Come on, you'll have to do better than this....
One of the people that Manning says offered a quid pro quo, while acting on Kasich's behalf during a meeting in February in Portage County, was Summit County Alex Arshinkoff. Arshinkoff denied any wrongdoing and his attorney, Jack Morrison of Akron, said he has a sworn statement from Manning's ex-girlfriend that disputes Manning's claims.
Kasich's backers ran a slate of candidates for the 66-member committee in an attempt to unseat state party chairman Kevin DeWine, who has since resigned under pressure. Manning was a DeWine supporter.
His attorney, David Langdon, of Cincinnati, issued a statement on Thursday confirming that Manning met last week with FBI officials.
"He answered questions about the statements in his affidavit, which he sent to the Justice Department in March of this year, that top allies of Gov. John Kasich offered him special influence over gubernatorial appointments if he agreed not to run for the state GOP central committee," Langdon's statement read.