The Left Attacks White Women......

We also have all the intelligent tolerant non brainwashed men, super duper..

I have been part of message boards for years and years, since the WWW opened. Liberal men are disgusting toward women. Generally speaking, "Tolerant" they are absolutely NOT, I can tell you that. I have not only witnessed this myself, but have watched it play out time and again.

As a whole, absolute misogynist to the core and sometimes violently so, and often seemingly very insecure in their manhood at worst. At best, simply lacking in all good manners and understanding social cues. And don't just take this from me; ask any conservative women anywhere what they get from liberal men online.

I guess you prefer the denigration, insults and abuse of the conservative men we see every day on this board. I’ve found the liberal men here to be gentlemen. Not one of them had called me insulting names reference parts of my body.

But it’s not their online behaviour I really care about. We’re more concerned about how Republican men treat women with their legislation which restricts women’s rights to birth control and abortion.

We note that the US has the worst record of maternal and newborn mortality in the first world. That you have no mandated maternity leave, and one of the largest pay gaps between men and women in the first world.

Republicans tell you they’ll “take care of women”, but in reality they neither respect nor care about women at all.

About half the women in the voting world are against abortion.

And you want to blame it all on men.

As to mortality rate....please read up....this has only been addressed about a gagillion times.

Yeah, leftist women want to appoint themselves leaders and spokespeople for all women on the basis of how frigging stupid and helpless and gullible the rest of us are.

Great propaganda they got going for them, there. And then they wonder why fewer and fewer women are interested in identifying with them.

Did you wake up this morning and decide to go full on bullshit artist because not only are you blatantly lying, your lie doesn't hold up to the tiniest bit of scrutiny?

If fewer and fewer women are interested in identifying with the Democratic Party, how did a voter registration drive lead by women register record number of women voters as Democrats in the run up to the mid-term elections?

How did record numbers of women turn out to vote for the Democratic Party?

How did record numbers of Republican women from the suburbs turn out and vote for Democratic candidates?

How did Democrats win the House, 7 governnorships, 6 state houses, a whole lot of municipal elections if women aren't leaving the Republican Party and registering as Democrats?

If you're going to engage in these discussions, you're going to need to start relying on facts, not Republican talking points to make your arguments because we know the usual lies and how to refute them.

Wingers are having a bad day.
So, as I watch the clips of people on the left blathering about "White Women", I have to wonder how they don't see themselves as racist.

An example:

Chelsea Handler Shames White Women for Not Voting for Beto O'Rourke

You have Butch Behar also attacking them.

You know the tolerant tolerant...until......

No wonder they let Trump get elected.

Typical left judges everyone by their skin color. They really believe that race and gender should dictate how a person feels about certain issues. When people don't fit into their mold, they get all confused and start rambling in a nonsensical manner. Just ignore Handler and the others. If they were toddlers, I'd put them in a playpen and let them have their tantrum.

It is an interesting thing, out here in flyover country, that we encounter more REAL diversity in a week than coastal elitists do their entire lives.

"What? That I am a normal woman?"

Your posts suggest that you are anything but normal on multiple levels, one level being that normal human beings do NOT vomit up such extreme abuse about others on a daily and consistent basis and on another level your twisted and disturbed theories about consensual Heterosexual relationships where in your fevered mind men are basically nothing more than rapists and women are low self-esteem sex slave whores this also illustrates that you are anything but normal.

"I am heterosexual?"

No you are an aggressive and borderline violent Homosexual who HATES men AND HATES Heterosexual women, as once again you have illustrated with your comments in this thread and it's not the first thread you have expressed your twisted and disturbed views in, you are very consistent now with this stuff.

"That I am not a sex slave?"

Well for one thing from your comments men would be under threat from you, you hate them so much and LOATHE the penis THAT much that probably you could be prone to violently attacking some random man and attempting to cut his HATED penis off. You have probably never even had a normal healthy sexual relationship with anyone, considering you are so extremely aggressive and full of anger and an organic level of pure hatred why would anyone of reasonable sane mind even think of wanting to enter a relationship with someone so deranged.

