The most snowfall EVAH!!!!!

All I know is water levels will be up on the Great Lakes again this year, which is a good thing. Now I just need it to warm up so I can get the damn boat in the water.
Lol....but most Americans are saying, "wtf....its almost May and we're still having to wear these nut sack warmers!"
Right. I remember when Americans realized they knew fuck all about scientific topics, and they should defer to the experts. Now every blog-educated numbnuts with WiFi thinks they have a valid opinion on science. Largely, thanks to places like this, where you can find 100 nodding g sycophants for any dumbass opinion you have

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
Lol....but most Americans are saying, "wtf....its almost May and we're still having to wear these nut sack warmers!"
Right. I remember when Americans realized they knew fuck all about scientific topics, and they should defer to the experts. Now every blog-educated numbnuts with WiFi thinks they have a valid opinion on science. Largely, thanks to places like this, where you can find 100 nodding g sycophants for any dumbass opinion you have

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
When will you ever stop publicly masturbating in an internet echo chamber and publish your AMAZING scientific discoveries?
In the history of Green bay

View attachment 188472
must be 1977 all over again

Haha... fake cover, you gullible fool...

Lol....but most Americans are saying, "wtf....its almost May and we're still having to wear these nut sack warmers!"
Right. I remember when Americans realized they knew fuck all about scientific topics, and they should defer to the experts. Now every blog-educated numbnuts with WiFi thinks they have a valid opinion on science. Largely, thanks to places like this, where you can find 100 nodding g sycophants for any dumbass opinion you have

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
When will you ever stop publicly masturbating in an internet echo chamber and publish your AMAZING scientific discoveries?

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
Lol....but most Americans are saying, "wtf....its almost May and we're still having to wear these nut sack warmers!"
Right. I remember when Americans realized they knew fuck all about scientific topics, and they should defer to the experts. Now every blog-educated numbnuts with WiFi thinks they have a valid opinion on science. Largely, thanks to places like this, where you can find 100 nodding g sycophants for any dumbass opinion you have

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
When will you ever stop publicly masturbating in an internet echo chamber and publish your AMAZING scientific discoveries?

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
To you? Probably never. Thanks for asking.

So...when is your next....err, I mean FIRST scientific research paper being published?

In the history of Green bay

View attachment 188472
must be 1977 all over again

Haha... fake cover, you gullible fool...

From your link:

"But as John Cook points out over at Skeptical Science, global cooling was much more an invention of the media than it was a real scientific concern. A survey of peer-reviewed scientific papers published between 1965 and 1979 shows that the large majority of research at the time predicted that the earth would warm as carbon-dioxide levels rose — as indeed it has. And some of those global-cooling projections were based on the idea that aerosol levels in the atmosphere — which are a product of air pollution from sources like coal burning and which contribute to cooling by deflecting sunlight in the atmosphere — would keep rising. But thanks to environmental legislation like the Clean Air Acts, global air-pollution levels — not including greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide — peaked in the 1970s and began declining."

No it was NOT a Media invention, since there were a lot of actual science papers published about the cooling.

Since 1979, almost all the warming occurred during El-Nino phases, thus CO2 has little effect.
Lol....but most Americans are saying, "wtf....its almost May and we're still having to wear these nut sack warmers!"
Right. I remember when Americans realized they knew fuck all about scientific topics, and they should defer to the experts. Now every blog-educated numbnuts with WiFi thinks they have a valid opinion on science. Largely, thanks to places like this, where you can find 100 nodding g sycophants for any dumbass opinion you have

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
When will you ever stop publicly masturbating in an internet echo chamber and publish your AMAZING scientific discoveries?

When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
To you? Probably never. Thanks for asking.

So...when is your next....err, I mean FIRST scientific research paper being published?


When will you ever make a cogent reply, without the name calling invectives?
No it was NOT a Media invention, since there were a lot of actual
No there were not. And there were clearly MANY more published about warming. So yes, the idea that the scientific community leaned to cooling was a media invention. And a short lived one at that. Only denier fools keep it alive.
No it was NOT a Media invention, since there were a lot of actual
No there were not. And there were clearly MANY more published about warming. So yes, the idea that the scientific community leaned to cooling was a media invention. And a short lived one at that. Only denier fools keep it alive.

Wow you are that snookered.

I will post a list of published papers soon, papers you amazingly never heard of.
No it was NOT a Media invention, since there were a lot of actual
No there were not. And there were clearly MANY more published about warming. So yes, the idea that the scientific community leaned to cooling was a media invention. And a short lived one at that. Only denier fools keep it alive.

