Old Rocks
Diamond Member
The brouhaha about the EpiPen is ridiculous. Before EpiPen we had an ampoule of epinephrine for $5 and a tuberculin or insulin syringe for $1 together in a baggie. Emergency happens, pop the ampoule and draw contents into the syringe in 15 seconds. Inject into any skin on the patient. Call 911 and get the patient to the ER.
Every person who is subject to the problem should have the baggie in a fanny pack. Total cost is $6.
Let the EpiPen bandit sit with his overpriced stock. The ampule of epinephrine and syringe is available today with physician prescription.
Every person who is subject to the problem should have the baggie in a fanny pack. Total cost is $6.
Let the EpiPen bandit sit with his overpriced stock. The ampule of epinephrine and syringe is available today with physician prescription.