The left bows to Islam

The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Sorry Jerky/Quean the left already owns commie/socialist/progressive/liberal/etc, etc...
I'm going to save your post for the moment that investigator Mueller puts the finger on your boy Trump and his colleagues for conspiring with the Russians to mix the kool-aid that you stupid punks drank. Yes, you swallowed it... every drop. All of you kommunist konservatives might dream of being conservatives but you are nothing more than populist shills following a Putin surrogate. You'll do anything he wants.
He'll have you singing the Volga Boat Song while the Russians are taking over the capitol without a shot being fired.
But hey, that's probably your plan anyway. To Reclaim what you see as an erosion of white power around the world, Putin is the perfect agent for helping your ilk to attain those ends. Joining hands with the ruthless white Russians to put all the dark folks back in their place would be your ideal. That's the new world order hegemonic Maniacs like you have been dreaming of for years and you believe Trump is a demagogue that will help you reach your goal. That's why you ignore all of his bungling and shortcomings. That's what you want but don't think we haven't taken notice.
Jerky/Quean your full of hot air and long winded, you spew rabid b/s like most of your ilk. The one thing most everyone knows about alt/rabid/left-wing/snowflakes is everything you say about conservatives or people not of your ilk is in fact describing yourselves. You and your ilk are what you say about other people. To watch you morons is funny and sad. Now go butt chugg a box of cheap wine and stfu, salunsky 5-6...
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
July 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

There's a booming field on the left of using "science" to disprove reality.

The science they use isn't actually science. They throw out references. Like the New York Times op-ed that insisted some speech is stressful enough to cause harm. Toss out some references and a study or two. Then pretend that you've disproven reality. Not to mention ethics, law and common sense.

Here's another entry in this booming genre. "Why a Muslim ban won’t keep us safer".

If you disagree, you hate science. And love reality.


In the end, behavioral data will triumph! It must be so!

If currently, religious screening actually works better, that doesn't mean we're wrong. It means you need to give us more money while opening the door to more Muslim terrorists. And then when everything has been blown up, we will be proven right.

We are convinced that we are right. Therefore we must be right. And.. .science.

Whom are you going to believe us, or your sanity?

Leftists Love Science, Hate Reality
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Sorry Jerky/Quean the left already owns commie/socialist/progressive/liberal/etc, etc...
I'm going to save your post for the moment that investigator Mueller puts the finger on your boy Trump and his colleagues for conspiring with the Russians to mix the kool-aid that you stupid punks drank. Yes, you swallowed it... every drop. All of you kommunist konservatives might dream of being conservatives but you are nothing more than populist shills following a Putin surrogate. You'll do anything he wants.
He'll have you singing the Volga Boat Song while the Russians are taking over the capitol without a shot being fired.
But hey, that's probably your plan anyway. To Reclaim what you see as an erosion of white power around the world, Putin is the perfect agent for helping your ilk to attain those ends. Joining hands with the ruthless white Russians to put all the dark folks back in their place would be your ideal. That's the new world order hegemonic Maniacs like you have been dreaming of for years and you believe Trump is a demagogue that will help you reach your goal. That's why you ignore all of his bungling and shortcomings. That's what you want but don't think we haven't taken notice.
Jerky/Quean your full of hot air and long winded, you spew rabid b/s like most of your ilk. The one thing most everyone knows about alt/rabid/left-wing/snowflakes is everything you say about conservatives or people not of your ilk is in fact describing yourselves. You and your ilk are what you say about other people. To watch you morons is funny and sad. Now go butt chugg a box of cheap wine and stfu, salunsky 5-6...
Look punk name is John Q. Public.
In person you wouldn't dare call me anything else.

You would find that the hot air in me is about 96.8 degrees. If the air in your cold ass is much lower than're a zombie...or a Trumpbot. That's why you drones are such heartless crones.

