The GOP and Reagan

He got what he wanted out of the russians too. You may have forgotten the big deal about the MX-SS20 cat fight, but he managed to make the Russians back down on that.

And he started the process of getting real reduction in arms with verification. The Russians made a big deal of no verification on their side, and reduction on ours, and he made that proposition untenable. From 1955 till 1986 they were intransigent. He made them see reason.

Reagan was able to pass his tax cuts and build the military when Dems controlled both Congress and the media.

We love Reagan for his core beliefs. He was a shrew negotiator and knew he'd have to give something in the form of higher taxes some places and more spending for them to feel good.

Comments on his thoughts on nuclear weapons?

Do you know what conservatives called Reagan after he left office?




"Tear down this wall" is misunderstood?

Dia anyone ever answer the questions?

Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus branded Reagan "a useful idiot for Soviet propaganda."


Conservative columnist George Will pounded away at Reagan for having changed. "Four years ago, many people considered Reagan a keeper of the Cold War flame," he wrote in 1988. "Time flies. For conservatives, Ronald Reagan's foreign policy has produced much surprise, but little delight." Even Reagan's vice president, George H.W. Bush -- when he ran for president in 1988 -- suggested that Reagan had gone too far in his diplomacy with the Soviet leader.
He got what he wanted out of the russians too. You may have forgotten the big deal about the MX-SS20 cat fight, but he managed to make the Russians back down on that.

And he started the process of getting real reduction in arms with verification. The Russians made a big deal of no verification on their side, and reduction on ours, and he made that proposition untenable. From 1955 till 1986 they were intransigent. He made them see reason.

facts are when Reagan was playing tough guy, the Soviets ignored him. It wasn't until after he played nice with them that they started to make deals.

true dat

you can check it out.


Reagan Legacy myth: the Soviets caved in out of fear.
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you know how it is, dan. everything is relative. i blame him and lee atwater for starting the trajectory to a lot of the way politics plays out now.

Politics has always been a blood sport. Always. Atwater didn't invent it. Nor did Rove.

But speaking of finding things to like about past foes, I'm starting to find much to admire in JFK.

the best boss i ever had used to say 'politics is a full contact team sport'.

and no, atwater and rove didn't invent it. but they perfected it.

funny re jfk. there are things to like about him. but i think that, had he lived, his mystique would have died and he wouldn't be admired as much.

nixon on the other hand -- i think had he not been paranoid and walked that road, he'd have been considered one of our greatest presidents. go figure. :lol:

An amazing ability to get it exactly wrong.
DOes the name Dick Tuck mean anything to you? And no, it isn't the latest adult toy from your catalogue.
Nixon's domestic policy sucked. He expanded the war in Vietnam, imposed wage and price controls, and took the country off the gold standard. He is largely responsible for the huge increase in federal bureaus we have today.

Reagan was able to pass his tax cuts and build the military when Dems controlled both Congress and the media.

Cut taxes?

The working classes got the largest tax increase in history under Reagan.

In his defense, however, that was done to shore up the social security funding gap.

Reagan and that Congress were the SPEND AND BORROW team.

Cutting taxes (for the very well off) while still spending more money, they increased the size of government and increased borrowing (much of it from the social security system, I note) to pay for it.

Everything most Republicans think they know about Ronnie, is nearly complete nonsense.

He was a big taxer and a big spender who increased the size of our government.

In other words he was the other kind of DEMOCRAT...the Republican kind.
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Politics has always been a blood sport. Always. Atwater didn't invent it. Nor did Rove.

But speaking of finding things to like about past foes, I'm starting to find much to admire in JFK.

the best boss i ever had used to say 'politics is a full contact team sport'.

and no, atwater and rove didn't invent it. but they perfected it.

funny re jfk. there are things to like about him. but i think that, had he lived, his mystique would have died and he wouldn't be admired as much.

nixon on the other hand -- i think had he not been paranoid and walked that road, he'd have been considered one of our greatest presidents. go figure. :lol:

An amazing ability to get it exactly wrong.
DOes the name Dick Tuck mean anything to you? And no, it isn't the latest adult toy from your catalogue.
Nixon's domestic policy sucked. He expanded the war in Vietnam, imposed wage and price controls, and took the country off the gold standard. He is largely responsible for the huge increase in federal bureaus we have today.

how cute... my very own brain dead insane wacko pretend rabbi stalker.

Amazign the amount of misinformation from people who probably weren't there.
Reagan was consistently ridiculed as a bumbler and cowboy by the Left, who pushed for his impeachment over Iran-Contra.
But the proof of the pie is in the eating, as they say. Were you better off in 1988 than you had been in 1980?
the best boss i ever had used to say 'politics is a full contact team sport'.

and no, atwater and rove didn't invent it. but they perfected it.

funny re jfk. there are things to like about him. but i think that, had he lived, his mystique would have died and he wouldn't be admired as much.

nixon on the other hand -- i think had he not been paranoid and walked that road, he'd have been considered one of our greatest presidents. go figure. :lol:

An amazing ability to get it exactly wrong.
DOes the name Dick Tuck mean anything to you? And no, it isn't the latest adult toy from your catalogue.
Nixon's domestic policy sucked. He expanded the war in Vietnam, imposed wage and price controls, and took the country off the gold standard. He is largely responsible for the huge increase in federal bureaus we have today.

how cute... my very own brain dead insane wacko pretend rabbi stalker.


