The Koch Sequester


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Just mention their name and the left goes nuts! Change the report of the LA Times? What a great idea!

If Koch Brothers Buy LA Times, Half of Staff May Quit:

At a Los Angeles Times in-house awards ceremony a week ago, columnist Steve Lopez addressed the elephant in the room.

Speaking to the entire staff, he said, “Raise your hand if you would quit if the paper was bought by Austin Beutner’s group.” No one raised their hands.

“Raise you hand if you would quit if the paper was bought by Rupert Murdoch.” A few people raised their hands.

Facing the elephant trunk-on, “Raise your hand if you would quit if the paper was bought by the Koch brothers.” About half the staff raised their hands.

Is that supposed to be a bad thing

Read more @ » The Koch Sequester - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
and I will end my subscription.

As will many many many people who take that paper.

it would create a whole new paper that would fail.
So few people have subscription now the Times is giving them away. I got a free week. I called and demanded that they stop polluting my doorstep and told them to send someone to clean up their litter.

It is a failing paper. They don't need to replace half the staff but the entire staff.

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