The Immaculate Possession: Biden Defense is Fast Becoming Unsustainable


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Immaculate Possession: Biden Defense is Fast Becoming Unsustainable
22 Jan 2023 ~~ By Jonatan Turley

Below is my column at on the most recent discovery of classified documents at one of the homes of President Joe Biden. Despite the latest discovery, allies like Sen. Chris Coons were on Sunday shows repeating his assurance that “there is no there there.” The insistence that the record clearly shows innocent “inadvertence” now borders on willful blindness as inadvertent possession occurs over and over again with documents from both Biden’s time as a senator and as vice president. A decade of inadvertence.

Biden's doc defense: 'Immaculate reception' works in football but not for president with classified info

A search of Biden's home in Wilmington on Friday found six new clearly marked classified documents, bringing the total to roughly 30 classified documents.

The DOJ and FBI raiding Trump's home either created a standard that needs to be followed, or the Trump raid was the Democrats weaponizing the DOJ and FBI for strictly political reasons.
What is ironic is if the Maoist/DSA Democrats had not made up lies, investigated Trump endlessly with false crime accusations, and falsely accused him of crimes, and pretended everyday things he did were crimes they would not be having to explain Biden's behavior. Most of this would not be news if they hadn't already told us that every single one of these actions were a threat to democracy when they accused Trump of the same behavior.
The longer we look into the matter regarding the possession of Classified Documents by Joe Biden the worse it gets for Joe, his son and Biden's brothers.
The latest revelations reveal that Biden had stolen classified and secret documents long before Trump's involvement while Biden was a Senator.
You cannot convince me nor any thinking American that $54 million does NOT buy the CCP access to whatever they want to see. Particularly when Joe Biden and Hunter are in the mix.
The interesting question is why are we hearing about these revelations now? Joe has had these documents for years and nobody knew. What did he use them for? ow much did he charge for access to these classified documents? Did someone threaten to spill the beans on him? Is it likely this would have come out some other way? Something's going on behind the curtains that we don't know about, because if you're asking me to believe that this is now all being revealed because Biden is scrupulously honest, I'm going to have a hard time keeping from laughing.

The Espionage Act is very clear and specific. Jim Comey usurped the law when he deemed Hillary had no INTENT of hiding the documents. The law states whether you accidentally lose, if the docs are stolen for ANY reason at all you mishandle classified documents it is a felony punishable up to 10 years in federal prison. INTENT is NOT the standard that does or does not qualify whether the law has been violated. Intent is irrelevant.
Although, much like Hillary's crimes, Maoist/DSA Democrats are above the law as they OWN the law enforcement namely the DoJ and FBI.
They will now be looking for a snitch, whistleblower or traitor who told the press and others where these files were. No one should have known but the lawyers were afraid someone already did know.
Funny, isn't it? The mouth Wray has been quiet throughout the length of this scandal.
The DOJ and FBI thoughtfully granted Biden several visits to his home in Delaware so he could clear any documents that could incriminate him. As usual, in his incompetence he missed a few, but DOJ will grant him Mulligans on those documents.
At the rate things are going, there’ll be classified documents scattered across half of Delaware.
What the PEOPLE Need To Know is just how much classified information has Joey Xi Bai Dun shared with his Chinese handlers for is thirty pieces of silver?
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The DOJ and FBI thoughtfully granted Biden several visits to his home in Delaware so he could clear any documents that could incriminate him. As usual, in his incompetence he missed a few, but DOJ will grant him Mulligans on those documents.
At the rate things are going, there’ll be classified documents scattered across half of Delaware.
What the PEOPLE Need To Know is just how much classified information has Joey Xi Bai Dun shared with his Chinese handlers for is thirty pieces of silver?

Geraldo needs to reopen Al Capone's safe, he may find a few in there.

It Looks Like Biden's Classified Documents Scandal Is About To Explode​

The decision to search more places for documents is a troubling development for Joe Biden and the White House team, who have clearly been caught off-guard by a scandal they had hoped to keep under wraps before it was leaked to the media a couple of weeks ago. But what exactly does it mean? Is this merely a precaution, or is the National Archives suddenly aware of missing documents that have yet to be accounted for?
Let’s not forget the National Archives knew what documents Trump had at Mar-a-Lago. So it stands to reason that the National Archives, which was reportedly unaware of the missing documents when Biden’s lawyers first discovered them, has since attempted to determine what else might be missing from Biden’s years as vice president and now believes there’s more out there to be discovered that they cannot account for. Where are these documents? Who knows? What are they about?
Don’t count on us finding out anytime soon. But they might just be sensitive enough that the DOJ, which is run by Biden wingman Merrick Garland, feels the need to conduct more “consensual” searches of locations linked to Joe Biden.
It sure looks like Biden’s classified documents scandal is about to explode.

Seems like there are more shoes to drop on Joey Xi bai Dung.
Remember these Top-Secret documents dating back to before Joey was elected V.P. in 2009 are not keepsakes and letters.
All in all, it’s entertaining watching the comically obvious attempts to mitigate the damage. But if Biden hasn’t done anything wrong, he has absolutely nothing to fear. Isn’t that how it works?
Then again, elitists like Democrats like Joe and Hillary have get out of jail cards.

