The media is blatantly against Trump


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
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Even if you don't like him, it is obvious the media is doing everything possible to prevent a Trump presidency.

The reason is that he is a white man who speaks his mind. That is not allowed in America now.
That is not the reason. The reason is he is an R, though he is a progressive.

The MSM is in the tank for Cankles and libs, progs, and Ds think this is just a-okay.
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The reason is much more simple.

He used the press. Lured them in with an announcement about something, instead said he changed his mind on birtherism, then refused to answer questions "why."

The next day one of the younger reporters told my cousin's daughter (they went to William and Mary together) that the press was going to put Trump down.

She said that if Trump would trump a free press he would trump a free people.

So . . . no President Trump.
I don't think the Media is going after Trump any more aggressively than they WOULD BE going after Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or any other Republican who would be running in Trump's place. They would be going over their backgrounds with magnifying glasses, trying to find ANYTHING that could be published to embarrass, slander, or show them in a negative light.

The difference with Trump is that he has devoted his whole adult to getting himself in the Spotlight, often by saying outrageous things just to get a reaction from the Press. And he has Blitherer's Disease (speaks with no prior thought).

As for his relationship with the female gender, he has throughout his adult life shamelessly exploited his wealth and celebrity status to get "pussy." And although there are thousands of athletes and entertainers and even politicians who have done the same thing, when exposed to the light of day, it makes him look like a degenerate.

The reason for this media campaign - now so obvious that it cannot be credibly denied - is that most members of the Media support every illegal, unconstitutional, socialist, disgusting thing that HRC intends to do as President, so she is a mandatory Cause for them.
Even if you don't like him, it is obvious the media is doing everything possible to prevent a Trump presidency.

The reason is that he is a white man who speaks his mind. That is not allowed in America now.
This is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Republicans whining about 'the media' sound childish and moronic.

Take some personal responsibility for a change - you nominated Trump, you have only yourselves to blame.
Even if you don't like him, it is obvious the media is doing everything possible to prevent a Trump presidency.

The reason is that he is a white man who speaks his mind. That is not allowed in America now.
Not True.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Nearly every media outlet has become the "Donald Trump Show". Even MSNBC. Morning Joe lasts three hours every morning. Two hour and 30 minutes are about Donald Trump. When they mention Hillary, it's to say she is unlikable, untrustworthy or talk about her emails. They say she isn't getting her policies out.

Well Duh! No one is playing her policies. The only time she is able to talk about them is either commercials or in the debates.

Everything else is Trump.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when he did that infomercial on his new hotel. Never saw anything like that before. A free, hour and a half infomercial and every news feed on earth recorded it.
Even if you don't like him, it is obvious the media is doing everything possible to prevent a Trump presidency. The reason is that he is a white man who speaks his mind. That is not allowed in America now.

This is an obvious fact. All one with half a brain needs is to examine the NYT covers over the past 3-4 months; EVERY SINGLE DAY the rag has assigned its coterie of witless far left "columnists" (maureen dowd, roger cohen, etc) to attack Trump with the most juvenile language, along with alleged "analysis" piece on the cover assailing him and his supporters. There were days where I counted no less than 6-7 anti-Trump pieces on the cover alone.

Last week on Thursday, I suffered through the nauseating Carol Costello as she brought two guests on to her program, a dem for HRC and a repub for Trump, and she openly mocked whatever the republican said, allowing them no quarter while smiling and nodding while the HRC supporter spoke. That is not news/analysis, its fucking garbage but has been presented that way for months - I stopped watching CNN months ago when it began, and only saw this because I was forced to in a doctor's waiting lounge. This is what our country has come to, it is a corporate-owned duopoly of two parties controlled and managed by various despicable interests including carlos slim and george soros, and Trump is the first person in elective politics on a national level to come along and try to put a stop to it.
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The reason is much more simple.

He used the press. Lured them in with an announcement about something, instead said he changed his mind on birtherism, then refused to answer questions "why."

The next day one of the younger reporters told my cousin's daughter (they went to William and Mary together) that the press was going to put Trump down.

She said that if Trump would trump a free press he would trump a free people.

So . . . no President Trump.

And that is the role of the press? To decide who the american people can vote for? And that would be good for the country, how exactly? Even if I was a liberal that would be totally unacceptable to me, a fundamental violation of the core responsibilities of the press.
I don't think the Media is going after Trump any more aggressively than they WOULD BE going after Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or any other Republican who would be running in Trump's place. They would be going over their backgrounds with magnifying glasses, trying to find ANYTHING that could be published to embarrass, slander, or show them in a negative light.