You seriously need professional help, if you are like this IRL then you seriously need professional psychiatric help and the correct medications and I comment this as the wife of a Psychiatrist.

I like normal men. I don't go for the sexually dysfunctional that you seem to prefer. I like real men. Healthy men. Men who don't need anyone to worship their organ, not a trump, a pigpence. a "southern baptist" who needs to have his organ rule the house. Real men.

"I don't go for the sexually dysfunctional that you seem to prefer."

Mr. Lucy is not sexually dyfunctional, he is the opposite.

"I like real men. Healthy men."

No you don't, you like Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's who are DE-MASCULINISED, you FEAR the Alpha Male. You like sickly, weak Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's who will sit there while you SCREAM they are OPPRESSORS of women, that they are POTENTIAL RAPISTS because they have a penis and that they to be more FEMININE and HATE that they have a penis and act like they instead have a Mangina. Caitlin Jenner is YOUR TYPE of man, a man who HATES his penis as much as YOU HATE it and so wants it removed and then being reduced to TOTAL DE-MASCULINISATION.

"Men who don't need anyone to worship their organ"

ALL men worship their penis and want others to worship their penis, as I just commented REAL MEN to you are either ASHAMED they have a penis or they HATE they have a penis so much they get it chopped off, to YOU that is a REAL MAN a man who is ASHAMED and HATES that he was born male but to NORMAL peoples that is a pathetic, sad, fucked up weirdo with psychological problems, so no wonder you like the Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's and the Trannies you have the psychologically fucked up in the membrane in common with them.

You are a real nut-job. "Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's and the Trannies"??? Please get some help.

STFU and GTFO, go and find the nearest Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi and Trannies and scream your insane horsecrap at them you are a fucking nutter and I can confidently say that EVERYONE in this thread would agree that you are a fucking nutter.

This may be a bit harsh....but hard to argue with the point.

I could almost consider taking Lucy off ignore.

And I hope you appreciate the compliment I paid you by checking out someone I ignore just because I wanted to know what YOU were talking about. ;)
I like normal men. I don't go for the sexually dysfunctional that you seem to prefer. I like real men. Healthy men. Men who don't need anyone to worship their organ, not a trump, a pigpence. a "southern baptist" who needs to have his organ rule the house. Real men.

"I don't go for the sexually dysfunctional that you seem to prefer."

Mr. Lucy is not sexually dyfunctional, he is the opposite.

"I like real men. Healthy men."

No you don't, you like Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's who are DE-MASCULINISED, you FEAR the Alpha Male. You like sickly, weak Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's who will sit there while you SCREAM they are OPPRESSORS of women, that they are POTENTIAL RAPISTS because they have a penis and that they to be more FEMININE and HATE that they have a penis and act like they instead have a Mangina. Caitlin Jenner is YOUR TYPE of man, a man who HATES his penis as much as YOU HATE it and so wants it removed and then being reduced to TOTAL DE-MASCULINISATION.

"Men who don't need anyone to worship their organ"

ALL men worship their penis and want others to worship their penis, as I just commented REAL MEN to you are either ASHAMED they have a penis or they HATE they have a penis so much they get it chopped off, to YOU that is a REAL MAN a man who is ASHAMED and HATES that he was born male but to NORMAL peoples that is a pathetic, sad, fucked up weirdo with psychological problems, so no wonder you like the Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's and the Trannies you have the psychologically fucked up in the membrane in common with them.

You are a real nut-job. "Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's and the Trannies"??? Please get some help.

STFU and GTFO, go and find the nearest Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi and Trannies and scream your insane horsecrap at them you are a fucking nutter and I can confidently say that EVERYONE in this thread would agree that you are a fucking nutter.

This may be a bit harsh....but hard to argue with the point.

I could almost consider taking Lucy off ignore.

And I hope you appreciate the compliment I paid you by checking out someone I ignore just because I wanted to know what YOU were talking about. ;)

Not even sure why you have me on Ignore considering I am a Conservative, did I upset you one time did you need tissue and Play Doh?

