The Moral Decline of America is exemplified by two different A-B commercials, 20 years apart

That's one theory.

The other is that a lot of Normative people are frightened to admit they are straight.

What kind of heat do you think that 100,000 people parading through San Francisco celebrating Normal Pride would get? IMHO, it could get ugly.
Keep in mind that these new Marxist Trans trenders endorced by the democrats also attack Gays and Lesbians that don’t toe the line.
How does that negate the fact that alcohol is the most destructive drug used by humans?

Oh yeah it doesn't and then there are people who disagree with the :Some alcohol is better than no alcohol" sales pitch

It doesn't I'm just pointing one a day could be beneficial. You'll get no argument from me that overall drinking does more harm than good because most people don't drink responsibly
No I never said that I'm just being factual.

The end goal of any alcohol manufacturer is to get as many people as possible to drink more alcohol.

How anyone can hold that up as some sort of moral standard is beyond me.

Much like Hollywood. Advertisers think they can insult their customer base while still retaining them. Guess Bud drinkers ain’t having it.

It doesn't matter to Bud.
Yes, their stock value went down 4 to 5 Billion.
They don't care.
Their ESG and CEI scores skyrocketed.
In the long run that is where they see value.
I do not need to check with Madison Avenue's beer-peddling confections before I register nation's moral decline.

Horse Sense: After over two hundred and twenty years of respect for democracy symbolized by peaceful transfers of power, a lying loser's goons attacking outnumbered police at the Capitol tells patriots we have a problem.

That didn't actually happen.
Why would you laugh?

She was touched by the superbowl ad and revolted by the bud light transsexual

There was nothing funny about that
Thanks. And I’m also revolted by the fact that the leftists who put us in this position think It’s funny. Again, that is also a sign of the decline.
Budweiser actually made successful commercials at one time. Ads that didn't make them disgusting wokesters.

Oh wow….how beautiful. Gives me chills.

Compared to the current one with the tranny that gives me nausea.
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Your assertion is just an attempt to dodge the question at hand, i.e. a nominal "blue collar" beer doing something to insult their base in the name of DEI.
I didn’t think of that angle, but you’re right. Bud drinkers are blue-color, high school-educated working class straight men, for the most part, and likely Trump voters. (In fact, the working to middle class is more likely to drink beer while the upper-middle class elitists voting for Dems stick with wine and cocktails.)

So what A-B is doing is giving their primary customer base the middle finger.
Well this thread is about Budweiser and the alcohol in question is marketed as a recreational drug so it's up to you to prove that the recreational use of alcohol is a "lifesaver" not me.
The thread really isn’t about Budweiser. It’s about the decline in America as illustrated by the advertising shown by the same company two decades apart - 1) a touching commercial showing the beauty of our country, the backbone of the nation that makes us strong, our unity as Americans, and our sympathy for those killed by Islamic terrorists compared to 2) a commercial that mocks the majority of Americans by normalizing aberrant behavior and ignoring their customer base to pander to 1% of the population.
Thanks. And I’m also revolted by the fact that the leftists who put us in this position think It’s funny. Again, that is also a sign of the decline.
The only thing democrats have care about for as long as I can remember is sticking it to or insulting conservatives.
That didn't actually happen.

Actually, the documentation of that happening is overwhelming, and all the Trump goons who have been apprehended, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or confessed affirms it. Those in denial are oblivious of reality.

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