The Government - Do You Trust It?


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2008
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These days, the government handles many of our nations finial decisions that have the ability to affect many aspects of our ordinary lives. The question is though - do you trust the government's ability to use our money wisely?
I trust government that I have some small amount of control over much much much more than I trust corporations over which the people have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL except by government.

Basically I don't trust those in power, generally, though, no matter what the source of their power.
These days, the government handles many of our nations finial decisions that have the ability to affect many aspects of our ordinary lives. The question is though - do you trust the government's ability to use our money wisely?

"The Government" means several different things. By this, do you mean Congress, who allocates funds? Do you mean the different branches of federal employees who are tasked with completing the directives of Congress? Or, do you mean the voters? Since we live in a representational democracy, we really do get the "government" we deserve. Do you mean your local, state or federal government? They are all separate and rather distinctive, and they all have different mandates.

Do I trust Congress? Not many of them, though I do think my local representative is rather sensible, and I love that he is leading a fiscally conservative group of moderate democrats whose views on most subjects parallel my own: Blue Dog Coalition

Do I trust the local government here (I live in an area overseen by county commissioners): About as far as I could throw them, though I think our school superintendent rocks.

Do I trust my state representatives: Hell to the no. The woman just elected to represent us in the Florida house can't even balance her own damn checkbook. I do like Charlie Crist, the governor, though I think Bill McCollum, our AG, is an ass.

Do I trust federal employees: I'm 50/50 on this one. I've worked with a mix of both competent and incompetent folks in federal government. i wouldn't want to draw any far-reaching conclusions about them.
These days, the government handles many of our nations finial decisions that have the ability to affect many aspects of our ordinary lives. The question is though - do you trust the government's ability to use our money wisely?

Never have, never will.

IMO the government should be on a shoestring of covering military and interstate issues. I know, we're never going back there.
These days, the government handles many of our nations finial decisions that have the ability to affect many aspects of our ordinary lives. The question is though - do you trust the government's ability to use our money wisely?

Short answer: No

Long answer: Certain parts of the .gov are more trustworthy than others. If you can dig thru the layers, you will often discover a person who really wants to do a good job but is tangled in the web of bs.

When it comes to elected officials I don't trust the lot of them a'tall. I am certain that many of them started out idealistic and got ground into a pasty goo by the system. Then they got reelected and became owned.
"The Government" means several different things. By this, do you mean Congress, who allocates funds? Do you mean the different branches of federal employees who are tasked with completing the directives of Congress? Or, do you mean the voters? Since we live in a representational democracy, we really do get the "government" we deserve. Do you mean your local, state or federal government? They are all separate and rather distinctive, and they all have different mandates.

Do I trust Congress? Not many of them, though I do think my local representative is rather sensible, and I love that he is leading a fiscally conservative group of moderate democrats whose views on most subjects parallel my own: Blue Dog Coalition

Do I trust the local government here (I live in an area overseen by county commissioners): About as far as I could throw them, though I think our school superintendent rocks.

Do I trust my state representatives: Hell to the no. The woman just elected to represent us in the Florida house can't even balance her own damn checkbook. I do like Charlie Crist, the governor, though I think Bill McCollum, our AG, is an ass.

Do I trust federal employees: I'm 50/50 on this one. I've worked with a mix of both competent and incompetent folks in federal government. i wouldn't want to draw any far-reaching conclusions about them.

Irrelevant. You break them down all day and NONE of them spend money wisely.
Irrelevant. You break them down all day and NONE of them spend money wisely.

None? Not ever?

You mean like the government sending you your monthly retirement pay?

That's a bad use of our tax dollars?

How about helping RGS pay for his medical bills?

That's a misuse of our tax dollars, is it?
Irrelevant. You break them down all day and NONE of them spend money wisely.
BLAMMO! I'm telling you, there is nothing to trust at any level of government, regardless of the branch. There are only a few isolated individuals who then have no power because they are not on board with the corruption and incompetence that everybody else embraces.
None? Not ever?

You mean like the government sending you your monthly retirement pay?

That's a bad use of our tax dollars?

How about helping RGS pay for his medical bills?

That's a misuse of our tax dollars, is it?
I would say "yes."
These days, the government handles many of our nations finial decisions that have the ability to affect many aspects of our ordinary lives. The question is though - do you trust the government's ability to use our money wisely?
The government has surely not earned the trust of the people. It becomes more evident each day that the people have no reason to trust anything in the governemnt. I only have One I put my full trust in and it is not a man.

I do surely hope though that the government will work more faithfully at earning the trust of the people who the government is suppose to be protecting in all ways.

Ah that's it. Hope, wasn't that the theme that one the lastest election?
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