You need to get yourself another set of insults. These are worn out already. And don't flatter yourself that I stalk you. You aren't that interesting.
And obviously all the points I made are way beyond your ability to respond.
So do you think the GOP will take on the Reagan "mindset" to try to save the party?

they'll have to put the G back in GOP first. the IQ of the R base has halved since reagan and the new crop of republicans are proud of the fact. i was a lil, lil kid in 1980, but reagan had something new to offer which americans were excited to try. coming to bat with a reagan rehash might inspire nostalgia, but it would bear the burden afforded us by the hindsight of how mediocre the results of his economic policies panned out to be.

...apparently some goddamned republicrat fools want us to believe there is some important difference between 'conservative' and 'republican'..



...(good grief, these conservative republican cheerleaders are numb!)..

Reagan was able to pass his tax cuts and build the military when Dems controlled both Congress and the media.

Because Tip O'Neill didn't believe in being the party of NO.

Under Reagan, Democrats put the country over partisan gains.


Sure, Bozo, sure.

Reagan had to appeal directly to the American people to call on the representatives and demand tax relief.

ERTA wasn't passed until August 81 and as reconciliation because Dems fought against it.

Reagan was able to pass his tax cuts and build the military when Dems controlled both Congress and the media.

Because Tip O'Neill didn't believe in being the party of NO.

Under Reagan, Democrats put the country over partisan gains.


Sure, Bozo, sure.

Reagan had to appeal directly to the American people to call on the representatives and demand tax relief.

ERTA wasn't passed until August 81 and as reconciliation because Dems fought against it.

Hey Frank...

see below... post.


Reagan was able to pass his tax cuts and build the military when Dems controlled both Congress and the media.

We love Reagan for his core beliefs. He was a shrew negotiator and knew he'd have to give something in the form of higher taxes some places and more spending for them to feel good.

Comments on his thoughts on nuclear weapons?

Do you know what conservatives called Reagan after he left office?




"Tear down this wall" is misunderstood?

Dia anyone ever answer the questions?

Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus branded Reagan "a useful idiot for Soviet propaganda."


Conservative columnist George Will pounded away at Reagan for having changed. "Four years ago, many people considered Reagan a keeper of the Cold War flame," he wrote in 1988. "Time flies. For conservatives, Ronald Reagan's foreign policy has produced much surprise, but little delight." Even Reagan's vice president, George H.W. Bush -- when he ran for president in 1988 -- suggested that Reagan had gone too far in his diplomacy with the Soviet leader.

Frank? You there?

It's Reality, on line 1.

Reality is concerned...she hasn't been able to get in touch with you for quite some time.

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Reagan was able to pass his tax cuts and build the military when Dems controlled both Congress and the media.

We love Reagan for his core beliefs. He was a shrew negotiator and knew he'd have to give something in the form of higher taxes some places and more spending for them to feel good.

Comments on his thoughts on nuclear weapons?

Do you know what conservatives called Reagan after he left office?




"Tear down this wall" is misunderstood?

Dia anyone ever answer the questions?

Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus branded Reagan "a useful idiot for Soviet propaganda."


Conservative columnist George Will pounded away at Reagan for having changed. "Four years ago, many people considered Reagan a keeper of the Cold War flame," he wrote in 1988. "Time flies. For conservatives, Ronald Reagan's foreign policy has produced much surprise, but little delight." Even Reagan's vice president, George H.W. Bush -- when he ran for president in 1988 -- suggested that Reagan had gone too far in his diplomacy with the Soviet leader.

What does hannity call him now? God!
Do not confuse Republican with conservative.

yeah that seems to be what republicans say since the elected Bush twice.

Bush I was probably the most conservative republican president in recent history.

Remember too that much of what we now call conservatism was based on anti-communist foreign policy. That was the reason for the shouting about Reagan. He was not praised on the right for the amnesty deal, and he could rhapsodize all he wanted about a nuclear free world - in which he sincerely believed - but that didn't lead him to kiss Gorby's butt. It led to SDI.

revisionist history of a sort. leading conservatives thought Reagan was a Foreign Policy Failure during his terms specifically because of his dealings with Gorby and others.

after the Berlin Wall fell we got the Reagan Legacy Project taking a giant leap for bullshit as history
facts are when Reagan was playing tough guy, the Soviets ignored him. It wasn't until after he played nice with them that they started to make deals.

true dat

you can check it out.


Reagan Legacy myth: the Soviets caved in out of fear.
Think of The Donald

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