The Law: Where Evil Gets Us . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
"To consider judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions…would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
—Thomas Jefferson

"To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

—Oath of the President of the United States

For the sake of argument let us make believe that tomorrow the Supreme Court ruled on a case brought to it on behalf of a pedophile suing for his right to have sex with children. Let us also theorize said pedophile was backed both by the LGBTQ lobbies, grassroots organizations, "civil" rights groups and all of their assorted lawyers and legal teams and wealthy and political backers. In this scenario of ours the pedophile in question, a resident of Texas, was arrested, prosecuted and sentenced to years behind bars. Upon his release he sued prosecutors, police and the court which sentenced him, for the legal right to have sex with minors, including his victims. And now, on this hypothetical date, the Supreme Court rules in the pedophile's favor, deciding both that he has the legal right to indulge in his sexual preferences and that his conviction for sexual assault on a minor must be overturned.

Tell us, good people of USMB, do you believe, in the aftermath of Supreme Court decision such as the one above, all pedophiles everywhere in America should then have the right to have sex with minors? Do you believe that's what a Supreme Court decision means . . . that it's rulings are nationwide and constitutionally binding for all Americans?

But wait just a damn moment, you say. Wouldn't it be up to each individual state legislative body and our federal lawmakers (and President, eventually) to handle this issue, this Supreme Court decision, with their own state and federal laws?

Right, so let's explore that, shall we? Again, for the sake of argument (because all you lovely people bloody love to argue for argument's sake; Hegel, I'm looking at you). So let's pretend that all fifty states pass legislation in some form and that to varying degrees makes pedophilia legal, but heavily restricted—even taxed. After those laws have been passed men and women in every state can approach children and solicit them for sex. A "P" is added to LGBTQ.

So how would a majority of sane Americans react to both such a Supreme Court decision and the resulting new state and federal laws? Tens of millions of Americans (we hope) would lose the contents of their stomachs—at minimum.

But let's take this hypothetical SC decision and resulting new laws scenario one step further. Let's also suppose that both state and federal laws allowed for the construction of "play houses" where parents could pimp their children to monster pedophiles, legally, for high dollar fees.

Again, how would a majority of sane Americans react?

See, I know pedophilia is fucking disgusting, anti-human and completely anti-civilization and so do 99% of the rest of my fellow Americans. All Supreme Court justices also know it is wrong, as do all lawmakers state and federal. All cops, local, state and federal know pedophilia is sick and evil, as do all prosecutors and lower court judges. Despite EVERYONE knowing pedophilia is wrong on every level of a healthy society, please tell me, how many brave Americans would break these new pedo-friendly laws to protect kids? How many cops would refuse to enforce these new laws? How many prosecutors would refuse to prosecute fathers and mothers who killed pedophiles to protect their children?


Zero is the number of Americans who would risk breaking the law (save for a few "crackpots") to protect all our children from legalized predators. Now, why is that? Well, you already know but let's state the obvious because, why not? No one would stand against such rulings and laws, even knowing in their heart of hearts such laws are evil, because it is the fucking law.

Because the law is where evil gets us, every last time, both as a nation and a civilization. Evil counts on us Americans to abide by the law whether or not said law is overtly, plainly, obviously EVIL.

And so it goes . . . Roe.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

—Edmund Burke
"To consider judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions…would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
—Thomas Jefferson

"To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

—Oath of the President of the United States

For the sake of argument let us make believe that tomorrow the Supreme Court ruled on a case brought to it on behalf of a pedophile suing for his right to have sex with children. Let us also theorize said pedophile was backed both by the LGBTQ lobbies, grassroots organizations, "civil" rights groups and all of their assorted lawyers and legal teams and wealthy and political backers. In this scenario of ours the pedophile in question, a resident of Texas, was arrested, prosecuted and sentenced to years behind bars. Upon his release he sued prosecutors, police and the court which sentenced him, for the legal right to have sex with minors, including his victims. And now, on this hypothetical date, the Supreme Court rules in the pedophile's favor, deciding both that he has the legal right to indulge in his sexual preferences and that his conviction for sexual assault on a minor must be overturned.

Tell us, good people of USMB, do you believe, in the aftermath of Supreme Court decision such as the one above, all pedophiles everywhere in America should then have the right to have sex with minors? Do you believe that's what a Supreme Court decision means . . . that it's rulings are nationwide and constitutionally binding for all Americans?

But wait just a damn moment, you say. Wouldn't it be up to each individual state legislative body and our federal lawmakers (and President, eventually) to handle this issue, this Supreme Court decision, with their own state and federal laws?

Right, so let's explore that, shall we? Again, for the sake of argument (because all you lovely people bloody love to argue for argument's sake; Hegel, I'm looking at you). So let's pretend that all fifty states pass legislation in some form and that to varying degrees makes pedophilia legal, but heavily restricted—even taxed. After those laws have been passed men and women in every state can approach children and solicit them for sex. A "P" is added to LGBTQ.

So how would a majority of sane Americans react to both such a Supreme Court decision and the resulting new state and federal laws? Tens of millions of Americans (we hope) would lose the contents of their stomachs—at minimum.

But let's take this hypothetical SC decision and resulting new laws scenario one step further. Let's also suppose that both state and federal laws allowed for the construction of "play houses" where parents could pimp their children to monster pedophiles, legally, for high dollar fees.

Again, how would a majority of sane Americans react?

See, I know pedophilia is fucking disgusting, anti-human and completely anti-civilization and so do 99% of the rest of my fellow Americans. All Supreme Court justices also know it is wrong, as do all lawmakers state and federal. All cops, local, state and federal know pedophilia is sick and evil, as do all prosecutors and lower court judges. Despite EVERYONE knowing pedophilia is wrong on every level of a healthy society, please tell me, how many brave Americans would break these new pedo-friendly laws to protect kids? How many cops would refuse to enforce these new laws? How many prosecutors would refuse to prosecute fathers and mothers who killed pedophiles to protect their children?


Zero is the number of Americans who would risk breaking the law (save for a few "crackpots") to protect all our children from legalized predators. Now, why is that? Well, you already know but let's state the obvious because, why not? No one would stand against such rulings and laws, even knowing in their heart of hearts such laws are evil, because it is the fucking law.

Because the law is where evil gets us, every last time, both as a nation and a civilization. Evil counts on us Americans to abide by the law whether or not said law is overtly, plainly, obviously EVIL.

And so it goes . . . Roe.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

—Edmund Burke
ANOTHER fantastic post, thank you.
Yes, there are too many stupid laws and too many judges, lawyers and law writers who are educated beyond their intellect.

Laws were/are supposed to punish for criminal activity. Criminal activity is harming another or taking what doesn't belong to you. Making ordinary citizens criminals is creating a problem so a solution can be found- it seems Liberty to pursue ones own Life and Happiness is beyond the comprehension of the higher? educated.

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