I have ZERO Conservatives on Ignore as we are ALL on the Same Team.
"What? That I am a normal woman?"

Your posts suggest that you are anything but normal on multiple levels, one level being that normal human beings do NOT vomit up such extreme abuse about others on a daily and consistent basis and on another level your twisted and disturbed theories about consensual Heterosexual relationships where in your fevered mind men are basically nothing more than rapists and women are low self-esteem sex slave whores this also illustrates that you are anything but normal.

"I am heterosexual?"

No you are an aggressive and borderline violent Homosexual who HATES men AND HATES Heterosexual women, as once again you have illustrated with your comments in this thread and it's not the first thread you have expressed your twisted and disturbed views in, you are very consistent now with this stuff.

"That I am not a sex slave?"

Well for one thing from your comments men would be under threat from you, you hate them so much and LOATHE the penis THAT much that probably you could be prone to violently attacking some random man and attempting to cut his HATED penis off. You have probably never even had a normal healthy sexual relationship with anyone, considering you are so extremely aggressive and full of anger and an organic level of pure hatred why would anyone of reasonable sane mind even think of wanting to enter a relationship with someone so deranged.

You seriously need professional help, if you are like this IRL then you seriously need professional psychiatric help and the correct medications and I comment this as the wife of a Psychiatrist.

I like normal men. I don't go for the sexually dysfunctional that you seem to prefer. I like real men. Healthy men. Men who don't need anyone to worship their organ, not a trump, a pigpence. a "southern baptist" who needs to have his organ rule the house. Real men.

"I don't go for the sexually dysfunctional that you seem to prefer."

Mr. Lucy is not sexually dyfunctional, he is the opposite.

"I like real men. Healthy men."

No you don't, you like Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's who are DE-MASCULINISED, you FEAR the Alpha Male. You like sickly, weak Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's who will sit there while you SCREAM they are OPPRESSORS of women, that they are POTENTIAL RAPISTS because they have a penis and that they to be more FEMININE and HATE that they have a penis and act like they instead have a Mangina. Caitlin Jenner is YOUR TYPE of man, a man who HATES his penis as much as YOU HATE it and so wants it removed and then being reduced to TOTAL DE-MASCULINISATION.

"Men who don't need anyone to worship their organ"

ALL men worship their penis and want others to worship their penis, as I just commented REAL MEN to you are either ASHAMED they have a penis or they HATE they have a penis so much they get it chopped off, to YOU that is a REAL MAN a man who is ASHAMED and HATES that he was born male but to NORMAL peoples that is a pathetic, sad, fucked up weirdo with psychological problems, so no wonder you like the Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's and the Trannies you have the psychologically fucked up in the membrane in common with them.

You are a real nut-job. "Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi's and the Trannies"??? Please get some help.

STFU and GTFO, go and find the nearest Beta Cuck Faggot Soi Boi and Trannies and scream your insane horsecrap at them you are a fucking nutter and I can confidently say that EVERYONE in this thread would agree that you are a fucking nutter.

This may be a bit harsh....but hard to argue with the point.

Sometimes you have to be harsh to get the point across.
I "intimidate" women by insisting on equality and equal rights to the point of comity. If they refuse to be both easy And convenient under capitalism, i refuse to try to use them.

Chics, money is legal tender for All debts, both public and private.
A home run by National Review.

