The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.



As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).


  • 1614977954498.png
    100.8 KB · Views: 61
Bullsh#t, Doc. Your just pissed off, your March 4th inauguration didn't come off as billed.......,again.:auiqs.jpg:
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Leftists against leftists?

The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.

If what you claim is correct, why is it that the FBI continues to claim that it's white supremacist that are the cause of the violence, while Antifa and BLM caused over 2 Billion in violence, arson and looting in 2020. Other than the protest in DC on Jan 6th that was obviously a false flag operation, what damage has been caused by conservative protests throughout 2020?
Please provide that evidence....
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.

FBI, yes. Military simply needs to follow orders,of course National Guard to provided security, support, and manpower and mutual assistance at the direction of the state governors, as always.
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.

FBI, yes. Military simply needs to follow orders,of course National Guard to provided security, support, and manpower and mutual assistance at the direction of the state governors, as always.

Of course in the case of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists in D.C., the use of the Nat'l Guard is strickly to maintain their power and intimidate the people.
Last edited:
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.

FBI, yes. Military simply needs to follow orders,of course National Guard to provided security, support, and manpower and mutual assistance at the direction of the state governors, as always.

Of course in the case of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists in D.C., the use of the Nat'l Guard is strickly to maintain their power and intimidate the people.

The Guard is there to protect the people from insurrectionists like those who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. There was no Nat'l Guard on Jan 6 and look at the horrific result.
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.

If what you claim is correct, why is it that the FBI continues to claim that it's white supremacist that are the cause of the violence, while Antifa and BLM caused over 2 Billion in violence, arson and looting in 2020. Other than the protest in DC on Jan 6th that was obviously a false flag operation, what damage has been caused by conservative protests throughout 2020?
Please provide that evidence....

White supremacists et al were the cause of the insurrection of Jan 6. Are you saying that because Antifa did horrible damage, it is ok that the right-wing terrorists attacked our Capitol? You Trump-a-dumps are always comparing the two, like in nursery school. It is not a right and left thing with Antifa. It is a violent thing to make whatever point they have. When you are violent or threatening violence, the only point is to get you off the streets and into the slammer ASAP.
The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned
The Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned - (
2 Mar 2021 ~~ By Charles (Sam) Faddis
If you have been paying attention to the corporate media’s narrative you will understand that the “mostly peaceful” protests that rocked this nation for much of last year are over. They were directed at the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic regime of President Trump and the oppressive, colonialist system he represented. Trump is gone. Biden is in. It is all better now.
Except, of course, none of that is true. None of that was ever true.
The perhaps $2 billion in property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide, sprawling network of well-funded groups – Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.

For these revolutionaries, who are the direct descendants of groups like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, Biden is only slightly less noxious than Trump. These groups do not want kinder, gentler policing. They want the elimination of the police and security put under the control of “the Party.” They do not want relief from housing costs. They want the elimination of private property. They do not want acceptance for trans-gender individuals. They want the destruction of the nuclear family and the abolishment of gender as we know it.
Biden’s election did not placate these groups. It emboldened them.
This past Saturday night in Portland, Oregon hundreds of black-clad Antifa members swarmed the streets of the city’s Pearl District, home to some of the city’s most expensive high-rises and eating establishments. Businesses were vandalized and looted. Graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Most of the individuals involved in the violence wore helmets, respirators and other protective equipment.

As Marxist and Anarchist groups across the country organize for March 6th, the Biden administration slumbers and the Department of Homeland Security continues to tell us with a straight face that white supremacists are our foremost concern. Mayors and Governors across the nation who let the nation burn to hurt Donald Trump show no sign of having awakened to the fact that their revolutionary allies are now coming for them. The stage is set for violence and destruction like that we saw last summer.
More to the point, however, whatever happens on March 6th, it will mean the end of nothing. It will be just another benchmark, another milestone. The revolutionary organizations we have allowed to grow on our soil are deadly serious. They mean everything they say. They will continue this struggle, and ratchet up the level of violence as they do so, until they either win or are dismantled.
The revolution is just getting started.

Remember folks, the nine months of 2020 were mostly "Fiery but Peaceful Protests", January 6th was an Insurrection....
The purpose of the riots have been clear. They were NEVER about Trump. Nor were they about ‘police brutality’.
The violnce, looting, arson and murders perpetrated by Antifa/BLM have been about intimidation and political power.
No one wants to piss off the faux-civil rights groups.
The riots will continue until we inflict more pain on them then they inflict on us. Let’s make it much much more painful for them.
Antifa and BLM have concentrated on Blue Plantation cities up to now... However, they've begun to aim for suburban areas and may soon be coming to smaller towns.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are waiting for their gun-grab to take place and go into enforcement.
I guess, a lot of conservatives in Georgia support "Gun Confiscation" (otherwise they would have voted in the Senate runoff, as Trump implored them to do).

Yes, I agree with your assessment, but it will never detract from the insurrection of Jan 6. Proud boys, poor boys, white supremacists,Qanon, etc., all hell-bent on destroying our seat of government. I think that the military and the FBI should take a pro-active stance against all radicals and do what is necessary to bring order to our country.

FBI, yes. Military simply needs to follow orders,of course National Guard to provided security, support, and manpower and mutual assistance at the direction of the state governors, as always.

Of course in the case of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists in D.C., the use of the Nat'l Guard is strickly to maintain their power and intimidate the people.

Didn't have to be this way if you people knew how to act in public as responsible adult citizens. Don't act butt hurt with me, slick. You don't get to attack the seat of government in my country and nobody knows if you ignorant right wing radicals can be trusted. I personally doubt it, at the moment. So, hell with ya. You can look at it as being for your own good, because I can tell you from experience, you cannot depend on the the benevolence of The Guard. Most of those troops at any given time, most likely have no ammo, but you never know or which units do. As long as they maintain OPSEC, you won't. So, be intimidated ya little cry baby. Be very intimidated. It is for your own good, just like we normal people do not let kids do dangerous things without precautions or supervision. The rest of us are fine. If you don't like it, move out. Maybe you can take over an existing 3rd world country and make it into whatever single party top down autocratic crap country you like, instead of trying to create one here.

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