The George Zimmerman the Press Doesnt Want You to Know

Yeah, you guys have always differentiated between whites and hispanics. Now this is a racial issue, suddenly the guy's white...

He is like Obama. Half and half. Zimmerman's father is white and mother is Peruvian. The press likes to spin the white aspect of it for ratings, only. They are inciting violence as soon as possible, it would seem. Zimmerman is generally referred to as Hispanic, with credible news sources.

Obama's mother is white and father is black, but the press doesn't allude to our white African American president as such.

Peru is multicultural, a minority of European ancestry, more Amerindians than European. Hard to call it a Hispanic country.

The Peruvian census does not contain information about ethnicity so only rough estimates are available. Its population can be composed of Mestizos: 47%,[1] Amerindians: 31%,[2] European: 18.5%,[1] Afro-Peruvians: 2%,[3] Asians and others: 1%.[4]
Yeah, you guys have always differentiated between whites and hispanics. Now this is a racial issue, suddenly the guy's white...

He is like Obama. Half and half. Zimmerman's father is white and mother is Peruvian. The press likes to spin the white aspect of it for ratings, only. They are inciting violence as soon as possible, it would seem. Zimmerman is generally referred to as Hispanic, with credible news sources.

Obama's mother is white and father is black, but the press doesn't allude to our white African American president as such.

I'm part Sicilian.......does that mean I'm black????

No, it probably means you're good with a knife, and know how to make real pizza....:D
He is like Obama. Half and half. Zimmerman's father is white and mother is Peruvian. The press likes to spin the white aspect of it for ratings, only. They are inciting violence as soon as possible, it would seem. Zimmerman is generally referred to as Hispanic, with credible news sources.

Obama's mother is white and father is black, but the press doesn't allude to our white African American president as such.

I'm part Sicilian.......does that mean I'm black????

No, it probably means you're good with a knife, and know how to make real pizza....:D

I believe pizza as we know it (with tomato sauce) was developed in the US; but lasagna is a different story. Pizza without sauce is cheese & stuff on bread....yuck. Sicilians are Europeans, racial designation: WHITE.
I'm part Sicilian.......does that mean I'm black????

No, it probably means you're good with a knife, and know how to make real pizza....:D

I believe pizza as we know it (with tomato sauce) was developed in the US; but lasagna is a different story. Pizza without sauce is cheese & stuff on bread....yuck. Sicilians are Europeans, racial designation: WHITE.

I read in Time a decade or so ago that, genetically, there are four types of humans - Negroid, Caucasian, Mongoloid and Aborigine.
You believe in freedom, have an avi that makes you a 'patriot'.,

What are you talking about? My avatar of two skeletons that died together in a volcano?

That makes me a patriot?

yet don't seem to mind someone out minding their own business it being stalked by a armed, wannabe cop..

How intriguing.....

And you seem to not be too concerned about a minority that is being railroaded for simply defending himself against a man who was beating the beejeezus out of him.

Yes, intriguing to say the least.

Sorry, I meant your name...;o)

I have no idea if he was getting the bejeezus beaten out of him, neither do you..

Listening to the 911 tape he definitely was told not to follow and he did....

But pray tell, you would have been all hunky dory if somebody had been follwoing you right?

Grump, I don't know (or care) what the law is where you live, but here, if someone is following me, and I ask why, and he simply asks what I am doing there, I have exactly ZERO legal right to hit him, even ONCE! His following me, is not a crime, unless he is otherwise violating the law; doesn't matter whether I appreciate him doing that or not. I cannot strike him preemptively, before he strikes or grabs me (or attempts to), unless he (1) makes a direct verbal threat (such as "I'm going to kill you!"), (2) makes a verbal demand that constitutes a crime ( such as "Give me your wallet!"), and/or(3) presents a weapon. If none of those things happen, and I hit the individual, I HAVE committed a crime (assault and battery) against which he may defend himself with proportionate force. IF I continue to beat him, and refuse to stop, I have escalated the crime to that of "aggravated battery", or even "assault and battery with intent to kill (or inflict grave bodily harm)". Those last two offenses are FELONIES, and may justify use of lethal force under the Florida law in question, and under that law, the person I am attacking may use lethal force, as may anyone else who comes upon the incident, if I do not stop the attack immediately.(The wording of the statute allows a third party to use lethal force to stop a violent felony in progress).
Go suck an egg, you have no idea what our rights mean to us. Anyone that would willingly give up the right to arms to a government deserves the eventual loss of all rights.

