The Leftist Nazi Blueprint to Take Over America

The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.
Your 2nd Amendment rights have been so heavily curtailed that the government now outguns citizens by a wide margin.

That's true, but so long as we have some guns, Leftists are usually cowards and only like to prey on little old ladies, and children and people who are unable to defend themselves.

This is why they want a total ban on guns in America, so they won't get hurt on their way to goose stepping all over The American People!


Would you be so kind as to define "they" in the context you use it there?

Also... Do you have a link to "The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic", or is that just a bullshit line that you just made up?

Just curious.

Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.
Clearly, you don't understand what a Fascist is.

Republicans are 90% white. Nazi's hate minorities. All the very same people Republicans hate.

I'll let you figure it out from here. Just do the math.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

On the other hand you have neo-nazis, white supremacists and other far-right bloodsuckers who are trying to make this country into their image just as Hitler did. Both sides represent a danger to America.

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are so microscopic in America, you liberal lying slime call EVERYONE who isn't a PC-crazed, white-hating, America-hating leftist without a muslim dick in their mouth a Nazi or white supremacist. Are you liberals this unintelligent you don't know how OLD and played-out your little game is? Assuming you're American, I wish you self-hating Americans would just be honest and move the fuck out of this country and leave the rest of us alone.

Also, CRETIN, how can Trump be a Nazi when he's an Israel supporter who cut off aid to the Palestinian animal-filth and has a Jewish granddaughter? HORSE'S ASS!!!!

Present a Nazi Democrat with Logic and Truth and they have NO ARGUMENT. your own admission, you ignore those who don't ape your opinions. Creating your own little echo chamber, where you are only exposed to arguments that you already agree with.

Just because you close your eyes doesn't mean the world disappears, Tree. Only that you've made yourself blind through willful ignorance.

For example, you fantasize about rampant, unhinged political violence. Yet violence rates in the US are still very low. How do you reconcile the low violence rates with your violence fantasies?

So far, you've ignored the discrepancy. Can you do better?

I simply don't want my thinking affected by your poisoned mind, your lies, your propaganda, and your hatred of Americans and American Freedoms.

Thereby demonstrating your failure. If your ideas had merit, they could easily withstand opposing views. Yet yours can't. You have to isolate yourself from opposing view points to maintain your perspective.

While I can easily shrug off the violence fantasies that you're obsessed with. As they are silly and contradicted by evidence. I can also ask the very simple questions that you run from.

For example.....if there is rampant, unhinged political violence sweeping the country......why are violence rates still historically low?

You should probably run from that question again. Trying to answer it might 'poison your mind' with reality.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.
Clearly, you don't understand what a Fascist is.

Republicans are 90% white. Nazi's hate minorities. All the very same people Republicans hate.

I'll let you figure it out from here. Just do the math.

A Propagandist and Hater does not get to define Hate because he only does so to deflect from his own Agenda of Hate via the vehicle of lies.

People are not buying in to your Nazi Labeling Theory where you can spew your hatred at them daily.

You are the source of Hatred. The Source of Lies, and The Source of Social Unrest in This Country.

Meanwhile results matter. The President's approval rating among minorities continues to rise despite your Lies and Evil Intentions. Minority Business Ownership and Minority Employment Rates are at Record Highs.

Yet, you continue to spew lies and venom because facts and truth is not something a trafficker in hatred can contend with or debate. You can only debate Emotions, and Assign Labels with no basis in fact.

This is exactly how Nazis and Extremists Operate. In Emotion and Myth. You outted yourself again, herr comrade.
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

Not really. If guns were banned tomorrow 99% of those who own them would hand them over. The rest would be taken care of in short order.

No charges for Dallas officers who killed sniper with robot bomb

No charges for Dallas officers who killed sniper with robot bomb

Dallas police officers who used a bomb-equipped robot to kill a sniper who shot five police officers during a protest in 2016 were not charged by a grand jury, prosecutors said on Wednesday.

I support what they did, and that’s how they would make YPUR guns “not a problem”. Just saying.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.
Clearly, you don't understand what a Fascist is.