But whatever you think you're no conservative. You aren't rich enough.
You are a konservative... a puppet...
a tool to be used... And that goes for liberals too. The super rich have no need for political titles like liberal and conservative. Thats for pliebians like you.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Sorry Jerky/Quean the left already owns commie/socialist/progressive/liberal/etc, etc...
I'm going to save your post for the moment that investigator Mueller puts the finger on your boy Trump and his colleagues for conspiring with the Russians to mix the kool-aid that you stupid punks drank. Yes, you swallowed it... every drop. All of you kommunist konservatives might dream of being conservatives but you are nothing more than populist shills following a Putin surrogate. You'll do anything he wants.
He'll have you singing the Volga Boat Song while the Russians are taking over the capitol without a shot being fired.
But hey, that's probably your plan anyway. To Reclaim what you see as an erosion of white power around the world, Putin is the perfect agent for helping your ilk to attain those ends. Joining hands with the ruthless white Russians to put all the dark folks back in their place would be your ideal. That's the new world order hegemonic Maniacs like you have been dreaming of for years and you believe Trump is a demagogue that will help you reach your goal. That's why you ignore all of his bungling and shortcomings. That's what you want but don't think we haven't taken notice.
Jerky/Quean your full of hot air and long winded, you spew rabid b/s like most of your ilk. The one thing most everyone knows about alt/rabid/left-wing/snowflakes is everything you say about conservatives or people not of your ilk is in fact describing yourselves. You and your ilk are what you say about other people. To watch you morons is funny and sad. Now go butt chugg a box of cheap wine and stfu, salunsky 5-6...
Look punk name is John Q. Public.
In person you wouldn't dare call me anything else.

You would find that the hot air in me is about 96.8 degrees. If the air in your cold ass is much lower than're a zombie...or a Trumpbot. That's why you drones are such heartless crones.

But whatever you think you're no conservative. You aren't rich enough.
You are a konservative... a puppet...
a tool to be used... And that goes for liberals too. The super rich have no need for political titles like liberal and conservative. Thats for pliebians like you.
Jerky/Quean ya pos snowflake/pussy...

The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Sorry Jerky/Quean the left already owns commie/socialist/progressive/liberal/etc, etc...
I'm going to save your post for the moment that investigator Mueller puts the finger on your boy Trump and his colleagues for conspiring with the Russians to mix the kool-aid that you stupid punks drank. Yes, you swallowed it... every drop. All of you kommunist konservatives might dream of being conservatives but you are nothing more than populist shills following a Putin surrogate. You'll do anything he wants.
He'll have you singing the Volga Boat Song while the Russians are taking over the capitol without a shot being fired.
But hey, that's probably your plan anyway. To Reclaim what you see as an erosion of white power around the world, Putin is the perfect agent for helping your ilk to attain those ends. Joining hands with the ruthless white Russians to put all the dark folks back in their place would be your ideal. That's the new world order hegemonic Maniacs like you have been dreaming of for years and you believe Trump is a demagogue that will help you reach your goal. That's why you ignore all of his bungling and shortcomings. That's what you want but don't think we haven't taken notice.
Jerky/Quean your full of hot air and long winded, you spew rabid b/s like most of your ilk. The one thing most everyone knows about alt/rabid/left-wing/snowflakes is everything you say about conservatives or people not of your ilk is in fact describing yourselves. You and your ilk are what you say about other people. To watch you morons is funny and sad. Now go butt chugg a box of cheap wine and stfu, salunsky 5-6...
It's called "The Goebbels effect".
Getting back to the op like any mature person would: I'd like to think bowing to Islam is far better than tongue kissing it.

This is hilarious. What could be more conservative than Islam?

But they're mostly brown people as such cultural relativist morons love Islam, opposition to theocracy is now considered racist by the left hence the counter protests during the anti-Sharia demonstrations.
Here's a little something liberals and muslims have in common: any time they congregate in large numbers they leave literally truckloads of garbage and sewage behind.

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