The First actors of terrorism is still terrorizing even today

Look, either blowing up innocent people in buses and cafes is objectively wrong no matter who does it.


blowing up innocent people in buses and cafes is acceptable behavior.

You can't have it both ways, though.

There is one startling fact that I have discovered while reviewing the Bible and current events.
[1] If you look in the Bible for people who have murdered another 90% of the time it is the Israelite's who are doing the killing.
[2] If you look at current history, say the last 150 years for people who have murdered another 90% of the time it is the Israelite's who are doing the killing.

facts speak for themselves :)-
Palestinian mentality:

If WE blow up buses and pizza parlours its justifiable. If WE kill innocents its justifiable. If WE aim rockets indiscriminately its justifiable.
Is the zionist mentality to dehumanize the Palestinians by inferring they are all terrorists?

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