You mean the denier fools..
...who are winning!!:cul2:
No it was NOT a Media invention, since there were a lot of actual
No there were not. And there were clearly MANY more published about warming. So yes, the idea that the scientific community leaned to cooling was a media invention. And a short lived one at that. Only denier fools keep it alive.

The Media in the 1960's to the late 1970's were basing their reports in two main areas.

1) There really was a COOLING trend from the 1940's to the 1970's, as talked about many times IN the Media. The Media often quoted scientists talking about something about the cooling effect on the planet. The CIA talked about it too.

2) There were at least 250 science papers published talking about the cooling trend and what the future portended.

Here are a few published science papers you never saw (I saw the Kukla paper in 1978)

Kukla, 1972 "Climatic changes result from variables in planetary orbits which modulate solar energy emission and change seasonal and latitudinal distribution of heat received by the Earth. Small insolation changes are multiplied by the albedo effect of the winter snow fields of the Northern Hemisphere, by ocean-atmosphere feedbacks, and, probably, by the stratospheric ozone layer. The role of volcanic explosions and other aperiodic phenomena is secondary. The immediate climate response to insolation trends permits astronomic dating of Pleistocene events. A new glacial insolation regime, expected to last 8000 years, began just recently. Mean global temperatures may eventually drop about 1oC in the next hundred years. A refinement of the Milankovitch theory in terms of the lunar orbit and more data on solar periodicities are needed for reliable long range predictions."


Ellsaesser , 1974 "Has man, through increasing emissions of particulates, changed the climate? It is estimated that man now contributes 13.6% of the 3.5 x 109 tons of primary and secondary particulates presently emitted to the atmosphere annually. … [W]hile an anthropogenic upward trend in airborne particulates existed in the past, it was halted and may even have been reversed over the past few decades. … The 1968 AAAS Symposium on Global Effects of Environmental Pollution initiated a flood of papers supporting monotonically if not exponentially increasing pollution. The particulate increases were usually cited as at least contributing to the post 1940 cooling and possibly capable of bringing on another ice age."


National Academy of Science, 1975 "A striking feature of the instrumental record is the behavior of temperature worldwide. As shown by Mitchell (1970), the average surface air temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880’s until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter. Starr and Oort (1973) have reported that, during the period 1958-1963, the hemisphere’s (mass-weighted) mean temperature decreased by about 0.6 °C. In that period the polar and subtropical arid regions experienced the greatest cooling. The cause of this variation is not known, although clearly this trend cannot continue indefinitely. … The well-documented warming trend of global climate beginning in the 1880’s and continuing until the 1940’s is a continuation of the warming trend that terminated the Little Ice Age. Since the 1940’s, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly halfway back to the 1880 levels.

There seems little doubt that the present period of unusual warmth will eventually give way to a time of colder climate, but there is no consensus with regard to either the magnitude or rapidity of the transition. The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future,although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next hundred years. … If the end of the interglacial is episodic in character, we are moving toward a rather sudden climatic change of unknown timing, although as each 100 years passes, we have perhaps a 5 percent greater chance of encountering its [the next glacial’s] onset."



Gribbin, 1975 "A recent flurry of papers has provided further evidence for the belief that the Earth is cooling. There now seems to be little doubt that changes over the past few years are more than a minor statistical fluctuation. … On page 45 of this issue of Nature, Wahl and Bryson compare recent sea surface temperature patterns with those of cooler regimes in the past, and conclude that over the period from 1951 to 1972 there was a decline corresponding “to a return of about one-sixth of the way to full ice age.”The observed cooling corresponds to a re-establishment of the ‘Little Ice Age’ which persisted for several hundred years up to the end of the nineteenth century; it may be that all that has happened since 1950 is that the unusually mild spell of the first part of this century has ended."


