The Ludicrous Costs of the War in Afghanistan Revealed in New Documents

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Some casual reading for the benefit of casual passers-by.

A newly published study from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a US government body, founded by Congress in 2008 to provide neutral and objective oversight into the US' handling of Afghan reconstruction programs. The new report is the latest and perhaps most critical of 13 yearly offerings analyzing US efforts in the country.

As an aside, few Americans seem to know that it's an established fact that the United States has been directly paying off the Taliban for well over a decade. The latest SIGAR report notes that Washington has been ''buying'' the insurgents' cooperation, making the Taliban ''unofficial subcontractors to the US government.''

Thsats particularly relevant gven the convenience that entities like ISIS seem to show up at the most politically opportune times, seemingly to keep the war machine going.

“We’re talking about a fountain of money that the Taliban were happy to take. Whether they took it directly or it was the Taliban commander’s cousin that was the contractor, it doesn’t matter. The absurdity of all this — and everyone knew it was going on!” Hoh exclaimed.

Hoh, who had been sent to Iraq to perform essentially the same function, had never seen anything like it. “Holy cow, I was living like Scarface… I was paying out anywhere between $300-400,000 per week to $5 million per week at times. All in cash,” he said.

I had $50 million in cash. The most I ever had at one point was $24 million on hand, in $100 bills, sitting in safes in my bedroom. And there was hardly any oversight whatsoever. Once we signed that money out of the vault in Baghdad, it was up to me how to document that money was spent and where the money went…I had no requirement. Literally. I am not joking. No guidance and no requirement to provide documentation about where that money went.”

Anyway. It's rather long. And much is reviewed.
Some casual reading for the benefit of casual passers-by.

A newly published study from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a US government body, founded by Congress in 2008 to provide neutral and objective oversight into the US' handling of Afghan reconstruction programs. The new report is the latest and perhaps most critical of 13 yearly offerings analyzing US efforts in the country.

As an aside, few Americans seem to know that it's an established fact that the United States has been directly paying off the Taliban for well over a decade. The latest SIGAR report notes that Washington has been ''buying'' the insurgents' cooperation, making the Taliban ''unofficial subcontractors to the US government.''

Thsats particularly relevant gven the convenience that entities like ISIS seem to show up at the most politically opportune times, seemingly to keep the war machine going.

“We’re talking about a fountain of money that the Taliban were happy to take. Whether they took it directly or it was the Taliban commander’s cousin that was the contractor, it doesn’t matter. The absurdity of all this — and everyone knew it was going on!” Hoh exclaimed.

Hoh, who had been sent to Iraq to perform essentially the same function, had never seen anything like it. “Holy cow, I was living like Scarface… I was paying out anywhere between $300-400,000 per week to $5 million per week at times. All in cash,” he said.

Anyway. It's rather long. And much is reviewed.
and the Biden loving America haters can only sling shit in defeat like the moneky trolls they are.:auiqs.jpg:
Some casual reading for the benefit of casual passers-by.

A newly published study from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a US government body, founded by Congress in 2008 to provide neutral and objective oversight into the US' handling of Afghan reconstruction programs. The new report is the latest and perhaps most critical of 13 yearly offerings analyzing US efforts in the country.

As an aside, few Americans seem to know that it's an established fact that the United States has been directly paying off the Taliban for well over a decade. The latest SIGAR report notes that Washington has been ''buying'' the insurgents' cooperation, making the Taliban ''unofficial subcontractors to the US government.''

Thsats particularly relevant gven the convenience that entities like ISIS seem to show up at the most politically opportune times, seemingly to keep the war machine going.

“We’re talking about a fountain of money that the Taliban were happy to take. Whether they took it directly or it was the Taliban commander’s cousin that was the contractor, it doesn’t matter. The absurdity of all this — and everyone knew it was going on!” Hoh exclaimed.

Hoh, who had been sent to Iraq to perform essentially the same function, had never seen anything like it. “Holy cow, I was living like Scarface… I was paying out anywhere between $300-400,000 per week to $5 million per week at times. All in cash,” he said.

Anyway. It's rather long. And much is reviewed.
Don't forget reports that our soldiers were told to ignore rapes and pedophilia committed by the Afghan military. How the fuck were we trapped there for 20 years...
Don't forget reports that our soldiers were told to ignore rapes and pedophilia committed by the Afghan military. How the fuck were we trapped there for 20 years...

What's interesting to me is this final report is likely the most thorough and critical review of the war in Afghanistan.

Yet the entire board seems to be a smut machine spitting out useless propaganda while everyone points fingers and waves their dicks back and forth about the affair, completely ignoring the reality historical of the situation as a whole.
What's interesting to me is this final report is likely the most thorough and critical review of the war in Afghanistan.

Yet the entire board seems to be a smut machine spitting out useless propaganda while everyone points fingers and waves their dicks back and forth about the affair, completely ignoring the reality historical of the situation as a whole.
Every person is just parroting what they are seeing on their preferred propaganda network. And those networks, while blaming this partisan, or that partisan, all seem to agree, we need to give more money to war profiteers and war contractors. . .

They don't want to look at the corruption though.

I wonder why? :dunno:

Thanks for this link.

I wonder why you can't find it in the wiki?


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