The History of The GOP Since 1980....In One Paragraph.....

I made a simple statement. I'm not arguing anything else.
I get it if you have the desire to kill children in the womb and you dont want to actually go through the process to legalize that practice, AND you want to force your views on the rest of the country regardless of what the electorate in that state actually wants AND you dont actually care about the process by which you get that done then sure Dobbs was a bad decision.

If you care about the process by which we enact laws in this country because you realize that if you can circumvent that process for issue A (even if you agree with this issue) it can be done for issue B one you might not agree with.
I get it if you have the desire to kill children in the womb and you dont want to actually go through the process to legalize that practice, AND you want to force your views on the rest of the country regardless of what the electorate in that state actually wants AND you dont actually care about the process by which you get that done then sure Dobbs was a bad decision.

If you care about the process by which we enact laws in this country because you realize that if you can circumvent that process for issue A (even if you agree with this issue) it can be done for issue B one you might not agree with.
I get it if you have the desire to kill children in the womb
Do you have a womb?
What does that have to do with anything? Does possession of a womb confer some knowledge regarding what the Constitution says that I’m unaware of? Do they give you some kind of special glasses like Joesph Smith had?
No dog in the hunt.

But you have moral clarity...because you're special like that...which is why women should listen to you.

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