The Last Temptation - How American Evangelicals Sold Their Collective Souls For Politics

The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

well Satan, that is such a 'Christ' like reply from U.

So, Satan; you believe in mixing your religion with politics too, I see.
You know there are Democrats who are also Christian but you never see any liberals questioning their faith when they vote for a candidate who has less than upstanding morale character. If you want to question people's faith over who they vote for maybe you should question everyone's not just conservative Christians.
You will never hear me ridiculing someone's personal faith. I only care when some politician or religious leader starts thinking I have too much personal freedom and there ought to be a law.
------------------------------------ thanks and that's good thinking Occupied !!
We have religious freedom in this country and I absolutely respect the right of citizens to worship as they see fit. I also believe that religious people ought to leave others alone to find heaven or hell on their own terms.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

Thank you for being Exhibit A. Your beautiful language and demonstration of Christian kindness are underwhelming.

that guy is a fucking ass hole in sheep's clothing ....... but hey; let's mix US some politics & religion
You know there are Democrats who are also Christian but you never see any liberals questioning their faith when they vote for a candidate who has less than upstanding morale character. If you want to question people's faith over who they vote for maybe you should question everyone's not just conservative Christians.
You will never hear me ridiculing someone's personal faith. I only care when some politician or religious leader starts thinking I have too much personal freedom and there ought to be a law.
I feel the same way towards politicans who want to limit or restrict my rights and personal freedom.
How do you feel about the personal freedoms of people you don't like? That's the real test.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

well Satan, that is such a 'Christ' like reply from U.

So, Satan; you believe in mixing your religion with politics too, I see.

I believe in smashing the living fuck out of the disgusting pieces of shits that drag us down.
I say gas em Hitler style.
Piss yourself yet?
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

Thank you for being Exhibit A. Your beautiful language and demonstration of Christian kindness are underwhelming.

that guy is a fucking ass hole in sheep's clothing ....... but hey; let's mix US some politics & religion

It’s funny how filthy, disgusting degenerates hate Christianity as it establishes boundaries, decency, moral standards and keeps a society honest...All things the filthy fucks on the Left hate as they seek some weird free for all LibTardia where anything goes.
It’s almost as if you lowlife pukes don’t know this nation was framed and built on Christian principles.
You know there are Democrats who are also Christian but you never see any liberals questioning their faith when they vote for a candidate who has less than upstanding morale character. If you want to question people's faith over who they vote for maybe you should question everyone's not just conservative Christians.
You will never hear me ridiculing someone's personal faith. I only care when some politician or religious leader starts thinking I have too much personal freedom and there ought to be a law.
I feel the same way towards politicans who want to limit or restrict my rights and personal freedom.
How do you feel about the personal freedoms of people you don't like? That's the real test.
I feel the same way if they not breaking the law I have no issues with them if it's a morale issue that's between them and God and I leave it up to God to deal with as God as sees fit.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

well Satan, that is such a 'Christ' like reply from U.

So, Satan; you believe in mixing your religion with politics too, I see.

I believe in smashing the living fuck out of the disgusting pieces of shits that drag us down.
I say gas em Hitler style.
Piss yourself yet?

So, you hate the gospels & Jesus but you love politics?
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

Thank you for being Exhibit A. Your beautiful language and demonstration of Christian kindness are underwhelming.

that guy is a fucking ass hole in sheep's clothing ....... but hey; let's mix US some politics & religion

It’s funny how filthy, disgusting degenerates hate Christianity as it establishes boundaries, decency, moral standards and keeps a society honest...All things the filthy fucks on the Left hate as they seek some weird free for all LibTardia where anything goes.
It’s almost as if you lowlife pukes don’t know this nation was framed and built on Christian principles.

So, you obviously did not read the article.

You sit there behind your keyboard, an 'arm chair Christian' and proceed to preach to US about "decency, moral standards" and keeping society "honest" when Evangelicals helped to elect a moral pervert & a liar.

I guess you want your cake & to eat it too? LOFL

If you represent what is Christian in America then your faith, if you ever had an ounce, is deader than Hell.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

well Satan, that is such a 'Christ' like reply from U.

So, Satan; you believe in mixing your religion with politics too, I see.

I believe in smashing the living fuck out of the disgusting pieces of shits that drag us down.
I say gas em Hitler style.
Piss yourself yet?

So, you hate the gospels & Jesus but you love politics?

Haha...watching you degenerates squirm as you realize you can no longer use one’s faith against them is AWESOME....HAHAHA
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Personally, I find the Religious Left in America to be a lot more nefarious than any conservative churchmen.

Folks like the Ayatollah Jim Wallis, dictating dogmas supporting Abortion and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, is fine. But when these "Christian" mullahs push this stuff on to the American people in a non-sectarian nation, that's a real problem.

Mr. Buttigieg is taking it to a new level, however. He claims to be not just holy , but actually a Holier Than Thou "Christian" just because he takes it in the caboose. And even worse, he condemns Americans who don't share his profound love for Sodomy.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

well Satan, that is such a 'Christ' like reply from U.

So, Satan; you believe in mixing your religion with politics too, I see.

I believe in smashing the living fuck out of the disgusting pieces of shits that drag us down.
I say gas em Hitler style.
Piss yourself yet?

