The Mississippi Senate Race


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
This is with a TPM bias, but imo generally factual.

Thad Cochran shifts gears in bid to pull runoff upset against Tea Partier |

The common wisdom is that Cochran is at a disadvantage, and maybe it's true. It's hard to overstate the incompetence of Cochran's campaign. They thought 250K turnout would do the trick, and they got 300Kplus, and lost. Seriously underestimating McDaniel's ability to get votes. So, now they're not only attempting to reenergize the 150 who voted for him, but trying to find another 50K to vote ... at least. As the article states, that's tough sledding. Furthermore, the McDaniel's folks are true believers: cut education funding, cut roads, who cares if there's less investment, govt is out enemy!

The common wisdom is Cochran's expanding the vote won't work. Personally, I was very pessimistic going into last Tues' vote. And, contrary to common wisdom, I'm guardedly optimistic about two weeks from now. As the article indicates, Cochran is actually going to campaign the next two weeks.

What isn't reported is a few things.

1. The state gop is enraged at McDaniel. It's personal now. The perception is McDainiel is an opportunist seeking personal power via outside money that doesn't represent our interests. And, imo, that's the truth. The Delta gopers are in open rebellion and will vote Childers if that's the choice. Haley Barbour voters will never vote dem, but they will possibly stay home. A Childers win is not impossible.

2. More to the pt of the election. Cochran's actually on his bus and making campaign stops. He lost Desoto and Jackson Counties. Desoto is a Memphis suburb and product distribution center. It's dependent on the roads and infrastructure Cochran helped build. Even I didn't see that coming. There are Cochran votes to be gained there.

2a. As the article discusses, Cochran lost Jackson county, at the opposite end of the state. That's Katrina territory. It's not possible to overstate the importance of federal aid there. Not the Fema money. But the feds put up seed money to rebuild infrastructure. What they did was set a uniform building code for the counties devastated. If a county opted in, they got the money. Builders then got state tax exemptions. The fed money rebuilt the infrastructure, and private builders used that to rebuild the place in a hurry, and better. Everyone has the same size pipes and sewers and electrical specs. Jackson county's a weird place. It has the Pacagoula shipyards, which are union. Trent Lott's dad was a union shipbuilder. They also tend to be non PC. Fertile McDaniel's territory, but Cochran should have fought him to a draw.

Bottom line, the common wisdom is McDaniel has the upper hand. On the other hand, for the first time Cochran's actually gonna campaign on a positive "vote for me" platform. And, there's a notion that McDaniel may have maxed out. He won that election with less than 9% of eligible voters. But how many neo-confederates can acutally exist here? LOL
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I would definitely agree that McDaniel has the upper hand. With Democrats (who voted in the initial vote for Cochran to stop McDaniel) now unable to vote as well as the 1.6% that went to the spoiler likely to go for McDaniel, Cochran would need to run a flawless campaign in the next couple of weeks, which up until now has been anything but flawless.

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As I understand it, the only registered voters who cannot vote in the runoff are the voters who voted for one of the dems in the race Childers won.

I'm not sure who has the advantage. Obviously McDaniels does, if the question is who can get out the most of those who voted for them when each got around 150K. On the other hand, this may be a very low tv ad run off. I've heard that the TPM groups are not going to put more in, because they think McDaniel shot his wad, electorally speaking. (-: But that's not from his camp, quite the opposite. The TPM spent 8 million at least, what's another million or two to get 160K votes?

Cochran conversely has a million in cash from the chamber of commerce, and can draw more from the gop senate committee. He also has Haley Barbour and Trent Lott on the stump for him. Rand Paul is supposedly coming down, but again, if Sarah Palin didn't motivate you to vote, how will Rand Paul? Cochran can easily do 15-20 campaign stops, with Barbour and Lott doing another 10 or so each. If the question is who has more boots on the ground, visting Toyota plants and ship building and school parent groups, Cochran has the advantage.

Hugely entertaining, but the threat of McDaniel actually being a senator is horrifying.
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That's what I'm conflicted over. I would rather have Childers in the Senate than Cochran, but the idea of Senator McDaniel is repulsive.

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It's difficult for me to believe a six term Senator will be able to win a run off election after narrowly losing the primary. I think McDaniel will end up winning and then will go on to win the general easily. Mississippi is not going to send a Democrat to the U.S. Senate particularly in an off year election where the Democrats appear to be on the ropes. The president's continued fuck ups will assure that.
In Mississippi, politics are still very racialized: Democrats win close to 100% of black voters. Obama won 44% of the vote there without a campaign effort. Throw that in with a candidate like Childers, who has been able to win in one of the more conservative district, as well as the nominee being the abhorrent McDaniel which will turn off plenty of moderate GOP voters (notably in the Delta region), or anyone who likes pork or disaster relief, and the race becomes very competitive.

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If Childers wins he'll easily be the most conservative democrat in congress.
The Senate, yes. Not sure about the House of Reps.

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The Senate, yes. Not sure about the House of Reps.

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He's certainly more conservative then Matheson or Mcintyre. I don't know any more conservative then those two.
I'm not familiar with all the Reps. What about Barrow?

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In Mississippi, politics are still very racialized: Democrats win close to 100% of black voters. Obama won 44% of the vote there without a campaign effort. Throw that in with a candidate like Childers, who has been able to win in one of the more conservative district, as well as the nominee being the abhorrent McDaniel which will turn off plenty of moderate GOP voters (notably in the Delta region), or anyone who likes pork or disaster relief, and the race becomes very competitive.

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If you listen to CNN and MSNBC only White people voting for a White Republican candidate are racist. Blacks just voting in "their own self-interest."
In Mississippi, politics are still very racialized: Democrats win close to 100% of black voters. Obama won 44% of the vote there without a campaign effort. Throw that in with a candidate like Childers, who has been able to win in one of the more conservative district, as well as the nominee being the abhorrent McDaniel which will turn off plenty of moderate GOP voters (notably in the Delta region), or anyone who likes pork or disaster relief, and the race becomes very competitive.

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If you listen to CNN and MSNBC only White people voting for a White Republican candidate are racist. Blacks just voting in "their own self-interest."

No one anywhere says a white person voting for a white person is racist. I have never once heard anyone, liberal or conservative, making some kind of claim like that.

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