NOAA, 1974 "In the Sahelian zone of Africa south of the Sahara, the countries of Chad, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Upper Volta are enduring a drought that in some areas has been going on for more than six years now, following some 40 previous years of abundant monsoon rainfall. And the drought is spreading—eastward into Ehtiopia and southward into Dahomey, Egypt, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania, and Zaire. … Many climatologists have associated this drought and other recent weather anomalies with a global cooling trend and changes in atmospheric circulation which, if prolonged, pose serious threats to major food-producing regions of the world. … Annual average temperatures over the Northern Hemisphere increased rather dramatically from about 1890 through 1940, but have been falling ever since. The total change has averaged about one-half degree Centigrade, with the greatest cooling in higher latitudes. A drop of only one or two degrees Centigrade in the annual average temperature at higher latitudes can shorten the growing season so that some crops have to be abandoned. … [T]he average growing season in England is already two weeks shorter than it was before 1950. Since the late 1950’s, Iceland’s hay crop yield has dropped about 25 percent, while pack ice in waters around Iceland and Greenland ports is becoming the hazard to navigation it was during the 17th and 18th centuries. … Some climatologists think that if the current cooling trend continues, drought will occur more frequently in India—indeed, through much of Asia, the world’s hungriest continent. … Some climatologists think that the present cooling trend may be the start of a slide into another period of major glaciation, popularly called an ice age.”


U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,1974 (1) Potential Implications of Trends in World Population, Food Production, and Climate” According to Dr. Hubert Lamb–an outstanding British climatologist–22 out of 27 forecasting methods he examined predicted a cooling trend through the remainder of this century. A change of 2°-3° F. in average temperature would have an enormous impact. [pg. 28, bottom footnote] … A number of meteorological experts are thinking in terms of a return to a climate like that of the 19th century. This would mean that within a relatively few years (probably less than two decades, assuming the cooling trend began in the 1960’s) there would be brought belts of excess and deficit rainfall in the middle-latitudes; more frequent failure of the monsoons that dominate the Indian sub-continent, south China and western Africa; shorter growing seasons for Canada, northern Russia and north China. Europe could expect to be cooler and wetter. … n periods when climate change [cooling] is underway, violent weather — unseasonal frosts, warm spells, large storms, floods, etc.–is thought to be more common. … Why has the earth cooled? There are three main factors involved affecting how much sunlight reaches the earth and how much is re-radiated into space: volcanic dust, man-made dust, and carbon dioxide . The transparency of the atmosphere to incoming sunlight and heat is affected by dust. The main variable sources of dust are volcanic activity and man-made pollution. In the early part of this century, volcanic activity decreased markedly and this increased transparency; temperatures rose. Bryson estimates that transparency was little affected by man’s activities until about 1930 but that since then, man-caused dust has increased rapidly. And, since the mid-1950’s volcanic activity has again become important."

There are many more.
No it was NOT a Media invention, since there were a lot of actual
No there were not. And there were clearly MANY more published about warming. So yes, the idea that the scientific community leaned to cooling was a media invention. And a short lived one at that. Only denier fools keep it alive.

The Media in the 1960's to the late 1970's were basing their reports in two main areas.

1) There really was a COOLING trend from the 1940's to the 1970's, as talked about many times IN the Media. The Media often quoted scientists talking about something about the cooling effect on the planet. The CIA talked about it too.

2) There were at least 250 science papers published talking about the cooling trend and what the future portended.

Here are a few published science papers you never saw (I saw the Kukla paper in 1978)

Kukla, 1972 "Climatic changes result from variables in planetary orbits which modulate solar energy emission and change seasonal and latitudinal distribution of heat received by the Earth. Small insolation changes are multiplied by the albedo effect of the winter snow fields of the Northern Hemisphere, by ocean-atmosphere feedbacks, and, probably, by the stratospheric ozone layer. The role of volcanic explosions and other aperiodic phenomena is secondary. The immediate climate response to insolation trends permits astronomic dating of Pleistocene events. A new glacial insolation regime, expected to last 8000 years, began just recently. Mean global temperatures may eventually drop about 1oC in the next hundred years. A refinement of the Milankovitch theory in terms of the lunar orbit and more data on solar periodicities are needed for reliable long range predictions."


Ellsaesser , 1974 "Has man, through increasing emissions of particulates, changed the climate? It is estimated that man now contributes 13.6% of the 3.5 x 109 tons of primary and secondary particulates presently emitted to the atmosphere annually. … [W]hile an anthropogenic upward trend in airborne particulates existed in the past, it was halted and may even have been reversed over the past few decades. … The 1968 AAAS Symposium on Global Effects of Environmental Pollution initiated a flood of papers supporting monotonically if not exponentially increasing pollution. The particulate increases were usually cited as at least contributing to the post 1940 cooling and possibly capable of bringing on another ice age."