The difference with Trump is that he has devoted his whole adult to getting himself in the Spotlight, often by saying outrageous things just to get a reaction from the Press. And he has Blitherer's Disease (speaks with no prior thought).

As for his relationship with the female gender, he has throughout his adult life shamelessly exploited his wealth and celebrity status to get "pussy." And although there are thousands of athletes and entertainers and even politicians who have done the same thing, when exposed to the light of day, it makes him look like a degenerate.

The reason for this media campaign - now so obvious that it cannot be credibly denied - is that most members of the Media support every illegal, unconstitutional, socialist, disgusting thing that HRC intends to do as President, so she is a mandatory Cause for them.

Excellent post, one of the best here in a long time.
Even if you don't like him, it is obvious the media is doing everything possible to prevent a Trump presidency.

The reason is that he is a white man who speaks his mind. That is not allowed in America now.
Not True.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Nearly every media outlet has become the "Donald Trump Show". Even MSNBC. Morning Joe lasts three hours every morning. Two hour and 30 minutes are about Donald Trump. When they mention Hillary, it's to say she is unlikable, untrustworthy or talk about her emails. They say she isn't getting her policies out.

Well Duh! No one is playing her policies. The only time she is able to talk about them is either commercials or in the debates.

Everything else is Trump.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when he did that infomercial on his new hotel. Never saw anything like that before. A free, hour and a half infomercial and every news feed on earth recorded it.

I'd recommend taking a look at the NYT, CNN and MSNBC. You'd think we lived in communist china in a one-party system - which astoundingly, many liberals actually want.
The reason is much more simple.

He used the press. Lured them in with an announcement about something, instead said he changed his mind on birtherism, then refused to answer questions "why."

The next day one of the younger reporters told my cousin's daughter (they went to William and Mary together) that the press was going to put Trump down.

She said that if Trump would trump a free press he would trump a free people.

So . . . no President Trump.

And that is the role of the press? To decide who the american people can vote for? And that would be good for the country, how exactly? Even if I was a liberal that would be totally unacceptable to me, a fundamental violation of the core responsibilities of the press.
It was not Trump's role to try to manipulate the Press, which he did as a demagogue.* The Press is a free institution, so the relationship is one of parity. Trump used the Press, and now the Press is rightfully paying him back. So . . . no President Trump.

*For an example of demagoguery, look at the statement about @ #10.
It was not Trump's role to try to manipulate the Press, which he did as a demagogue.* The Press is a free institution, so the relationship is one of parity. Trump used the Press, and now the Press is rightfully paying him back. So . . . no President Trump.

*For an example of demagoguery, look at the statement about @ #10.

"Trump manipulated the press"? Are the press editors and managers fucking 3 year olds? Are they children who cannot decide what is legit and what isn't? The last I checked, Trump does not have editorial control over any major media outlets, so why don't you explain to us exactly how Trump, waving his magic wand, is able to "force" the media into covering anything that he says or does, or the manner of that coverage.

If he says something outreagous, and some media outlets lap it up - how is that "manipulation"?

You sound like a typical liberal, "oh my, those 40-years in the field managing editors at the NYT were just FORCED into covering his statements..." as if they have no brains/free will of their own. Stop blaming Trump for their decisions, they are adults and they made them.
Rhodes, you are not very bright. I said "tried to manipulate" not "Trump manipulated the press."

That statement of yours reveals you are a demagogue or stupid. "You sound like a typical liberal." That is another demagogic statement.

OK, so you are not stupid, just a poor demagogue.

The Press, as a free institution, has every right to deal with when politicians go bad.
The media didn't start out being blatantly against Charles Manson and Osama Bin Laden, but it ended up that way. That's what happens when someone turns into a complete douchebag. Trump's actions were so vile, even some of his loyal lapdogs in our crazy conservative national media tepidly stopped supporting him.

Only some of the media, of course. Much of the media is still desperately defending Trump with the "but ... but ... the Clintons are worse!" phony equivalence nonsense. They'll still be asking Clinton about emails in the next debate, just to "prove" how tough on liberals they are.