So, you hate the gospels & Jesus but you love politics?

Haha...watching you degenerates squirm as you realize you can no longer use one’s faith against them is AWESOME....HAHAHA

Well, with your own words within the thread you have demonstrated you have no faith but are from the house of Satan, which the article posted in the OP touches on.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Personally, I find the Religious Left in America to be a lot more nefarious than any conservative churchmen.

Folks like the Ayatollah Jim Wallis, dictating dogmas supporting Abortion and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, is fine. But when these "Christian" mullahs push this stuff on to the American people in a non-sectarian nation, that's a real problem.

Mr. Buttigieg is taking it to a new level, however. He claims to be not just holy , but actually a Holier Than Thou "Christian" just because he takes it in the caboose. And even worse, he condemns Americans who don't share his profound love for Sodomy.

Sorry but your lie AFA the left in America attempting to garner votes via religion is a fallacy but I will give you credit for lying. And there is no 'religious left' in America other than in your delusions.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.

There was no other candidate in 2016 who could have schlonged Hillary Clinton, bode. What would Kasich or Jeb! have done when the Hillary Hate Machine came at them full steam ahed? In actuality, there was only one realistic choice in 2016, Donald J. Trump. poor ass bangers long for the days when Republicans sat in their corner, pretending shit wasn’t happening, reading their Bibles while you filthy fucks trashed their nation don’t you?
I get ya...I’d hate this new-age Republican if I were you too...these badasses will punch you square in your dirty fucking mouth and that sucks for you filthy, degenerate lowlife trash.

well Satan, that is such a 'Christ' like reply from U.

So, Satan; you believe in mixing your religion with politics too, I see.

I believe in smashing the living fuck out of the disgusting pieces of shits that drag us down.
I say gas em Hitler style.
Piss yourself yet?

So, you hate the gospels & Jesus but you love politics?

Haha...watching you degenerates squirm as you realize you can no longer use one’s faith against them is AWESOME....HAHAHA

Well, with your own words within the thread you have demonstrated you have no faith but are from the house of Satan, which the article posted in the OP touches on.

The Bible is a yuge book with lots of content and’ve cherry picked it to fit your twisted bullshit...and we’ve done the same to protect ourselves, our land and to fight evil.
Hahaha....see how this works Filth?
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Personally, I find the Religious Left in America to be a lot more nefarious than any conservative churchmen.

Folks like the Ayatollah Jim Wallis, dictating dogmas supporting Abortion and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, is fine. But when these "Christian" mullahs push this stuff on to the American people in a non-sectarian nation, that's a real problem.

Mr. Buttigieg is taking it to a new level, however. He claims to be not just holy , but actually a Holier Than Thou "Christian" just because he takes it in the caboose. And even worse, he condemns Americans who don't share his profound love for Sodomy.

Sorry but your lie AFA the left in America attempting to garner votes via religion is a fallacy but I will give you credit for lying. And there is no 'religious left' in America other than in your delusions.

You need to see Ayatollah Jim Wallis' website or listen closely to the speeches of Buttigieg. The claims of Christianity while they are marching half naked in a homosexual parade tells me they are using religion for political gain.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?

Great question but they certainly are NOT supporting the teachings of Jesus & the gospel by supporting the politics of greed, hate, and deception.

Politics should be free from religion & vice versa.

Maybe evangelicals should just stick to supporting Jesus?

Are you saying that your Christianity forbids you to vote?

---------------------------- who else would Evangelicals support . Well , there was no one else suitable in the Election that TRUMP won for President .
None of these other people were someone Evangelicals could support? 2016 Republican Party presidential candidates - Wikipedia
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?

Great question but they certainly are NOT supporting the teachings of Jesus & the gospel by supporting the politics of greed, hate, and deception.

Politics should be free from religion & vice versa.

Maybe evangelicals should just stick to supporting Jesus?
--------------------------- who ever EVANGELICALS support is their business and their business alone Caddo [in this Secular and Free Nation] .

Yes; politics in the US should be free from religion (secular) but as we all know a certain demographic that claims to be religious has perverted secular politics in the US.
------------------------------ its none of your business and you certainly shouldn't be Judging who and who is not Christian in this Free and Secular Country Caddo .
We know CRCs by their their acts.
Great question but they certainly are NOT supporting the teachings of Jesus & the gospel by supporting the politics of greed, hate, and deception.

Politics should be free from religion & vice versa.

Maybe evangelicals should just stick to supporting Jesus?
--------------------------- who ever EVANGELICALS support is their business and their business alone Caddo [in this Secular and Free Nation] .

Yes; politics in the US should be free from religion (secular) but as we all know a certain demographic that claims to be religious has perverted secular politics in the US.
------------------------------ its none of your business and you certainly shouldn't be Judging who and who is not Christian in this Free and Secular Country Caddo .

You continue to claim the nation is "secular" but the GOP continues to mix 'fake' religion & 'fake' Christianity into their politics.

Nothing secular about that, IMO & in the opinion of many others.

so, you didn't read the article?

Did you vote and support Clinton and Co? Because they're about to be busted for pedophilia. So really, the Atlantic better watch out about throwing stones in glass houses


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