The Law On Incitement To Riot


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action | Freedom Forum Institute

"The Supreme Court has said that for speech to lose First Amendment protection, it must be directed at a specific person or group and it must be a direct call to commit immediate lawless action. The time element is critical. The Court wrote that “advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time … is not sufficient to permit the State to punish Hess' speech.” In addition, there must be an expectation that the speech will in fact lead to lawless action."

Looks like Donald Trump did not incite anyone to riot.
That's quite the opposite to what happened.

"You'll never take back our country with weakness," he said. "You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
He did use the word fight in conjunction with going to the Capitol. Given the seriousness of things, that is pretty damning.
Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action | Freedom Forum Institute

"The Supreme Court has said that for speech to lose First Amendment protection, it must be directed at a specific person or group and it must be a direct call to commit immediate lawless action. The time element is critical. The Court wrote that “advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time … is not sufficient to permit the State to punish Hess' speech.” In addition, there must be an expectation that the speech will in fact lead to lawless action."

Looks like Donald Trump did not incite anyone to riot.
Don’t pretend to understand the law. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

now go back to kissing Donald’s insane butt
He did use the word fight in conjunction with going to the Capitol. Given the seriousness of things, that is pretty damning.

ROTFL! Members of Congress fight for legislation and don't get violent. People who write their Senator to ask for a law are fighting for it. A petition is a fight, too. Fighting is done with persuasion and bribes and political pressure/
If Trump speaks as "Democrats" do, must we assume he is one?
Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action | Freedom Forum Institute

"The Supreme Court has said that for speech to lose First Amendment protection, it must be directed at a specific person or group and it must be a direct call to commit immediate lawless action. The time element is critical. The Court wrote that “advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time … is not sufficient to permit the State to punish Hess' speech.” In addition, there must be an expectation that the speech will in fact lead to lawless action."

Looks like Donald Trump did not incite anyone to riot.

Yes he did. And then, like the pussy he is, after saying he'd walk with them, went back to the Oval Office to watch the place burn. Apparently, according to people in the White House, he was initially pleased with himself. I'm going to enjoy pasting this constantly. Guarantee it's going his epitaph.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
The Press and Dem Cult have been inciting violence for 4 years
demhateviolenceriots polikmjuyhn.jpeg
Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action | Freedom Forum Institute

"The Supreme Court has said that for speech to lose First Amendment protection, it must be directed at a specific person or group and it must be a direct call to commit immediate lawless action. The time element is critical. The Court wrote that “advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time … is not sufficient to permit the State to punish Hess' speech.” In addition, there must be an expectation that the speech will in fact lead to lawless action."

Looks like Donald Trump did not incite anyone to riot.
Don’t pretend to understand the law. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

now go back to kissing Donald’s insane butt

I was a Legal Officer in the US Navy for 4 years and the Navy sent me to school for it.
Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action | Freedom Forum Institute

"The Supreme Court has said that for speech to lose First Amendment protection, it must be directed at a specific person or group and it must be a direct call to commit immediate lawless action. The time element is critical. The Court wrote that “advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time … is not sufficient to permit the State to punish Hess' speech.” In addition, there must be an expectation that the speech will in fact lead to lawless action."

Looks like Donald Trump did not incite anyone to riot.

Jihadis recruit and radicalize fringe people to violence all the time. Terrorists have made good use of social media.
That's quite the opposite to what happened.

"You'll never take back our country with weakness," he said. "You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Dems talk like that all the time. Get a grip.
The president started an armed insurrection.

insane America-hating trump scum need to stfu

Trump said that he's glad Loeffler and Perdue lost in Georgia because they weren't loyal and didn't defend him enough.
It's certain he intended to disrupt or at least complicate the certification of the election when he sent the crowd down to the capital building. I suppose it can be argued that he didn't know what a crowd he fired up with rage would do but as we have seen he is short on foresight and the courts have never taken that as a valid excuse. He assembled the crowd and sent them to the capital. He is therefore responsible.
That's quite the opposite to what happened.

"You'll never take back our country with weakness," he said. "You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Dems talk like that all the time. Get a grip.
The president started an armed insurrection.

insane America-hating trump scum need to stfu

Insurrection? No government officials were removed or replaced. No action was taken to change the law. We don't take orders from clowns like you.
It's certain he intended to disrupt or at least complicate the certification of the election when he sent the crowd down to the capital building. I suppose it can be argued that he didn't know what a crowd he fired up with rage would do but as we have seen he is short on foresight and the courts have never taken that as a valid excuse. He assembled the crowd and sent them to the capital. He is therefore responsible.

Trump has been working the "stolen election" angle for weeks.. and promoting violence. He is responsible.

Yesterday.. he conceded the election and condemned the riot.. He's gaslighting Americans again.

Trump said that he's glad Loeffler and Perdue lost in Georgia because they weren't loyal and didn't defend him enough.

ROTFL! Members of Congress fight for legislation and don't get violent. People who write their Senator to ask for a law are fighting for it. A petition is a fight, too. Fighting is done with persuasion and bribes and political pressure/
People say "fire" and two weeks later go to a theater and aren't charged for it. Context is everything in these cases, not that everyone didn't already know this and that dissimulation was the only motivation of the quoted post.
That's quite the opposite to what happened.

"You'll never take back our country with weakness," he said. "You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Dems talk like that all the time. Get a grip.
The president started an armed insurrection.

insane America-hating trump scum need to stfu

Insurrection? No government officials were removed or replaced. No action was taken to change the law. We don't take orders from clowns like you.

Who is "we" Viktor? Are you part of Trump's mob? Have you been radicalized on Facebook like some 3rd world jihadi?
That's quite the opposite to what happened.

"You'll never take back our country with weakness," he said. "You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Dems talk like that all the time. Get a grip.
The president started an armed insurrection.

insane America-hating trump scum need to stfu

Insurrection? No government officials were removed or replaced. No action was taken to change the law. We don't take orders from clowns like you.
No government officials were removed and no law changed when Fort Sumpter was fired on, either, but it was insurrection. Action was taken in the Capitol invasion to halt a Constitutionally required action by Congress in session. That is insurrection.

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