Republicans are 90% white. Nazi's hate minorities. All the very same people Republicans hate.

I'll let you figure it out from here. Just do the math.

A Propagandist and Hater does not get to define Hate because he only does so to deflect from his own Agenda of Hate via the vehicle of lies.

People are not buying in to your Nazi Labeling Theory where you can spew your hatred at them daily.

You are the source of Hatred. The Source of Lies, and The Source of Social Unrest in This Country.

Meanwhile results matter. The President's approval rating among minorities continues to rise despite your Lies and Evil Intentions. Minority Business Ownership and Minority Employment Rates are at Record Highs.

Yet, you continue to spew lies and venom because facts and truth is not something a trafficker in hatred can contend with or debate. You can only debate Emotions, and Assign Labels with no basis in fact.

This is exactly how Nazis and Extremists Operate. In Emotion and Myth. You outted yourself again, herr comrade.

Says the soul that is offering us fantasies of violence and delusions of a country overwhelmed by 'unhinged' leftist violence.

But who can't reconcile his perception.....with the historically low rates of violence in the US. Its far more likely that you've allowed your imagination to taint your perception and overwhelm you with fear. It certainly matches the evidence and is remarkably simple.

Compared with the ludicrous complexity of your 'Mobs who wanna fuck angels' explanation.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

Mr Tree, a wise man said recently (and it wasn't me, I am just giving you the jist of his words) that----------> There are NO GOOD DEMOCRATS, period!

Not that there aren't good people that are Democrats, but that their ideology is a threat to America. Many people who are Democrats, do not pay attention to what the party is doing, supposedly in their name. They have to lie constantly to make their politicians palatable, and the media helps them along. When someone goes back and QUOTES what they, or the media said and use their own words against them, they insist it is a CONSPIRACY THEORY; and yet, 95% of what comes back is proven true...………...and Leftists then try and change the subject, which is all they have!

We are in important, and DANGEROUS times. You have Socialists under the flag of the Democrats running for office...…..the same type of Socialists we defeated in the former Soviet Union decades ago. Add to that at least TWO of the leading Democratic candidates running for President in 2020 are Socialists, and we could easily lose our Republic within the next 2 years.

It is OUR job (all of our) not to let them get away with it, sad but true. The Republicans are little help. They are afraid to attack Leftist groups, for fear they might lose the 1 vote they get out of the group, or that if the media shows a protest outside of their office PAID for by Soros, they will become persona-non-grata.

The outcome may be in question, but lets hope our resolve is not! I have children, and grandchildren. I helped finance the demise of the USSR. I sure as hell don't want them throwing up a tent here in congress, and the Whitehouse!
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

Mr Tree, a wise man said recently (and it wasn't me, I am just giving you the jist of his words) that----------> There are NO GOOD DEMOCRATS, period!

Not that there aren't good people that are Democrats, but that their ideology is a threat to America. Many people who are Democrats, do not pay attention to what the party is doing, supposedly in their name. They have to lie constantly to make their politicians palatable, and the media helps them along. When someone goes back and QUOTES what they, or the media said and use their own words against them, they insist it is a CONSPIRACY THEORY; and yet, 95% of what comes back is proven true...………...and Leftists then try and change the subject, which is all they have!

We are in important, and DANGEROUS times. You have Socialists under the flag of the Democrats running for office...…..the same type of Socialists we defeated in the former Soviet Union decades ago. Add to that at least TWO of the leading Democratic candidates running for President in 2020 are Socialists, and we could easily lose our Republic within the next 2 years.

It is OUR job (all of our) not to let them get away with it, sad but true. The Republicans are little help. They are afraid to attack Leftist groups, for fear they might lose the 1 vote they get out of the group, or that if the media shows a protest outside of their office PAID for by Soros, they will become persona-non-grata.

The outcome may be in question, but lets hope our resolve is not! I have children, and grandchildren. I helped finance the demise of the USSR. I sure as hell don't want them throwing up a tent here in congress, and the Whitehouse!

