The Law Doesn't Apply To Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In the last few weeks Quid Pro Joe demonstrated the truth of Orwell's dictum:
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Joe and the Democrat crime family clearly, loudly, continuously, announced the requirements for a federal government job:
A black woman.

Had you made a similar announcement, this would have applied:

"Job Advertisement Legal and Discrimination Requirements

Sometimes, when you read a job posting, you wonder if an employer can really exclude certain types of applicants from the candidate pool.
What can employers list in a job ad, and what shouldn't be listed? What are the rules, and when do the rules not apply?

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency charged with enforcing laws prohibiting job discrimination. When advertising open positions, It is illegal for an employer to show a preference for or discourage someone from applying for a job because of their race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information."

"Here's Who Joe Biden Is Considering For VP
Here’s Who Joe Biden Is Considering For VP

Jun 18, 2020 Biden has pledged to pick a woman, and the short list includes senators, governors and House members. ... Barack Obama and Democratic vice presidential ... [+] candidate Joe Biden wave to the ...

He’s narrowed down the requirements…..must be a woman….

Know what it will be based on?

Do you know what the candidate’s qualifications must be on foreign policy?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualifications must be on the economy?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualifications must be on covid virus?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on statues?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on education?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on armed forces?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on Supreme Court nominations?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on legislative experience?

Skin color.

Gender and race more important than actual accomplishments or qualifications......and it's illegal.
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In the last few weeks Quid Pro Joe demonstrated the truth of Orwell's dictum:
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Joe and the Democrat crime family clearly, loudly, continuously, announced the requirements for a federal government job:
A black woman.

Had you made a similar announcement, this would have applied:

Job Advertisement Legal and Discrimination Requirements

Sometimes, when you read a job posting, you wonder if an employer can really exclude certain types of applicants from the candidate pool.
What can employers list in a job ad, and what shouldn't be listed? What are the rules, and when do the rules not apply?

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency charged with enforcing laws prohibiting job discrimination. When advertising open positions, It is illegal for an employer to show a preference for or discourage someone from applying for a job because of their race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information."

"Here's Who Joe Biden Is Considering For VP
Here’s Who Joe Biden Is Considering For VP

Jun 18, 2020 Biden has pledged to pick a woman, and the short list includes senators, governors and House members. ... Barack Obama and Democratic vice presidential ... [+] candidate Joe Biden wave to the ...

He’s narrowed down the requirements…..must be a woman….

Know what it will be based on?

Do you know what the candidate’s qualifications must be on foreign policy?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualifications must be on the economy?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualifications must be on covid virus?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on statues?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on education?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on armed forces?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on Supreme Court nominations?

Skin color.

Do you know what the candidate’s qualification’s must be on legislative experience?

Skin color.

Gender and race more important than actual accomplishments or qualifications......and it's illegal.
Fantastic post, PC. Thank you.
"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer met with Joe Biden as he nears VP decision, AP sources say

The picture indicates why Joe punted on this choice.

But, heck, she's a Democrat......couldn't she simply have followed the lead of Rachel Dolezal and simply said she was black???

Where's the prob?????


Then Joe could have avoided the EEOC beef.
Perhaps you've seen this...

"100 prominent black men urge Biden to pick woman of color for VP
Rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs led more than 100 prominent African-American men Monday in penning an open letter urging presidential candidate Joe Biden to choose a woman of color as his running mate.

"We don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils and we don't want to vote the devil we know versus the devil we don't because we are tired of voting for devils -- period."

Do you realize what they just said????

The Patriot Act- eviscerating the 4th amendment. Qualified Immunity. The War on Drugs. The War on Terror.
Weapons of Mass Destruction. Asset Forfeiture- yeah, every Democrat supports those too. BOTH sides subscribe to the Color of Law and disregard the Rule of Law and make godvernment the Law of Force vs the Law of Punishing for real/actual crime of harming another or taking what doesn't belong to you- as long as it's "legal" BOTH sides LOVE restricting citizens and making criminals of non harming or thieving citizens.
It seems to be okay to discriminate against men and white women, if you're a democrat. Or any non-black woman. But we gotta get Whitmer down here and act like she's got a chance so nobody thinks we're actually going to discriminate against non-blacks. Interesting to see if Biden loses Michigan, won't it?

There is a need for the Democrats to lose in a Reaganesque landslide so we can hope for a default back to being an American party.
The Patriot Act- eviscerating the 4th amendment. Qualified Immunity. The War on Drugs. The War on Terror.
Weapons of Mass Destruction. Asset Forfeiture- yeah, every Democrat supports those too. BOTH sides subscribe to the Color of Law and disregard the Rule of Law and make godvernment the Law of Force vs the Law of Punishing for real/actual crime of harming another or taking what doesn't belong to you- as long as it's "legal" BOTH sides LOVE restricting citizens and making criminals of non harming or thieving citizens.

Another 'both sides' moron makes his appearance.