National Academy of Science, 1975 "A striking feature of the instrumental record is the behavior of temperature worldwide. As shown by Mitchell (1970), the average surface air temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880’s until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter. Starr and Oort (1973) have reported that, during the period 1958-1963, the hemisphere’s (mass-weighted) mean temperature decreased by about 0.6 °C. In that period the polar and subtropical arid regions experienced the greatest cooling. The cause of this variation is not known, although clearly this trend cannot continue indefinitely. … The well-documented warming trend of global climate beginning in the 1880’s and continuing until the 1940’s is a continuation of the warming trend that terminated the Little Ice Age. Since the 1940’s, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly halfway back to the 1880 levels.

There seems little doubt that the present period of unusual warmth will eventually give way to a time of colder climate, but there is no consensus with regard to either the magnitude or rapidity of the transition. The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future,although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next hundred years. … If the end of the interglacial is episodic in character, we are moving toward a rather sudden climatic change of unknown timing, although as each 100 years passes, we have perhaps a 5 percent greater chance of encountering its [the next glacial’s] onset."

View attachment 188801


Gribbin, 1975 "A recent flurry of papers has provided further evidence for the belief that the Earth is cooling. There now seems to be little doubt that changes over the past few years are more than a minor statistical fluctuation. … On page 45 of this issue of Nature, Wahl and Bryson compare recent sea surface temperature patterns with those of cooler regimes in the past, and conclude that over the period from 1951 to 1972 there was a decline corresponding “to a return of about one-sixth of the way to full ice age.”The observed cooling corresponds to a re-establishment of the ‘Little Ice Age’ which persisted for several hundred years up to the end of the nineteenth century; it may be that all that has happened since 1950 is that the unusually mild spell of the first part of this century has ended."


NOAA, 1974 "In the Sahelian zone of Africa south of the Sahara, the countries of Chad, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Upper Volta are enduring a drought that in some areas has been going on for more than six years now, following some 40 previous years of abundant monsoon rainfall. And the drought is spreading—eastward into Ehtiopia and southward into Dahomey, Egypt, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania, and Zaire. … Many climatologists have associated this drought and other recent weather anomalies with a global cooling trend and changes in atmospheric circulation which, if prolonged, pose serious threats to major food-producing regions of the world. … Annual average temperatures over the Northern Hemisphere increased rather dramatically from about 1890 through 1940, but have been falling ever since. The total change has averaged about one-half degree Centigrade, with the greatest cooling in higher latitudes. A drop of only one or two degrees Centigrade in the annual average temperature at higher latitudes can shorten the growing season so that some crops have to be abandoned. … [T]he average growing season in England is already two weeks shorter than it was before 1950. Since the late 1950’s, Iceland’s hay crop yield has dropped about 25 percent, while pack ice in waters around Iceland and Greenland ports is becoming the hazard to navigation it was during the 17th and 18th centuries. … Some climatologists think that if the current cooling trend continues, drought will occur more frequently in India—indeed, through much of Asia, the world’s hungriest continent. … Some climatologists think that the present cooling trend may be the start of a slide into another period of major glaciation, popularly called an ice age.”


U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,1974 (1) Potential Implications of Trends in World Population, Food Production, and Climate” According to Dr. Hubert Lamb–an outstanding British climatologist–22 out of 27 forecasting methods he examined predicted a cooling trend through the remainder of this century. A change of 2°-3° F. in average temperature would have an enormous impact. [pg. 28, bottom footnote] … A number of meteorological experts are thinking in terms of a return to a climate like that of the 19th century. This would mean that within a relatively few years (probably less than two decades, assuming the cooling trend began in the 1960’s) there would be brought belts of excess and deficit rainfall in the middle-latitudes; more frequent failure of the monsoons that dominate the Indian sub-continent, south China and western Africa; shorter growing seasons for Canada, northern Russia and north China. Europe could expect to be cooler and wetter. … n periods when climate change [cooling] is underway, violent weather — unseasonal frosts, warm spells, large storms, floods, etc.–is thought to be more common. … Why has the earth cooled? There are three main factors involved affecting how much sunlight reaches the earth and how much is re-radiated into space: volcanic dust, man-made dust, and carbon dioxide . The transparency of the atmosphere to incoming sunlight and heat is affected by dust. The main variable sources of dust are volcanic activity and man-made pollution. In the early part of this century, volcanic activity decreased markedly and this increased transparency; temperatures rose. Bryson estimates that transparency was little affected by man’s activities until about 1930 but that since then, man-caused dust has increased rapidly. And, since the mid-1950’s volcanic activity has again become important."

There are many more.
That's nice. Way to waste everyone's time. Let's recount the facts:

The overwhelming proponderencs of published science always pointed to global warming. At no time did any significant percentage of the scientific community leaned to cooling.

I think that about sums it up. Cheers!

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