Comservatives have long advocated the importance of strong families and deplore efforts, by socialists, feminists, and government bureacrats, to weaken family ties. Indeed, for many conservatives, the family --the traditional, "nuclear" family is the fundamental cornerstone of society, and absolutely indespensable form of social organization.
Leftists, by contrast have taken a decidedly jaundiced view of the traditional family. To them, a household consisting of an adult male and female--united in matrimony--and their offspring is an antiquated, repressive institutions standing in the way of constructing a "better," more egalitarian world.
The famous 19th century socialist Robert Owen included the family, along with marriage and private property, in his "triumvirate of evil", which he asserted "cursed the world ever since the creation of man." He advocated public care for children at his utopian community "New Harmony" in POsey County, Indiana, the family, Owen declared, must give way to the "scientific" association of from one hundred to two thousand people. By association, Owen meant that children care be transferred to be transferred form parental to institutionalized care. This was a task heartliy embraced by one of Owen's chief "lieutenants." William Maclure. He developed a Spartan system of education for the children of "New Harmony," which consists of divorcing children from their parents and placing them in communal living arrangements.
Communists have likewise almost invariably proposed to destroy, change or regulate the institution of the family. Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto were hardly coy about their distate of the family, declaring the "hallowed correlation of parent and child" is nothing more than "bourgeois claptrap." They went on to add, "Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead gulity." Engels even devoted an entire book, his The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, to an extended attack on monogamous marriage and the family.
Many contemporary leftists, especially Marxist-inspired feminists, would conspire with the sentiments of Engels and Kollontai. Indeed, many have taken up where their 19th century forbearers left off. Gloria Steniem, the famous celebrity feminist once declared, "We have to abolish and reform the institution of marriage...By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, no God..We must understand what we are attempting is a revolution, not a public relations movement."
Novelist and feminist Toni Morrison concurred, announcing, "The little nuclear family is a paradigm that just doesn't work. It doesn't work for white people, black people. Why we are hanging on to it, I don't know."
Linda Gordon, a radical feminist writer, attempted to rally her sisters by announcing, "The nuclear family must be destroyed, and people must find better ways of living..Whatever it's ultimate meaning, the break-up of family is now an objectively revolutionary process.
With all this in mind, it is time for conservatives and those who value American society to stand up and redouble their efforts to preserve and defend the traditional family. It is alos time to peg leftists with their true label--enemies of American society!!!!!!!!!
Comservatives have long advocated the importance of strong families and deplore efforts, by socialists, feminists, and government bureacrats, to weaken family ties. Indeed, for many conservatives, the family --the traditional, "nuclear" family is the fundamental cornerstone of society, and absolutely indespensable form of social organization.
Leftists, by contrast have taken a decidedly jaundiced view of the traditional family. To them, a household consisting of an adult male and female--united in matrimony--and their offspring is an antiquated, repressive institutions standing in the way of constructing a "better," more egalitarian world.
The famous 19th century socialist Robert Owen included the family, along with marriage and private property, in his "triumvirate of evil", which he asserted "cursed the world ever since the creation of man." He advocated public care for children at his utopian community "New Harmony" in POsey County, Indiana, the family, Owen declared, must give way to the "scientific" association of from one hundred to two thousand people. By association, Owen meant that children care be transferred to be transferred form parental to institutionalized care. This was a task heartliy embraced by one of Owen's chief "lieutenants." William Maclure. He developed a Spartan system of education for the children of "New Harmony," which consists of divorcing children from their parents and placing them in communal living arrangements.
Communists have likewise almost invariably proposed to destroy, change or regulate the institution of the family. Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto were hardly coy about their distate of the family, declaring the "hallowed correlation of parent and child" is nothing more than "bourgeois claptrap." They went on to add, "Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead gulity." Engels even devoted an entire book, his The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, to an extended attack on monogamous marriage and the family.
Many contemporary leftists, especially Marxist-inspired feminists, would conspire with the sentiments of Engels and Kollontai. Indeed, many have taken up where their 19th century forbearers left off. Gloria Steniem, the famous celebrity feminist once declared, "We have to abolish and reform the institution of marriage...By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, no God..We must understand what we are attempting is a revolution, not a public relations movement."
Novelist and feminist Toni Morrison concurred, announcing, "The little nuclear family is a paradigm that just doesn't work. It doesn't work for white people, black people. Why we are hanging on to it, I don't know."
Linda Gordon, a radical feminist writer, attempted to rally her sisters by announcing, "The nuclear family must be destroyed, and people must find better ways of living..Whatever it's ultimate meaning, the break-up of family is now an objectively revolutionary process.
With all this in mind, it is time for conservatives and those who value American society to stand up and redouble their efforts to preserve and defend the traditional family. It is alos time to peg leftists with their true label--enemies of American society!!!!!!!!!