The Fact of Black Genetic Dominace and Racial superiority.

Then what took whites so long to come out of the caves of Europe? Then again, biologically speaking, the white "race" doesn't exist and if it did whites would be a mongrel race, since they are genetically a mix of 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.

We are all mongrels, genius.
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it all comes down to environmental concerns and resultant opportunity to further the culture...

the Egyptians and the Chinese developed incredible cultures thousands of years before the Europeans moved out of the stone age...

Africans who existed north of the Sahara were able to contribute to the Egyptian culture... and overland routes enabled their contributions to be spread elsewhere...

Africans who existed south of the Sahara were locked into their physical location...

it has nothing at all to do with any perceived "racial" shortfalls...

A major advantage Europeans had was the geography of western Europe that h ad plenty of easily dfendable terrain and so stable snation states were able to gain root and maintain a continuity that Songhay and other subSarahan nations did not and they got easily over run by invaders again and again.

This says nothing about whites being racially superior or inferior. It just was.
no, it's really not apples to oranges. Especially if we all accept that we ALL came from Africa in the first place. One would THINK that the earliest civilizations would have stuck around of have some lasting African presence.. Where was the cradle of civ? NOT africa. Indeed, where has the greatest exponential advancement of cultures happened? NOT africa. Right this very day where can you be sure that someone is being killed over tribal bullshit worthy of an Arthyr C. Clark monolith? Europe? America? Oh, and Let's not forget that white people in europe didn't INVENT slavery.

Poor deluded soul! No European society has ever been civilized. Europeans dont have tribal differences over bull yet all world wars and the conquest of he America's was nothing but European tribal warfare. The wars in and around Africa today are all caused by the European directly or indirectly. Killing is not civilized behavior and the European kills for fun and sport. Africans are killing for survival. Note too that Europeans have killed more people even their own many times thought their history than any other race. They are not African mixed with Asian they are africanated cave apes. Modern humans are indigenous to Africa.

They didn't invent slavery they were the inspiration for that word itself. Whites are credited with new forms of the practice though. Voluntary and involuntary servitude I think is what you prefer to call them. Transportation was a popular form of voluntary servitude practiced thought Europe for hundreds of years. Get off your high horse sir, your European master don't beieve your nonsense either which is why they protect their African bloodlines do ruthlessly.

ROFLMAO, you are SOOOOO full of shit, lol.
We all know that Black Genes are dominate. If a Black person and a White person produce a child the Child will have Black Dominate features.Weather
the Black person is male or female.

Does this transfer into racial superiority?. How can whites argue for racial superiority, with degenerative genes?.

I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

Black people and black genes are dominate throughout nature, and everyday life.

Do a LITTLE research, maybe?

It depends on the father... white dad/black mom = white kid.

and vice versa.

Though Slash from Guns n Roses isn't pasty white, he comes close enough.

That's not a hard and true rule at all. My Dad was white and my Mom was Puerto Rican and black. I turned out looking "Hispanic" my sister turned out looking like a lighter version of Haile Berry.

Because 'race' is a bullshit, nonscientific concept that was used for nothing more than justifying white dominance in the late 1800s.
Because 'race' is a bullshit, nonscientific concept that was used for nothing more than justifying white dominance in the late 1800s.

race is only a scientific concept. individuals of any race run the whole gamut of smart/dumb, lazy/energetic, happy/sad, good/evil.

studying race says very little about any individual but it is very predictive for larger groups of people.
Because 'race' is a bullshit, nonscientific concept that was used for nothing more than justifying white dominance in the late 1800s.

race is only a scientific concept. individuals of any race run the whole gamut of smart/dumb, lazy/energetic, happy/sad, good/evil.

studying race says very little about any individual but it is very predictive for larger groups of people.

No, race is NOT science and does not meet the criteria for a statistically significant group, not in terms of speciation or breeding.
Because 'race' is a bullshit, nonscientific concept that was used for nothing more than justifying white dominance in the late 1800s.

race is only a scientific concept. individuals of any race run the whole gamut of smart/dumb, lazy/energetic, happy/sad, good/evil.

studying race says very little about any individual but it is very predictive for larger groups of people.

No, race is NOT science and does not meet the criteria for a statistically significant group, not in terms of speciation or breeding.

are you saying that people cant be separated into continental clusters of origin? that correspond to the general layman idea of blacks whites and asians? science can do that quite easily.

or are you saying that 'by my definition of the word race' there are no human races? the broad understanding of race is supported by science. if you need to torture the lexicon to win your case it isnt much of a victory.
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Do a LITTLE research, maybe?

It depends on the father... white dad/black mom = white kid.

and vice versa.

Though Slash from Guns n Roses isn't pasty white, he comes close enough.

