The New World: Capitalism/Magic (Dr. Acid)


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Sep 22, 2013
The New World refers to the Americas founded during the era of European exploration/colonization, but these days the concept/term 'New World' may also refer to an idealization of capitalism/commerce oriented global networking (on an achieved scale never before seen in human history) --- i.e., Wall Street, European Union, World Bank, OPEC, NATO, Facebook,, Planet Hollywood (etc.).

This 'New World' is semi-outstanding and semi-magical in the sense that it creates a lot of ambition-flowery (e.g., NASDAQ). That's why we see numerous images in movies, cartoons, comics, and magazines about outlandish/heroic characters (e.g., Voltron, Neo, Gordon Gekko, Vader, Lara Croft, etc.).

In this 'New World' (therefore), there seems to be a focus on coordinating great ambition with great leadership, an ideal voiced in the seminal urbanization/modernism work The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

So, how should we coordinate new age folklore with classical ideas about human dreams?

That's my main interest, and this yarn (most likely my final one) was inspired by Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (though it makes no explicit reference to evil robots).

{Max Sterling & Jane Royal --- sample characters from modernism Japanese anime}



A demonic siren from the underworld named Stania arose to modern-day America to bring omens about capitalism ambition and global corruption and terrorism. Stania was not the Whore of Babylon but rather a 'siren' from the dark side of the imagination. Stania wanted to create a metaphysical 'bifurcation' between governance and superstition. Would she succeed?


Americans were building great totems of global capitalism oriented ambition, such as IBM, NASDAQ, and Wal-Mart. The NSA (National Security Agency) established a special cyber-security division to oversee all Internet activity on American territory. American computer scientists and even Bill Gates of Microsoft considered building a 'governing' giant super-computer in an undisclosed underground 'lair' or fortress in the Grand Canyon.


As all this proceeded, Stania decided to 'recruit' a beautiful young Wiccan woman named Lark to serve as her 'messenger.' Lark was Muslim by birth but converted to Islam, which was odd/rare. Stania wanted Lark to disseminate a message about non-sexual seduction. Lark would not wear a veil like Muslim women but rather a majestic light-blue silk gown. Stania gave Lark a white bird to keep as her pet. Lark would help Stania deliver a modernism-relevant message about the 'metaphysics' of ambition rather than the 'trophies' of normal civilization aspirations such as DreamWorks film studio.


Americans were so mired in the 'aesthetics' of commerce and industry that the fashion world became a 'beacon' of capitalism-oriented intelligence and ambition. Fashion-designers such as Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, and Hugo Boss made fashion a thing of great 'plumage' to those who mindlessly 'worshiped' the halls of capitalism --- i.e., Wall Street, Rodeo Drive. Fashion models were seamstresses of this capitalism-flowery in this market-aestheticized 'New World.'


Anti-capitalism terrorists (e.g., ISIS, Cobra) were determined to condemn this modern culture of commercial aesthetics which they believed would create a capitalism avarice unlike the world had ever seen. Fundamentalists Muslims, devoted to principles of austerity and obedience, wanted to see women garbed in culturally-sanctified garments rather than fashion world dress or capitalism 'uniforms' such as airline stewardess fineries. These civilization critics preferred women ornamented in tradition rather than capitalism.


American druglords meanwhile created lavish palaces and apartments in South America and Miami and other cities in the Western world as monuments to 'successful' capitalism-exploitation. These 'dens' of luxury were like the new castles of mischief. Stania and Lark wanted to hype these crime-world palaces as achievements of 'mischief metaphysics.' Was this simply capitalism or dark magic? God sent his archangel Michael to portray a fictional capitalism-storyteller named 'Dr. Acid' who wrote about the moral consequences of 'Western indulgence.'


All kinds of modernism-symbolizing toymakers were busy designing intricate and fancy toys representative of this 'New World' commercial consciousness. These toys included Voltron mechanical lions, Lara Croft heroine archaeology video-games, and A.I. robot-warriors such as Soundwave --- an impressive weaponized evil 'deacon' who transformed into an espionage-geared cassette-stereo containing miniature war-robots who themselves transformed into tiny espionage-geared audio cassettes. Soundwave was a modernism toy illuminating the New World principles of networking-based engineering --- e.g., WikiLeaks. Michael, aka 'Dr. Acid', was obligated to deal with the anti-networking omens disseminated by the 'apocalyptic sirens' Stania and Lark. Soundwave was the new Iago.


As Michael expelled the spirit of Stania back into the underworld, Lark decided to retreat into a Wiccan haven deep in the heart of Europe somewhere. God had carried the day, and humanity was once again safe from the dark forces of morbid, ambition-blinded, imagination --- i.e., Enron. The movie-star Leo DiCaprio made the symbolic film The Wolf of Wall Street, which God praised as a 'totem' of modernism dialogue. Would capitalism ultimately become a tower of dreams?


GOD: Michael has expelled Stania...
SATAN: Yet, terrorism sentiments linger!
GOD: Capitalism is complex, which is why we need negotiators.
SATAN: Does the Trump Administration believe in negotiation?
GOD: Trump oversaw the valuable alliance between North and South Korea in 2017.
SATAN: Are you referring to the PyeongChang Olympics in South Korea?
GOD: Yes. If humans love toys such as Soundwave, they have to honor modern bureaucracy.
SATAN: Most Americans are capitalism dreamers, not scholars of Bartleby!
GOD: Bartleby is a literary avatar symbolizing bureaucracy meditation and is therefore normal.
SATAN: So the new burden falls on educators...
GOD: Educators and journalists!
SATAN: Perhaps is a great modern trophy.
GOD: I can agree with that...
SATAN: Are you a fan of Video-Man (Marvel Comics)?
GOD: I like modernism-paranoia 'villains' but I prefer DC Comics' the Riddler.
SATAN: Yes, the Riddler is a mind-trickster who represents modern intrigue.
GOD: Batman is the vigilante who deals appropriately with the eerie Riddler.
SATAN: Amidst all this intrigue, Batman also contends with the anarchic Harley Quinn.
GOD: Batman/Harley Quinn is to the 'New World' what Pat Garrett/Billy the Kid is to old-lore.
SATAN: Perhaps we can encourage more 'dream-controlled storytelling.'
GOD: Wasn't that the message of Dr. Acid?
SATAN: Let's hope so...



{Batman and Harley Quinn --- DC Comics}


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