As for what he was he was a neighborhood watch Captain, it is his responsibility to watch for suspicious activity and to act if he sees it.

All he did is approach the person and he got attacked for it. So bad it broke his nose caused bleeding on the back of his head and knocked him to the ground. He did not shoot until all that happened and even then the person he shot was still facing him. What exactly about him calling for help before he acted don't you understand? What part of he was physically attacked don't you understand? hell if he hadn't been armed he might have been beaten even worse or killed.

"All he did was approach"

Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

He was injured after he chose to track Trayvon down instead of waiting for the police to arrive and do their job. Trayvon is dead because Zimmerman tracked him down instead of waiting for the police to do their job.
"All he did was approach"

Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

He was injured after he chose to track Trayvon down instead of waiting for the police to arrive and do their job. Trayvon is dead because Zimmerman tracked him down instead of waiting for the police to do their job.

I suggest that if you want to talk about his own words you listen to the audio I provided.
Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

He was injured after he chose to track Trayvon down instead of waiting for the police to arrive and do their job. Trayvon is dead because Zimmerman tracked him down instead of waiting for the police to do their job.

I suggest that if you want to talk about his own words you listen to the audio I provided.

What audio did you provide that I wouldn't have already heard? Do you have something new? A link would be nice. I won't be chasing back through your old posts to try to figure out which audio you are referring to.
"All he did was approach"

Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

He was injured after he chose to track Trayvon down instead of waiting for the police to arrive and do their job. Trayvon is dead because Zimmerman tracked him down instead of waiting for the police to do their job.

Not a single one of those acts by Zimmerman that you cite is an"unlawful act" under Florida law. Stupid? Yes. Unwise? Yes. Unlawful? NO, and that, as they say, is that. Trayvon Martin is also dead, because he assaulted George Zimmerman, without legal justification, and continued that assault, according to eyewitnesses. You left out that part, because "assault and battery" IS an "unlawful act", AND there IS probative evidence (witness testimony and physical) that Trayvon Martin committed it, and continued it, until he was shot. That doesn't suit you because then the legal blame does NOT fall on Zimmerman, like you so desperately want it to, under the law in FL.The statute has been linked here many times, so if you don't know what it says, you can easily find it, and read it for yourself-the law is quite clear, whether or not anyone likes the result of its application in this case. FWIW, I am not sure I like the way it applies in this case myself. It's a badly worded law that may well be too broad, and it may need to be changed. However, even at that, it remains the applicable law in this case, and that, cannot be helped.
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His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

He was injured after he chose to track Trayvon down instead of waiting for the police to arrive and do their job. Trayvon is dead because Zimmerman tracked him down instead of waiting for the police to do their job.

I suggest that if you want to talk about his own words you listen to the audio I provided.

What audio did you provide that I wouldn't have already heard? Do you have something new? A link would be nice. I won't be chasing back through your old posts to try to figure out which audio you are referring to.

This one

his statement is false.

what can be heard on the tape is the 911 operator asking if he's following

he says yes.

they say "we don't need you to do that"

he responded by saying "the f*****g coons always get away with it"... and he CLEARLY kept walking after the kid.

He said 'f**ing GOONS'. Prove he did not.

And yes, he kept walking, but maybe back to his truck. Point is you DONT know. You're just riding the lynch Zimmerman Bandwagon like some little wannabe.

Here's the 911 cal and Jillian I am really disappointed in you.

[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]
Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

He was injured after he chose to track Trayvon down instead of waiting for the police to arrive and do their job. Trayvon is dead because Zimmerman tracked him down instead of waiting for the police to do their job.

