The"Let's Decipher What Al Sharpton Is Actually Spewing" Thread.Shall We Translate?

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

This is pretty easy to figure out for anyone with an IQ over 76.2

When we see Al Sharpton speak before his crowds of the uninformed and who will believe anything they hear on MSNBC.
This is what the Reverend is actually trying to convince all of America:
Listen Up Yall! I ain't got no problem when a Black man haz to defend himself against a regular white man, a white Hispanic man, or an angry slave owner! But when a White man stalks a black man as if he was a rabbit dog, Den beats da bajezuz out of him, Dat White Cracker Head Racist has No Right To Defend Himself! Honkey needs to just stand there and take his Can Of Ass-Whoopin !!!

I'm the self-appointed spokesman for the Black community. The media has made me think I'm relevant. Give me money so I'll go away. Shakedown or bad PR, which will it be?

Amazingly enough, whenever the patented Sharpton Translation System is used, no matter what the input is, the output is always the same. Engineers claim the system is working properly.
Jesse Jackson is playing it smart, got to give him credit, he knows better not to get involved to the extent Al is. And when Is Al going to mention that he wants to hang an Hispanic Male? he hasn't even mention the race of the man who shot Trayvon!

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