Bernie Sanders is the 'the same kind of Socialist we defeated in the former Soviet Union'?
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

Mr Tree, a wise man said recently (and it wasn't me, I am just giving you the jist of his words) that----------> There are NO GOOD DEMOCRATS, period!

Not that there aren't good people that are Democrats, but that their ideology is a threat to America. Many people who are Democrats, do not pay attention to what the party is doing, supposedly in their name. They have to lie constantly to make their politicians palatable, and the media helps them along. When someone goes back and QUOTES what they, or the media said and use their own words against them, they insist it is a CONSPIRACY THEORY; and yet, 95% of what comes back is proven true...………...and Leftists then try and change the subject, which is all they have!

We are in important, and DANGEROUS times. You have Socialists under the flag of the Democrats running for office...…..the same type of Socialists we defeated in the former Soviet Union decades ago. Add to that at least TWO of the leading Democratic candidates running for President in 2020 are Socialists, and we could easily lose our Republic within the next 2 years.

It is OUR job (all of our) not to let them get away with it, sad but true. The Republicans are little help. They are afraid to attack Leftist groups, for fear they might lose the 1 vote they get out of the group, or that if the media shows a protest outside of their office PAID for by Soros, they will become persona-non-grata.

The outcome may be in question, but lets hope our resolve is not! I have children, and grandchildren. I helped finance the demise of the USSR. I sure as hell don't want them throwing up a tent here in congress, and the Whitehouse!

Bernie Sanders is the 'the same kind of Socialist we defeated in the former Soviet Union'?

Yep, economically he is. Hell, he went there on his honeymoon to study their economic theories!
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

Mr Tree, a wise man said recently (and it wasn't me, I am just giving you the jist of his words) that----------> There are NO GOOD DEMOCRATS, period!

Not that there aren't good people that are Democrats, but that their ideology is a threat to America. Many people who are Democrats, do not pay attention to what the party is doing, supposedly in their name. They have to lie constantly to make their politicians palatable, and the media helps them along. When someone goes back and QUOTES what they, or the media said and use their own words against them, they insist it is a CONSPIRACY THEORY; and yet, 95% of what comes back is proven true...………...and Leftists then try and change the subject, which is all they have!

We are in important, and DANGEROUS times. You have Socialists under the flag of the Democrats running for office...…..the same type of Socialists we defeated in the former Soviet Union decades ago. Add to that at least TWO of the leading Democratic candidates running for President in 2020 are Socialists, and we could easily lose our Republic within the next 2 years.

It is OUR job (all of our) not to let them get away with it, sad but true. The Republicans are little help. They are afraid to attack Leftist groups, for fear they might lose the 1 vote they get out of the group, or that if the media shows a protest outside of their office PAID for by Soros, they will become persona-non-grata.

The outcome may be in question, but lets hope our resolve is not! I have children, and grandchildren. I helped finance the demise of the USSR. I sure as hell don't want them throwing up a tent here in congress, and the Whitehouse!

Bernie Sanders is the 'the same kind of Socialist we defeated in the former Soviet Union'?

Yep, economically he is. Hell, he went there on his honeymoon to study their economic theories!

Nope. I'd be happy to compare a list of what Bernie advocates vs. the policies of the USSR.

They're gloriously dissimilar.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.
I am so sorry that you are misinformed about Adolf, my ancestor. He was foremost a fascist in that he was for a government that had workers who made their own way financially and simply obeyed his words without question. Sort of identical to tRumputin. These conservative whackos want to keep America in the 18th century. Women at home bare foot and raising a dozen children. Slaves in the home to help and in the fields to basically farm for food. Make no mistake the posters here like the original tree are un American in the most prolific of ways claiming Patriotism above all else.
Behind every Democrat is Putin and his band of Commies.

The Left is Marxist and Communist and solicited the help of Vladimir Putin to derail, or slow down, and hog tie The Trump Campaign in any way possible. The end result was the collusion of Clinton Cronies in The FBI, DOJ and Clinton Campaign directly with Russia.

The "Insurance Policy" is just one small bit of Evidence that testifies to this truth. But Mueller, a Marxist Mole himself, wants nothing to do with ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION. His job, like Comey before him is to keep Clinton and Obama clean, and to deflect from their crimes while alternately harassing the president so as to slow him down, and delay the implementation of his policies, and his vision for America.

