- The Man Who Knew too ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Little - a remake of the nice 50's Alfred Hitchcock
thriller starring James Stewart and Doris Day.
- The Man Who Knew Too Much - { 1955 } which was actually
a remake of Hitchcock's 1934 film by the same name.
Now about this Man.Wheteher or nor he knew " too much "
or " too little ".
Kinda seemingly rings more like Today and how the Biden
Men " James,Hunter,and Joe " appear.After of course all the dust
settles.By the way in the { 1955 } version it invoved the death of
an undercover FBI agent.Therefore it was a suspense-thriller.
Not like now.Or in these highly charged times when spies
and whistleblowers and informants are like locusts some days.
Peter Lorre was awesome in the original.
Peter Lorre known as the " The Master of Horror " among other
monikers did a really nice and creepy - Alfred Hitchcock Presents -
starring both Steve McQueen and his wife { Neile Adams }
titled ... - Man from the South - { 1960 }
It involved a lighter and possible loss of a pinkie finger.
I real life Peter Lorre was married to a rather sophisticated
and erudite Lady.
The polar opposite of many of his nefarious creepy roles.
I never care for - M - { 1930 }
The Key Politically is to Not Show Emotion as in
- The Invasion of the Body Snatchers - { 1978 }
or Show So much emotion it's so ridiculous as to appear
too funny or crazed to seem real.However SNL it is.
Which explains implicitly why SNL no longer is used to
mock a President.Where under Trump it was rogue,to say the
Get it now.
" There's Nothing to be afraid of.It's painless.
It's Good. "
You know like BLM Protests.
Like Targetting January 6th concerned Americans.
Like making sure we have a " cashless society ".
Like who'd a thunk.

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