The Idolatry of Ronald Reagan

What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.
Its the rhetoric, the man was excellent at delivering up the libertarian, get the government off our backs, sagebrush rebellion stuff. I bought into it, still do. After a while I noticed that the rhetoric and the governance didn't mesh. Not many others ever did.
Reagan defeated the Democrat home team, the USSR

Iran Contra. Don't you guys ever learn from history? Reagan's administration was the most corrupt, had the most convicted felons. I have to keep repeating it and maybe someday you'll understand the difference between outright criminality and propaganda.
He was the most hated by the left, probably ever. More than Bush, hard as it is to believe, but because unlike Bush, he wasn't a fiscal liberal. The propaganda is that the Satanic hand of Reagan was pulling all the puppet strings of everything going on, while Lord obama gets a pass on everything gone wrong because he's too busy to micromanage anything beyond wiping his own ass.
I'll never forgive him for these things :(


NEVER!!! :mad-61:
That's why F'n liberals Oliver Stone and John Kerry served in combat and sissyboy republicans bush and cheney stayed stateside.

About 50 veterans of my infantry unit in Vietnam have networked at one time or other for going on 20 years now. I don't know of a democrat in the bunch. Why would there be? The first thing out of lesbian Janet Napolitano's mouth when Buckwheat got elected, and she was appointed Secretary of Homeland Security, was that America's combat veterans represent the greatest potential terror threat against the country they were all willing to die for. Then the stupid dyke set about pissing Canada off like no bureaucrat had done since the War of 1812. Queer hate. Queer stupidity.

This is the kind of verbal diarrhea we hear from left-wing pie holes today. It's payback for Swift Boat (his fellow navy combat veterans who outed John Kerry for the reprehensible coward he was). Bill Clinton got booed off the podium at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC. His lesbian Attorney General, Janet Reno, announced that she intended putting "more white men" on death row. Queer hate. Queer stupidity.

The biggest mistake this country ever made was preventing us from continuing the war against progressives when we returned to the US. We spent a decade killing a million of them halfway around the world, and then they made us stop shooting them when we got back home. How lame is that?
Reagan defeated the Democrat home team, the USSR

Iran Contra. Don't you guys ever learn from history? Reagan's administration was the most corrupt, had the most convicted felons. I have to keep repeating it and maybe someday you'll understand the difference between outright criminality and propaganda.
He was the most hated by the left, probably ever. More than Bush, hard as it is to believe, but because unlike Bush, he wasn't a fiscal liberal. The propaganda is that the Satanic hand of Reagan was pulling all the puppet strings of everything going on, while Lord obama gets a pass on everything gone wrong because he's too busy to micromanage anything beyond wiping his own ass.

Reagan never had a Congress he could fully work with. Reagan with Gingrich Congress would have been like the Coolidge 20's. As it is, he did the best he could with a bad hand
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.

Hey moron, 90% of the people who serve in uniform and who die for this democracy, so that all those programs can exist in the first place, are conservatives. Fucking liberals. They think "rights" and freedoms just fell out of the sky. Nobody had to pay for them...certainly not them.
I remember well a day in 1944 at Sansapor New Guinea, as the division was preparing for the next invasion, and it was rumored we might be allowed to vote. In the political discussion that followed someone said he heard there was a Republican K company so a few of us never having seen a Republican walked over to K company to see what a Republican looked like. We didn't see any Republican only GI's like ourselves but we didn't see any generals either.
It still chaps their ass Reagan was and is still admired by a generation of people who didn't NEED or want Government in their lives

They just can't let the man rest in peace their hate burns their ugly black hearts and souls
It still chaps their ass Reagan was and is still admired by a generation of people who didn't NEED or want Government in their lives

They just can't let the man rest in peace their hate burns their ugly black hearts and souls

The criminality of the Reagan administration is for the history books. Like I say, Republicans have trouble seeing the difference between convicted felons in Reagan's administration, and nothing but right wing propaganda about Obama. All your accusations of hate, etc. won't alter the truth. Stephanie, when you go back to school Monday, maybe seek out some older teachers that were around during Reagan's presidency, see if they don't agree with me.
That's why F'n liberals Oliver Stone and John Kerry served in combat and sissyboy republicans bush and cheney stayed stateside.

About 50 veterans of my infantry unit in Vietnam have networked at one time or other for going on 20 years now. I don't know of a democrat in the bunch. Why would there be? The first thing out of lesbian Janet Napolitano's mouth when Buckwheat got elected, and she was appointed Secretary of Homeland Security, was that America's combat veterans represent the greatest potential terror threat against the country they were all willing to die for. Then the stupid dyke set about pissing Canada off like no bureaucrat had done since the War of 1812. Queer hate. Queer stupidity.

This is the kind of verbal diarrhea we hear from left-wing pie holes today. It's payback for Swift Boat (his fellow navy combat veterans who outed John Kerry for the reprehensible coward he was). Bill Clinton got booed off the podium at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC. His lesbian Attorney General, Janet Reno, announced that she intended putting "more white men" on death row. Queer hate. Queer stupidity.

The biggest mistake this country ever made was preventing us from continuing the war against progressives when we returned to the US. We spent a decade killing a million of them halfway around the world, and then they made us stop shooting them when we got back home. How lame is that?

Buckwheat? No wonder you guys get accused of being racist. I pointed out democrats who wore the uniform, forgot Al Gore. You people keep telling these lies that there were no democrats there? Vietnam vet and the war against progressives you say? And they made you stop shooting when you got back to USA. Who is they that made you stop shooting? You live in a fantasy world of your own imagination.
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