The mystery of Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches dogs her campaign


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Hillary's campaign managers are saying voters aren't interested in the transcripts. I'm certainly interested. Are you?

The mystery of Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches dogs her campaign

Hillary Clinton told voters in the latest Democratic debate there's "hardly anything you don't know about me." Just minutes later, she got tangled in a question about a part of her resume that is an enduring mystery. In the 18 months before launching her second presidential bid, Clinton gave nearly 100 paid speeches at banks, trade associations, charitable groups and private corporations. The appearances netted her $21.7 million — and voters have very little information about what she was telling top corporations as she prepared for her 2016 campaign.
She could have recited the alphabet to them...they could care less what Hillary had to say about her "experience". The only interest was what she would do for them to increase their bottom line.
Hillary's campaign managers are saying voters aren't interested in the transcripts. I'm certainly interested. Are you?

The mystery of Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches dogs her campaign

Hillary Clinton told voters in the latest Democratic debate there's "hardly anything you don't know about me." Just minutes later, she got tangled in a question about a part of her resume that is an enduring mystery. In the 18 months before launching her second presidential bid, Clinton gave nearly 100 paid speeches at banks, trade associations, charitable groups and private corporations. The appearances netted her $21.7 million — and voters have very little information about what she was telling top corporations as she prepared for her 2016 campaign.

Very sensitive situation, and am very happy it was a Democrat (Bernie) who asked for them. Why? Because if you ask for something like that, you better damn well know that it is going to help, and not hurt you! The insinuation is---------> that if these transcripts were released, we would see something underhanded.

What if all you heard was Hillary (exaggeration) reciting "Mary had a little lamb!" Then nothing else you brought up would be believable. It would be considered more, "right wing conspiracy."

So, I hope Bernie keeps pushing it to get us off the hook. He will be doing us a favor of monumental proportions whilst it is looked into for future reference-)
If one wants to concentrate on Hillary's bribes, don't limit yourself to the US! Look what the Clinton Foundation received from foreign donors and investors while Secretary of State.
Confounding, I want to give you credit for finding this you tube of Hillary getting caught in lie after lie with clips to prove it. Thankyou!

In so many ways Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky is very much like the late W.C. Fields talking dog.

It is not that the purp spoke The Queen's English that was amazing....
It was that the animal talked at all!
getting some issues out of the way now will help her in the generals.

How ever, Hillary is not good at resolving issues.:confused:
She could have recited the alphabet to them...they could care less what Hillary had to say about her "experience". The only interest was what she would do for them to increase their bottom line.
They deregulated Wall Street during Senior Clinton. What else could they want?
getting some issues out of the way now will help her in the generals.

How ever, Hillary is not good at resolving issues.:confused:
getting some issues out of the way now will help her in the generals.

How ever, Hillary is not good at resolving issues.:confused:
She could have recited the alphabet to them...they could care less what Hillary had to say about her "experience". The only interest was what she would do for them to increase their bottom line.
They deregulated Wall Street during Senior Clinton. What else could they want?
any why wont the IRS audit Hillary? yet the IRS will have a cow if you owe them 3000.00.
She could have recited the alphabet to them...they could care less what Hillary had to say about her "experience". The only interest was what she would do for them to increase their bottom line.
They deregulated Wall Street during Senior Clinton. What else could they want?
any why wont the IRS audit Hillary? yet the IRS will have a cow if you owe them 3000.00.
there can only be so many people taking the fifth for the H bomb. she has as much chance getting an irs audit as i have getting a 501c while obamavich is occupying Washington.

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