUR neighborhood.

Anyone else share my view of this piece of crap?
They've been doing this for decades, but the liberals say it's not going on. This time it's dirty cops. Last year it was gay-marriage. If the Democrats find another issue they need addressing, they'll focus on that soon.
I dislike JLo intensely, so no..I didn't watch. And Ray Liotta is meh. In his younger years, he was ok. Now? No.

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