It Looks Like Biden's Classified Documents Scandal Is About To Explode​

The decision to search more places for documents is a troubling development for Joe Biden and the White House team, who have clearly been caught off-guard by a scandal they had hoped to keep under wraps before it was leaked to the media a couple of weeks ago. But what exactly does it mean? Is this merely a precaution, or is the National Archives suddenly aware of missing documents that have yet to be accounted for?
Let’s not forget the National Archives knew what documents Trump had at Mar-a-Lago. So it stands to reason that the National Archives, which was reportedly unaware of the missing documents when Biden’s lawyers first discovered them, has since attempted to determine what else might be missing from Biden’s years as vice president and now believes there’s more out there to be discovered that they cannot account for. Where are these documents? Who knows? What are they about?
Don’t count on us finding out anytime soon. But they might just be sensitive enough that the DOJ, which is run by Biden wingman Merrick Garland, feels the need to conduct more “consensual” searches of locations linked to Joe Biden.
It sure looks like Biden’s classified documents scandal is about to explode.

Seems like there are more shoes to drop on Joey Xi bai Dung.
Remember these Top-Secret documents dating back to before Joey was elected V.P. in 2009 are not keepsakes and letters.
All in all, it’s entertaining watching the comically obvious attempts to mitigate the damage. But if Biden hasn’t done anything wrong, he has absolutely nothing to fear. Isn’t that how it works?
Then again, elitists like Democrats like Joe and Hillary have get out of jail cards.

Notice the term 'consensual searches' in that piece.
What is Joey Xi Bai Dung doing with Top Secret Classified information he stole while in the Senate fourteen years ago?
I'm sad to see an America elected by hook or crook, a proven do-nothing who is or is feigning to be a victim of mental incapacity to the presidency. If he is a dementia victim, he needs to be gently eased out by concerned friends that he is putting the nation in danger and cannot be accountable for his destructive tendencies. If he is feigning bad behaviors to escape accountability, he will never answer for anything he says or does that is deleterious to his oath of office, and in particular, causing undesirable drug cartels to profit off the destruction of the American children who are not of age and are now being targeted for dying by way of fentanyl animal cookie/candies that heartless foes are foisting upon the accelerating drug use to younger and younger children who think they're getting a sweet treat rather than a grisly death and pay for it in cash for that grisly death. :cranky:

The Espionage Act is very clear and specific. Jim Comey usurped the law when he deemed Hillary had no INTENT of hiding the documents. The law states whether you accidentally lose, if the docs are stolen for ANY reason at all you mishandle classified documents it is a felony punishable up to 10 years in federal prison. INTENT is NOT the standard that does or does not qualify whether the law has been violated. Intent is irrelevant.
Although, much like Hillary's crimes, Maoist/DSA Democrats are above the law as they OWN the law enforcement namely the DoJ and FBI.
They will now be looking for a snitch, whistleblower or traitor who told the press and others where these files were. No one should have known but the lawyers were afraid someone already did know.
Funny, isn't it? The mouth Wray has been quiet throughout the length of this scandal.


The same Jim Comey who assured Hillary Clinton that Trump would be destroyed by the false accusation that President Trump peed on her Russian hotel bed with prostitutes and colluded with Russians to hurt Hillary's campaign, which was known to be a purchased series of salacious stories and sabotage Donald Trump's presidency? And Hillary was also encouraging Soros to fund compromised reporters in the MSM to go along with the huge lie her Character Execution squad dreamed up? Oh. that Jim Comey.
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The DOJ and FBI thoughtfully granted Biden several visits to his home in Delaware so he could clear any documents that could incriminate him. As usual, in his incompetence he missed a few, but DOJ will grant him Mulligans on those documents.
At the rate things are going, there’ll be classified documents scattered across half of Delaware.
What the PEOPLE Need To Know is just how much classified information has Joey Xi Bai Dun shared with his Chinese handlers for is thirty pieces of silver?
Didn't I read a few weeks back that China was talking about nuclear war if the US disallowed them from taking over one of their neighboring US-friendly countries? We have evidence that American University Academia shared all our milary secrets with Chinese citizens who were on student visas to communist-friendly American universities? If they did, well, stupid us for tolerating traitors in universities teaching the Chinese how to destroy us with our own military technology. We better brush up on diplomacy because China has become very interested lately in getting rid of us so they can take over the planet if Putin doesn't do it first. :cranky:
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The same Jim Comey who assured Hillary Clinton that Trump would be destroyed by the false accusation that President Trump peed on a bed with prostitutes and colluded with Russians to hurt Hillary's campaign, which was known to be a purchased series of salacious stories and sabotage Donald Trump's presidency? And Hillary was also encouraging Soros to fund compromised reporters in the MSM to go along with the huge lie her Character Execution squad dreamed up? Oh. that Jim Comey.

Once Comey, Clapper and Brennan are executed for treason, the country can begin to right itself.
Until then, the beat goes on.
Once Comey, Clapper and Brennan are executed for treason, the country can begin to right itself.
Until then, the beat goes on.
With the latest Stolen Secret Documents scandal for Joey Xi which includes going back 14 or more years, Id like to include Joey Xi and the males in the Biden family to include his son and sibling brothers. We should also include Hillary too.
Didn't I read a few weeks back that China was talking about nuclear war if the US disallowed them from taking over one of their neighboring US-friendly countries? We have evidence that American University Academia shared all our milary secrets with Chinese citizens who were on student visas to communist-friendly American universities? If they did, well, stupid us for tolerating traitors in universities teaching the Chinese how to destroy us with our own military technology. We better brush up on diplomacy because China has become very interested lately in getting rid of us so they can take over the planet if Putin doesn't do it first. :cranky:
We do know that Milley was ready to warn the Chinese before America would retaliate.

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