Not a single one of those acts by Zimmerman that you cite is an"unlawful act" under Florida law. Stupid? Yes. Unwise? Yes. Unlawful? NO, and that, as they say, is that. Trayvon Martin is also dead, because he assaulted George Zimmerman, without legal justification, and continued that assault, according to eyewitnesses. You left out that part, because "assault and battery" IS an "unlawful act", AND there IS probative evidence (witness testimony and physical) that Trayvon Martin committed it, and continued it, until he was shot. That doesn't suit you because then the legal blame does NOT fall on Zimmerman, like you so desperately want it to, under the law in FL.The statute has been linked here many times, so if you don't know what it says, you can easily find it, and read it for yourself-the law is quite clear, whether or not anyone likes the result of its application in this case. FWIW, I am not sure I like the way it applies in this case myself. It's a badly worded law that may well be too broad, and it may need to be changed. However, even at that, it remains the applicable law in this case, and that, cannot be helped.

You're arguing as if I want Zimmerman put in jail.

Zimmerman has to deal with the consequences of his stupidity and irresponsibility. The way it looks now those consequences probably will not include jail, but they will nevertheless be substantial and deserved.
I suggest that if you want to talk about his own words you listen to the audio I provided.

What audio did you provide that I wouldn't have already heard? Do you have something new? A link would be nice. I won't be chasing back through your old posts to try to figure out which audio you are referring to.

This one

He said 'f**ing GOONS'. Prove he did not.

And yes, he kept walking, but maybe back to his truck. Point is you DONT know. You're just riding the lynch Zimmerman Bandwagon like some little wannabe.

Here's the 911 cal and Jillian I am really disappointed in you.

[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

I've heard that. I thought perhaps you had something new to offer.
What audio did you provide that I wouldn't have already heard? Do you have something new? A link would be nice. I won't be chasing back through your old posts to try to figure out which audio you are referring to.

This one

Here's the 911 cal and Jillian I am really disappointed in you.

George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube

I've heard that. I thought perhaps you had something new to offer.

Well what did you hear?

I've heard that. I thought perhaps you had something new to offer.

Well what did you hear?

A stupid, out of breath man admitting that he was trying to keep up with someone he suspected of being up to no good instead of simply putting in a call like a good citizen and letting the police do their work.

And a couple bad names he called Trayvon.

Well, you linked to a version where one of the bad names was blotted out. But we know what he said.
I've heard that. I thought perhaps you had something new to offer.

Well what did you hear?

A stupid, out of breath man admitting that he was trying to keep up with someone he suspected of being up to no good instead of simply putting in a call like a good citizen and letting the police do their work.

And a couple bad names he called Trayvon.

Well, you linked to a version where one of the bad names was blotted out. But we know what he said.

Out of breath? thats not what I heard. No you did not hear any bad name you only told yourself that's what you heard.
Well what did you hear?

A stupid, out of breath man admitting that he was trying to keep up with someone he suspected of being up to no good instead of simply putting in a call like a good citizen and letting the police do their work.

And a couple bad names he called Trayvon.

Well, you linked to a version where one of the bad names was blotted out. But we know what he said.

Out of breath? thats not what I heard. No you did not hear any bad name you only told yourself that's what you heard.

I heard "assholes" and one other word. It will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's explanation for what he said there.
A stupid, out of breath man admitting that he was trying to keep up with someone he suspected of being up to no good instead of simply putting in a call like a good citizen and letting the police do their work.

And a couple bad names he called Trayvon.

Well, you linked to a version where one of the bad names was blotted out. But we know what he said.

Out of breath? thats not what I heard. No you did not hear any bad name you only told yourself that's what you heard.

I heard "assholes" and one other word. It will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's explanation for what he said there.

at what time frame did you hear the word asshole ?
Out of breath? thats not what I heard. No you did not hear any bad name you only told yourself that's what you heard.

I heard "assholes" and one other word. It will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's explanation for what he said there.

at what time frame did you hear the word asshole ?

Are you serious? You really have to ask that?

It would be at about 1:38 on the version you posted if it hadn't been blotted out.

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