1.Call me Manichean, but I have always found it efficacious to see events, and persons, at the boundaries of extremes. This is especially advantageous in politics. The opposite way of seeing things is often described as ‘moral equivalence,’ or postmodernism.

"The roots of postmodernism can be traced to the anthropologist Franz Boas, who, in an effort to study exotic cultures without prejudice, found it useful to take the position that no culture is superior to any other. Thus was born the idea of cultural relativity.

The idea spread like wildfire through the universities, catapulted by the radical impetus of the sixties, ready and willing to reject "the universality of Western norms and principles."
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution"

"Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture. This principle was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes."[1] but did not actually coin the term "cultural relativism."

For any other moron who claims equivalence, let's see you produce any equivalence with this:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And add reparations to that list.
Perhaps you've seen this...

"100 prominent black men urge Biden to pick woman of color for VP
Rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs led more than 100 prominent African-American men Monday in penning an open letter urging presidential candidate Joe Biden to choose a woman of color as his running mate.

"We don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils and we don't want to vote the devil we know versus the devil we don't because we are tired of voting for devils -- period."

Do you realize what they just said????

View attachment 374529
Diddy IS an idiot, there's NO doubt about that.
It seems to be okay to discriminate against men and white women, if you're a democrat. Or any non-black woman. But we gotta get Whitmer down here and act like she's got a chance so nobody thinks we're actually going to discriminate against non-blacks. Interesting to see if Biden loses Michigan, won't it?

There is a need for the Democrats to lose in a Reaganesque landslide so we can hope for a default back to being an American party.

But would the Dems really fall back to being an American Party? That would be quite the reversal, wouldn't it? I don't see the progressive socialist wing going quietly into that good night. Not anytime soon anyway.
It seems to be okay to discriminate against men and white women, if you're a democrat. Or any non-black woman. But we gotta get Whitmer down here and act like she's got a chance so nobody thinks we're actually going to discriminate against non-blacks. Interesting to see if Biden loses Michigan, won't it?

There is a need for the Democrats to lose in a Reaganesque landslide so we can hope for a default back to being an American party.

But would the Dems really fall back to being an American Party? That would be quite the reversal, wouldn't it? I don't see the progressive socialist wing going quietly into that good night. Not anytime soon anyway.I

Ready to join the Pessimist Party?

I'm a card-carrying member.....

....come sit over here by me.
It seems to be okay to discriminate against men and white women, if you're a democrat. Or any non-black woman. But we gotta get Whitmer down here and act like she's got a chance so nobody thinks we're actually going to discriminate against non-blacks. Interesting to see if Biden loses Michigan, won't it?

There is a need for the Democrats to lose in a Reaganesque landslide so we can hope for a default back to being an American party.

But would the Dems really fall back to being an American Party? That would be quite the reversal, wouldn't it? I don't see the progressive socialist wing going quietly into that good night. Not anytime soon anyway.I

Ready to join the Pessimist Party?

I'm a card-carrying member.....

....come sit over here by me.

I'll bring the popcorn.

You know, I'm thinking about the way Biden went about this VP thing, which normally isn't that big of a deal because the Veep doesn't really do much once the election is over. But in this case it is, there is more concern about Biden's age and mental faculties than usual, so why doesn't he tell us he's going to pick the most qualified person, the one most likely to step in and do a good job if called upon. He needs to say that to calm down a lot of nerves. If to him that person is Kamala Harris, so be it; but no, he tells everybody he's got to pick a black female, right? IOW, he's doing what he's been told to do, and that is a bit worrisome. More than a bit actually.

He dithered, set a deadline and then blew past it, where have I seen that before? See, you don't set a deadline and then ignore it, it makes you look feckless and irresponsibly weak. If that was a political calculated move, then IMHO it sucked. What we've just seen is a preview of a Biden presidency, vacillating and indecisive. Waiting as long as possible to see which way the political winds are blowing. And Kamala Harris is not a moderate, nor are the ones most likely to be calling the shots. So if he gets elected, we all better buckle up.
One big reason Democrats are not held accountable is because they wear victim-roles, so they're held to lower standards. That and they own the internet, they train their flock how to think. It's up to them to come to the light, the Republicans are bad, there's just no comparison.

If a Republican slips up it's Hell on earth, but when it's a Democrat it's crickets. The former probably lives by higher standards, so they're held to higher standards, the latter is a lifestyle.
One big reason Democrats are not held accountable is because they wear victim-roles, so they're held to lower standards. That and they own the internet, they train their flock how to think. It's up to them to come to the light, the Republicans are bad, there's just no comparison.

If a Republican slips up it's Hell on earth, but when it's a Democrat it's crickets. The former probably lives by higher standards, so they're held to higher standards, the latter is a lifestyle.

"One big reason Democrats are not held accountable is because they wear victim-roles, so they're held to lower standards. "

Well, maybe.

But I believe this is the reason:
The only places one finds justice are the dictionary and the cemetery.

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