There is even a money trail-paper trail to follow to prove The Clinton Campaign Laundered Money to pay Russian Operatives for The Fake Dossier on TRUMP, and further more used Marxist moles like McCain, John Kerry, Comey, McCabe and others to pass this Propaganda up the chain, KNOWING IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED, FALSE AND SALACIOUS to Defraud THE FISA COURT and to Falsely Lobby them to allow them to Illegally spy on THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN and his FAMILY his home and friends, all just to turn over every and any rock to find a crime which did not exist. This is the 'Essence' of what "The Insurance Policy" was all about.

It was a political hit, a favor called in by Obama and Clinton to Putin to put a Political Hit on President Trump.

You cannot get any more treasonous than that.
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Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

Mr Tree, a wise man said recently (and it wasn't me, I am just giving you the jist of his words) that----------> There are NO GOOD DEMOCRATS, period!

Not that there aren't good people that are Democrats, but that their ideology is a threat to America. Many people who are Democrats, do not pay attention to what the party is doing, supposedly in their name. They have to lie constantly to make their politicians palatable, and the media helps them along. When someone goes back and QUOTES what they, or the media said and use their own words against them, they insist it is a CONSPIRACY THEORY; and yet, 95% of what comes back is proven true...………...and Leftists then try and change the subject, which is all they have!

We are in important, and DANGEROUS times. You have Socialists under the flag of the Democrats running for office...…..the same type of Socialists we defeated in the former Soviet Union decades ago. Add to that at least TWO of the leading Democratic candidates running for President in 2020 are Socialists, and we could easily lose our Republic within the next 2 years.

It is OUR job (all of our) not to let them get away with it, sad but true. The Republicans are little help. They are afraid to attack Leftist groups, for fear they might lose the 1 vote they get out of the group, or that if the media shows a protest outside of their office PAID for by Soros, they will become persona-non-grata.

The outcome may be in question, but lets hope our resolve is not! I have children, and grandchildren. I helped finance the demise of the USSR. I sure as hell don't want them throwing up a tent here in congress, and the Whitehouse!

There are GOOD DEMOCRATS. They are the conservative JFK types, that THE DNC has abandoned. They are leaving THE DNC in the #WalkAway movement. They call themselves Independents now, or have switched entirely to The GOP as flawed as it is to have any hope of sanity being restored to this nation.
One of the things Donald Trump wanted to do and is still trying to do is make it harder for the government to just openly spy on The American People. He has a huge battle on his hands to get that changed, because the deep state is totalitarian in nature and globalist in doctrine. They do not believe in the concept of individual rights and liberties.

One of the ways he will do this is to place Constitutionalist Judges in SCOTUS.
This in and of itself will strengthen individual liberties instead of undermine them as Obama and Clinton always sought to do, and George Bush too.

Donald Trump is brazenly attempting to corrupt the DOJ and turn it into his personal brute squad, targeting his political enemies and protecting his political friends.

With today's attacks on Sessions for indicting republicans yet another example of Trump's corruption.

No thank you.
Too bad Obama already corrupted the DOJ with Holder and Lynch....
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

On the other hand you have neo-nazis, white supremacists and other far-right bloodsuckers who are trying to make this country into their image just as Hitler did. Both sides represent a danger to America.

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are so microscopic in America, you liberal lying slime call EVERYONE who isn't a PC-crazed, white-hating, America-hating leftist without a muslim dick in their mouth a Nazi or white supremacist. Are you liberals this unintelligent you don't know how OLD and played-out your little game is? Assuming you're American, I wish you self-hating Americans would just be honest and move the fuck out of this country and leave the rest of us alone.

Also, CRETIN, how can Trump be a Nazi when he's an Israel supporter who cut off aid to the Palestinian animal-filth and has a Jewish granddaughter? HORSE'S ASS!!!!

Tell us more about the White Hating. And while you're at it, tell us more about black led governments.
Like in South Africa?

The black supremacist government that you condone?

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