The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....

Signs of The End Times (per eschatology studies of end time prophecies)

  • Homosexuality
  • People Delighting In Sin
  • Rebellion
  • People Delighting in Lies
  • False Accusations
  • Abuse of Children
  • Corruption in Government
  • Unfair Pricing of Commodities Necessary for Survival. (Rigged Scales)
  • Sexual Perversions
  • Mass Mis-Information (corrupt media)
  • Theft
  • Murder
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars
  • Earthquakes in diverse places
  • A move towards global governance
  • People who in times past would be ashamed and regretful of their sins who are proud of them and boast of them
  • Violence
  • High Divorce Rates
  • A World in which people do not want to have children
  • Mass Immigration across the planet (people moving to and fro)
  • Knowledge shall increase (The Computer Age)
  • Beheadings and Persecution of Christians

Liberals calling for the impeachment or assassination of President Trump before he is even sworn in to office.
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Exactly how would you prevent NK from detonating a nuke in a foreign country? You seem to have the foreign policy answers, how would you prevent this from happening? Obviously, what Bubba and Obama tried to keep nukes out of their hands didn't work.

except who says they will.

Of all the countries that have ever made nuclear weapons, only ONE detonated them on a foreign country and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians.

That would be the good old U.S. of A.

We dropped nukes on a country that was already defeated and looking for a way to surrender.

So I don't think we are much of a position to preach to the North Koreans about what kind of weapons they can have.

I'm not seeing any answers from the naysayers. It's a lot easier to kick and scream that somebody's doing something wrong when you don't have to do it right the first time, every time.

I'd have a lot more confidence if Trump knew what he was doing, and every time he said something, all of his underlings didn't have to run out and say, "Well, what he REALLY meant was...."

The real problem with Kim and Trump is that they are brothers from different mothers. They are both narcissistic nuts with inflated egos.

Again, since you are so convinced that Trump is completely wrong in everything he tries to do re NK, what steps would YOU take to make sure NK does not detonate a nuke on a foreign country? Forget who did or did not use nukes already. That's playground philosophy. The reality is, we know what nukes will do and there is nothing positive gained from allowing NK to have and use them.

So, being the foreign policy experts that all you keyboard jockeys obviously are, and obviously you have access to the Intel the president has, how would YOU prevent this horror?

Remember, you have to be right the first time and every time.

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Again, since you are so convinced that Trump is completely wrong in everything he tries to do re NK, what steps would YOU take to make sure NK does not detonate a nuke on a foreign country? Forget who did or did not use nukes already. That's playground philosophy. The reality is, we know what nukes will do and there is nothing positive gained from allowing NK to have and use them.

Actually, I'm more worried about Pakistan's nukes than I am about North Koreas... The Pakistanis drive their nukes around in trucks to hide them, and the country is crawling with terrorists.

You see, the thing is, North Korea has had nukes for over a decade now. About the time George W. Stupid was going around lumping them in with an "Axis of Evil" that didn't exist.

So, no, I'm not really that worried about it. I'm frankly more worried Trump will escalate this because unlike his three predecessors, he doesn't have the expertise to manage a crisis.

So, being the foreign policy experts that all you keyboard jockeys obviously are, and obviously you have access to the Intel the president has, how would YOU prevent this horror?

Remember, you have to be right the first time and every time.

If it were up to me, we'd stop paying so much attention to the needy child in Pyongyang. If we were serious about change in that country, we'd open up trade and normal diplomatic relations with it, and let North Koreans travel to the west.

But it suits the Military Industrial Complex to have a pretend enemy over there to spend billions on weapons we really don't need.
More thousands of people in Syria would be dead already, and we'd be looking at war with Russia if Clinton had been elected.

Probably not.

As it stands, ISIS is hurting real bad right about now.

ISIS was on the run long before Trump got there... Is that really all you got.

Just remember, keep an eye on who our "friends" are over there now, because they will be the next "existential threat" in ten years.

Lying as always, I see.

ISIS was on the run alright, running to collect the cash and weapons that Obama was sending them. Without the "Caliphate Spring" that dumb fucker started, there would BE no ISIS.
toobfreak, post: 17864517
You must be CONVICTED of HIGH CRIMES. Do you even know what a high crime is?

... or misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, money laundering, Tax Fraud, treason are high enough crimes if the investigations find any of that.

But the investigations and impeachment could take too long, so I'm in favor of Article 25.

Ex-GOP Senator Calls Trump 'Sick Of Mind' And Asks Congress to Dump Him
Newsweek › ex-gop-senator-trump-sick-...
AMP - 3 days ago - Humphrey said a Commission on Presidential Capacity could potentially remove Trump under Article 25 of the ...

I agree with the former Republican Senstor on this.

Safer route for America and the entire world when our POTUS is sick of mind. It is clear the man is sick of mind.

It's in the Constitution as well, so no complaints.

I cant say Pence is sick of mind but the investigations must continue because he is part of it.

Pence at least we can assume has a functioning mind, and would do a better job as POTUS than Trump.

But all Americans need to know if Pence got there by collusion with the Russians or not even if he truly had nothing to do with it.

I don't want Pence's politics but I think Pence's fanatic Christian politics will not sell to a national popular majority. And I dont see him appealing to the deplorables much when he tries to moderate and bring some order, truthfulness and sanity back to the Oval Office.

The deplorable's heroes like Bannon and the nepotism in the White House would end with Trump's exit to the funny farm, so at least there is that as well.

All is going well on the Dem side of politics with much appreciation for Trump for most of that.

If SCOTUS judge heaves before the midterms - the Dems will have a huge political advantage at winning back the Senate before Pence ir Trump can do any more damage to the highest court in the land.
Uncensored2008, post: 17909610
. Without the "Caliphate Spring" that dumb fucker started, there would BE no ISIS.

Even the idiot Trump knows that is a lie. Trump said on the campaign trail that the Bush lies and Iraq invasion caused ISIS. That is actually true.

Ttere would never have been ISIS in Iraq had Bush allowed the weapons inspectors to finish their job.

You can't knock the first domino down (Saddam Hussein) and then blame dominoes in the middle of the rows for the final result.
Uncensored2008, post: 17909610
. Without the "Caliphate Spring" that dumb fucker started, there would BE no ISIS.

Even the idiot Trump knows that is a lie. Trump said on the campaign trail that the Bush lies and Iraq invasion caused ISIS. That is actually true.

Ttere would never have been ISIS in Iraq had Bush allowed the weapons inspectors to finish their job.

You can't knock the first domino down (Saddam Hussein) and then blame dominoes in the middle of the rows for the final result.

ISIL is not ISIS, Brown Shirt.

Your idiot god was determined to create a Pan-Arabian Muslim super power, so he sponsored Al Qaeda in Libya and Egypt. Then he started giving what is now ISIS weapons and cash in Syria to oust Assad who is an impediment to the Caliphate Obama was determined be a world power.
Lying as always, I see.

ISIS was on the run alright, running to collect the cash and weapons that Obama was sending them. Without the "Caliphate Spring" that dumb fucker started, there would BE no ISIS.

Yes, because the Middle East was such a happy place before Obama decided to not support various dictators, none of whom were in countries ISIS now operates in.

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