Democrats’ “White Women” Castigation | National Review

The proximate cause of “white women” being turned into a pejorative is Senator Susan Collins, whose support for Brett Kavanaugh a week ago was in line with her support for Supreme Court nominees in general. She has voted for all of them. Moreover, she enjoys an 88 percent rating from the National Organization for Women. Yet Collins’s vote inspired Alexis Grenell, the author of the Times op-ed quoted above, to say white women voted for Trump “to prop up their whiteness.” Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour denounced Collins as “the mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency.” On the New York magazine site, Rebecca Traister derided the “powerful, old white men” along with the “white women, the ‘female assistants’ and partisan handmaidens who are eager, perhaps avid, to help them in their pursuit of further suffocating authority.” Why female assistants is in quotation marks, or why “powerful” people who hold authority would be interested in “suffocating” it, escapes me, but the phrase “partisan handmaidens” seems especially out of touch. Women are volunteering to be treated as sex slaves? Doesn’t sound like any woman I know. More likely, women such as Collins who supported Kavanaugh disagree that he represents The Handmaid’s Tale brought to life.
Being a member of this awesome group, white women, I will have to say that any woman who voted for cruz is a nutjob. Are they all the bleachy-blondie types with the teased hair, too much makeup, and bibbles who strutted their T&A as "cheerleaders" when they were in high school? Sounds like people who have no pride or self-respect, and have no dedication to freedom.
Being a member of this awesome group, white women, I will have to say that any woman who voted for cruz is a nutjob. Are they all the bleachy-blondie types with the teased hair, too much makeup, and bibbles who strutted their T&A as "cheerleaders" when they were in high school? Sounds like people who have no pride or self-respect, and have no dedication to freedom.

Let me see, on a scale of 0 to "not in this lifetime", how much do I care about Lice's disapproval?
Being a member of this awesome group, white women, I will have to say that any woman who voted for cruz is a nutjob. Are they all the bleachy-blondie types with the teased hair, too much makeup, and bibbles who strutted their T&A as "cheerleaders" when they were in high school? Sounds like people who have no pride or self-respect, and have no dedication to freedom.

Let me see, on a scale of 0 to "not in this lifetime", how much do I care about Lice's disapproval?

It sounds like you fit my description, like you're married to roy moore or something. Self-hate is not a good thing.

A woman who votes for a woman-hater is a complete jerk.
Being a member of this awesome group, white women, I will have to say that any woman who voted for cruz is a nutjob. Are they all the bleachy-blondie types with the teased hair, too much makeup, and bibbles who strutted their T&A as "cheerleaders" when they were in high school? Sounds like people who have no pride or self-respect, and have no dedication to freedom.

You sound jelly.
So, as I watch the clips of people on the left blathering about "White Women", I have to wonder how they don't see themselves as racist.

An example:

Chelsea Handler Shames White Women for Not Voting for Beto O'Rourke

You have Butch Behar also attacking them.

You know the tolerant tolerant...until......

No wonder they let Trump get elected.
Hey, they want equal they got equal. Welcome aboard, gals! Left’s been attacking us white guys for a long long time now and we’re delighted they’ve finally decided to honor our sisters with this grand show of inclusion and equality as they plan their next and future public displays of lunatic behavior they think will make us look stupid!

Shhhhhhhhh’s the word. Your Decoder Rings are out for delivery this busy Christmas Season morning, and your handler will make contact soon to advise your dates for Secret Handshake Conference training and other essentials.

Being a member of this awesome group, white women, I will have to say that any woman who voted for cruz is a nutjob. Are they all the bleachy-blondie types with the teased hair, too much makeup, and bibbles who strutted their T&A as "cheerleaders" when they were in high school? Sounds like people who have no pride or self-respect, and have no dedication to freedom.

Let me see, on a scale of 0 to "not in this lifetime", how much do I care about Lice's disapproval?

It sounds like you fit my description, like you're married to roy moore or something. Self-hate is not a good thing.

A woman who votes for a woman-hater is a complete jerk.

it sounds like I couldn't care less what the likes of you thinks of my life or my choices. All I want from you is to stop being a hypocrite and ACTUALLY support a woman's right to choose for herself, even if I have the unutterable gall to choose not to be a bitter, man-hating hag like you.

A woman who only supports the right of women to agree with her is a complete bitch.
Being a member of this awesome group, white women, I will have to say that any woman who voted for cruz is a nutjob. Are they all the bleachy-blondie types with the teased hair, too much makeup, and bibbles who strutted their T&A as "cheerleaders" when they were in high school? Sounds like people who have no pride or self-respect, and have no dedication to freedom.

And you, by comparison, make them look smart.

You really are going to classify possibly millions of people as nutjobs ?

You are a moron.

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