The Global Outbreak


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Islamics, what do you expect...
The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness
And you thought global warming was the biggest crisis the world faces.
May 13, 2016
Robert Spencer

On Tuesday, a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” and “Infidel, you must die” stabbed four people, killing one, at a train station near Munich. Nonetheless, Bavarian security officials immediately denied that he “had an Islamic extremist motive.” Then what caused the attack? Bavaria’s state interior minister Joachim Herrmann said that the attacker had “mental disorders.”

There you are. Nothing to do with Islam here, folks. Don’t go jumping to conclusions that these stabbings had something to do with Islam just because he screamed “Allahu akbar” and “Infidel, you must die.” He was mentally ill. That’s all.

In fact, we have seen this kind of mental illness in Muslims before:

France: Muslim destroys Christmas decorations, screams “Allahu akbar”: “His mental state, quickly found wanting, required his placement in the specialized hospital Allonnes.”

France: Muslim driver ramming pedestrians while screaming “Allahu akbar” was “absolutely not an act of terrorism”: “‘This is absolutely not an act of terrorism,’ Prosecutor Marie-Christine Tarrare told reporters during a press conference, adding that the man had a ‘long-lasting and severe psychological disorder’ and had been hospitalised over 150 times since 2002.”

UK: Imam accused of recruiting for jihad group doesn’t have to wear electronic tag — it breaches his human rights: “A terror suspect last night won a human rights case to have his tag removed – because he thinks MI5 has put a bomb inside it. A judge said the dangerous preacher of hate has mental health problems, and wearing the electronic monitoring device was making him ‘delusional’.”

California: Muslim arrested in mosque vandalism: “His older sister describes Khan as having schizophrenia.”

Muslim NYPD cop killer told passers-by to watch: “The gunman who fatally ambushed two New York City police officers in their squad car had a long criminal record, a hatred for police and the government and an apparent history of mental instability that included an attempt to hang himself a year ago, police said Sunday.”

France: Muslim who stabbed rabbi gets four years: “Haddouche was deemed unfit to stand trial because of mental issues following a psychiatric evaluation…”

Toronto Muslim charged with carrying concealed meat cleaver into Parliament: “RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson told reporters that Ali is known to authorities, but ‘not in the sort of counter-terrorism context.’ In fact, Paulson does not believe that the man’s actions were politically motivated or an act of terror. ‘I understand it is less a concern around so-called national security considerations as it is a mental health issue,’ he said. ‘There is a history of behaviours that are odd.'”

Austria: Muslim drives car into crowd, killing 3, then gets out and stabs passersby: “Police are not currently investigating terrorism as a motive and the man is believed to be suffering from mental illness.”


Are you starting to see a pattern?

What could account for this global outbreak of mental illness, that always manifests itself in similar ways? Authorities should start asking themselves why so many mentally ill people embrace Islamic jihad violence. This sort of thing happens so often that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders should consider adding “Islamic jihad” as a mental illness to its next edition.

Forget global warming – what are Obama and Kerry and the learned theorists in North America and Europe doing about this curious epidemic of mental illness?

The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness
Islamics, what do you expect...
The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness
And you thought global warming was the biggest crisis the world faces.
May 13, 2016
Robert Spencer

On Tuesday, a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” and “Infidel, you must die” stabbed four people, killing one, at a train station near Munich. Nonetheless, Bavarian security officials immediately denied that he “had an Islamic extremist motive.” Then what caused the attack? Bavaria’s state interior minister Joachim Herrmann said that the attacker had “mental disorders.”

There you are. Nothing to do with Islam here, folks. Don’t go jumping to conclusions that these stabbings had something to do with Islam just because he screamed “Allahu akbar” and “Infidel, you must die.” He was mentally ill. That’s all.

In fact, we have seen this kind of mental illness in Muslims before:

France: Muslim destroys Christmas decorations, screams “Allahu akbar”: “His mental state, quickly found wanting, required his placement in the specialized hospital Allonnes.”

France: Muslim driver ramming pedestrians while screaming “Allahu akbar” was “absolutely not an act of terrorism”: “‘This is absolutely not an act of terrorism,’ Prosecutor Marie-Christine Tarrare told reporters during a press conference, adding that the man had a ‘long-lasting and severe psychological disorder’ and had been hospitalised over 150 times since 2002.”

UK: Imam accused of recruiting for jihad group doesn’t have to wear electronic tag — it breaches his human rights: “A terror suspect last night won a human rights case to have his tag removed – because he thinks MI5 has put a bomb inside it. A judge said the dangerous preacher of hate has mental health problems, and wearing the electronic monitoring device was making him ‘delusional’.”

California: Muslim arrested in mosque vandalism: “His older sister describes Khan as having schizophrenia.”

Muslim NYPD cop killer told passers-by to watch: “The gunman who fatally ambushed two New York City police officers in their squad car had a long criminal record, a hatred for police and the government and an apparent history of mental instability that included an attempt to hang himself a year ago, police said Sunday.”

France: Muslim who stabbed rabbi gets four years: “Haddouche was deemed unfit to stand trial because of mental issues following a psychiatric evaluation…”

Toronto Muslim charged with carrying concealed meat cleaver into Parliament: “RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson told reporters that Ali is known to authorities, but ‘not in the sort of counter-terrorism context.’ In fact, Paulson does not believe that the man’s actions were politically motivated or an act of terror. ‘I understand it is less a concern around so-called national security considerations as it is a mental health issue,’ he said. ‘There is a history of behaviours that are odd.'”

Austria: Muslim drives car into crowd, killing 3, then gets out and stabs passersby: “Police are not currently investigating terrorism as a motive and the man is believed to be suffering from mental illness.”


Are you starting to see a pattern?

What could account for this global outbreak of mental illness, that always manifests itself in similar ways? Authorities should start asking themselves why so many mentally ill people embrace Islamic jihad violence. This sort of thing happens so often that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders should consider adding “Islamic jihad” as a mental illness to its next edition.

Forget global warming – what are Obama and Kerry and the learned theorists in North America and Europe doing about this curious epidemic of mental illness?

The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness

the actions and "beliefs" of a psychotic are NOT RANDOM -----they are the product of his "pre-existing" mind----only mildly scrambled.

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