It doesn't help that Stalinist Trump is threatening to jail everyone who offends him. The media understand they'd have to tiptoe about and make sure they only spoke of the Trumpenfuehrer in the most glowing terms, otherwise they'd be up against the wall. Along with all the Trump-fans, Rhodesscholar is a proud Stalinist and loyal party apparatchik who fully endorses that tactic, hence his unquestioning loyalty to his DearLeaderTrump.
Rhodes, you are not very bright. I said "tried to manipulate" not "Trump manipulated the press." That statement of yours reveals you are a demagogue or stupid. "You sound like a typical liberal." That is another demagogic statement. OK, so you are not stupid, just a poor demagogue. The Press, as a free institution, has every right to deal with when politicians go bad.

Awwwwww, sweetie - did I hit a nerve?

LOL, you are the protype weak-minded liberal; when they get exposed for being a liar/hypocrite/wrong - they lash out and personally attack. Next you'll call me a "racist".... wouldn't expect anything else from you.

Idiot, who is the press to decide when a politician "goes wrong"? Trump is not a politician, he is RUNNING for office, not IN office. It is NOT the press' right to decide who the public should vote for.
Rhodes, you are not very bright. I said "tried to manipulate" not "Trump manipulated the press." That statement of yours reveals you are a demagogue or stupid. "You sound like a typical liberal." That is another demagogic statement. OK, so you are not stupid, just a poor demagogue. The Press, as a free institution, has every right to deal with when politicians go bad.
Awwwwww, sweetie - did I hit a nerve? LOL, you are the protype weak-minded liberal; when they get exposed for being a liar/hypocrite/wrong - they lash out and personally attack. Next you'll call me a "racist".... wouldn't expect anything else from you. Idiot, who is the press to decide when a politician "goes wrong"? Trump is not a politician, he is RUNNING for office, not IN office. It is NOT the press' right to decide who the public should vote for.
Obviously you got burned. sizzle :lol: Y

You are demawogging, kid (that's far worse then demagoguing). You lashed out. You attacked. I put you down. It will always be that way.

Once again, you delibaretly changed my "tried to manipulate" to "Trump manipulated the press."

The Press is putting Donald down. Does not matter if you agree at all.
Along with all the Trump-fans, Rhodesscholar is a proud Stalinist and loyal party apparatchik who fully endorses that tactic, hence his unquestioning loyalty to his DearLeaderTrump.

The usual low IQ personal attack from the Left, who is admitting finally the media's bias - but is trying to defend it like the moron above.

Back to the topic, the cover of today's NYT is the typical swarm of shit anti-Trump articles...hope that fucking rag goes bankrupt.
Along with all the Trump-fans, Rhodesscholar is a proud Stalinist and loyal party apparatchik who fully endorses that tactic, hence his unquestioning loyalty to his DearLeaderTrump.

The usual low IQ personal attack from the Left, who is admitting finally the media's bias - but is trying to defend it like the moron above.

Back to the topic, the cover of today's NYT is the typical swarm of shit anti-Trump articles...hope that fucking rag goes bankrupt.
Another personal attack with no brains behind it.

You are mirroring, a rush/alinksy tactic, of accusing others of what you are doing.

Trump has earned his press hatred, and he is and will continue paying for it.
Obviously you got burned. sizzle :lol: Y You are demawogging, kid (that's far worse then demagoguing). You lashed out. You attacked. I put you down. It will always be that way. Once again, you delibaretly changed my "tried to manipulate" to "Trump manipulated the press." The Press is putting Donald down. Does not matter if you agree at all.

I think if you were tested, you'd come in at a 3rd grade level. First you deny the media is biased against him, now you admit they are and are excusing it.

You are also claiming its Trump's fault he's gotten so much media coverage, and are trying to claim its because "he tried to manipulate the media." Well, which is it?

Your comments are typically liberal-idiotic; you are claiming both that he didn't succeed in manipulating the press, yet the press is attacking him with a lot of negative coverage - which is it, retard?
[Another personal attack with no brains behind it. You are mirroring, a rush/alinksy tactic, of accusing others of what you are doing. Trump has earned his press hatred, and he is and will continue paying for it.

Asshole YOU started with the personal attacks once your claims that the media coverage of Trump was not negative collapsed, so you've tried to twist the claim into "the press should be covering him - but negatively."

BTW idiot, Saul Alinsky is a far leftist, so accusing conservatives of using his methods do not even make sense in this context. You're close to being ignored, which means you lack the brain power to even converse with me. Go away.
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