That's not a hard and true rule at all. My Dad was white and my Mom was Puerto Rican and black. I turned out looking "Hispanic" my sister turned out looking like a lighter version of Haile Berry.

Because 'race' is a bullshit, nonscientific concept that was used for nothing more than justifying white dominance in the late 1800s.

not to mention Jesse's ongoing search for his next face-time opportunity...
That's not a hard and true rule at all. My Dad was white and my Mom was Puerto Rican and black. I turned out looking "Hispanic" my sister turned out looking like a lighter version of Haile Berry.

Because 'race' is a bullshit, nonscientific concept that was used for nothing more than justifying white dominance in the late 1800s.

not to mention Jesse's ongoing search for his next face-time opportunity...

He's no worse than the pieces of shit Hannity, Limbaugh, and Boortz who bring up race and race bait pretty much on a daily basis M-F.
race is only a scientific concept. individuals of any race run the whole gamut of smart/dumb, lazy/energetic, happy/sad, good/evil.

studying race says very little about any individual but it is very predictive for larger groups of people.

No, race is NOT science and does not meet the criteria for a statistically significant group, not in terms of speciation or breeding.

are you saying that people cant be separated into continental clusters of origin? that correspond to the general layman idea of blacks whites and asians? science can do that quite easily.

or are you saying that 'by my definition of the word race' there are no human races? the broad understanding of race is supported by science. if you need to torture the lexicon to win your case it isnt much of a victory.

The proof that 'race' is a pointless, empty social construct has been provided here over and over again. Go read some old threads.
I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

We could test this assertion pretty easily. Take 10,000 blacks and put them on an island. Take 10,000 whites and put them on another island, thousands of miles away. Make sure both islands are of equal size and have the same natural resources. Don't allow blacks on the white island, and vice versa.

Come back 100 years later.

What do you think you'll find on each island?

Somalia, Rwanda, Darfur, Sierra Leon on one.
With the dems promoting abortion, we will not have to worry about the black race. They are killing off the unborn by millions. Once they are teenagers, they continue to kill each other off.
In Africa, it is even worse... they kill whole villages at a time.
No, race is NOT science and does not meet the criteria for a statistically significant group, not in terms of speciation or breeding.

are you saying that people cant be separated into continental clusters of origin? that correspond to the general layman idea of blacks whites and asians? science can do that quite easily.

or are you saying that 'by my definition of the word race' there are no human races? the broad understanding of race is supported by science. if you need to torture the lexicon to win your case it isnt much of a victory.

The proof that 'race' is a pointless, empty social construct has been provided here over and over again. Go read some old threads.

I started more than a few of those threads. Science can easily distinguish races through DNA methods. anthropology can distinguish race by physical characteristics although there are fuzzy borders due to interbreeding.

once you have organized individuals by race (self declaration is loose but usable method) and then studied group characteristics you find notable differences. average racial intelligence is probably the most important one. while any individual of any race can be an idiot, genius, or anywhere in between, the group averages have a high predictive value in explaining group attainment in social traits. the lower average intelligence in blacks (~one standard deviation) explains why blacks as a group underachieve in educational, workplace and financial areas.

societies develop to make the best use of their citizenry so it should be no surprise that many blacks are considered dysfunctional in a white based culture because they can't attain the necessary training and socialization to become a useful member. I'm not saying all whites are good citizens, just that the proportion of productive citizens is much higher in whites than blacks.

I could (and have done) present all sorts of evidence to support my position but it seldom makes any impact on people who have made up their minds on emotional rather than logical grounds.
If Blacks aren't superior to us white people then why do we ALL get scared when a black man appears in front or behind us? To me that just means a black man or woman can control a white person without a lot of effort. Most white's shrink in fear of black's when confronted by them. I am not ashamed to admit my inferiority to all Black's. I will help them in any way they want me to.

As a black man, I find your sissy ways disgusting and would have no use for a man who loathes his own so much that he'd let me trample over his own people just to feel good about himself. You're a nut and the perfect example of why some folks consider liberalism a form of mental derangement.
As anyone who has studied genetics knows, the good ol' Drosophila melanogaster is a great model for studying genetic dominance- phenotypically speaking.

The "wild" gene- the more basic/older one gets expressed more often than the heterozygous allele.

Thus, when "baby mama" is Caucasian and "baby daddy" is a Negro- the child will almost always look like a Negro.

Case in point: Barry Soetoro.
The white race has defective degenerate genes. Why do white people continue to perpatrate the fraud
of superiority, while maintaining degenerate defective genes.!? , I need one of you white people to answer this.?!
The white race has defective degenerate genes. Why do white people continue to perpatrate the fraud
of superiority, while maintaining degenerate defective genes.!? , I need one of you white people to answer this.?!

Please go back to Africa sir! And uh,....take the rest of the chimps with ya!:rolleyes:

Hows that for an answer?:wink_2:

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