The Emolument Clause

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
 The Foreign Emoluments Clause (art. I, § 9, cl. 8): “[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

"India is not just another U.S. ally. It also happens to be the Trump Organization’s largest foreign market—“home to the most Trump ventures outside North America,” as the Washington Post put it. Among the five Trump properties in the country are four luxury high-rises (Trump Tower Mumbai, Trump Towers Pune, Trump Towers Delhi NCR, Trump Tower Kolkata) and an office tower under construction, all branded under licensing deals.

"And so the same suspicion of conflict of interest—Trump using the presidency for eventual profit—that began when he first refused to divest from his business holdings upon taking office also hovers over the India trip. Both Trump and Ivanka (who oversaw development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization) say they are currently not involved in the family’s real estate dealings, but both could profit from the India ventures (as well as others globally) in the future.

"In the meantime, the Post notes that “two of Trump’s business partners in India have developed problems of their own: One is accused of massive fraud, while the other is facing a funding crunch. Both of them have close ties to India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party,” which is headed by none other than Trump’s rally partner, Prime Minister Modi."

Let us not forget China:

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I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."
It was really a good posit. You posted a garbage retort. What ya got, Trumpy-boy?
Among the five Trump properties in the country are four luxury high-rises (Trump Tower Mumbai, Trump Towers Pune, Trump Towers Delhi NCR, Trump Tower Kolkata) and an office tower under construction, all branded under licensing deals. "And so the same suspicion of conflict of interest—Trump using the presidency for eventual profit—that began when he first refused to divest from his business holdings upon taking office also hovers over the India trip. Both Trump and Ivanka (who oversaw development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization) say they are currently not involved in the family’s real estate dealings, but both could profit from the India ventures (as well as others globally) in the future.

Leslie Stall of CBS is unable to verify any of the above story!

Rye's meds are wearing off again.


 The Foreign Emoluments Clause (art. I, § 9, cl. 8): “[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

"India is not just another U.S. ally. It also happens to be the Trump Organization’s largest foreign market—“home to the most Trump ventures outside North America,” as the Washington Post put it. Among the five Trump properties in the country are four luxury high-rises (Trump Tower Mumbai, Trump Towers Pune, Trump Towers Delhi NCR, Trump Tower Kolkata) and an office tower under construction, all branded under licensing deals.

"And so the same suspicion of conflict of interest—Trump using the presidency for eventual profit—that began when he first refused to divest from his business holdings upon taking office also hovers over the India trip. Both Trump and Ivanka (who oversaw development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization) say they are currently not involved in the family’s real estate dealings, but both could profit from the India ventures (as well as others globally) in the future.

"In the meantime, the Post notes that “two of Trump’s business partners in India have developed problems of their own: One is accused of massive fraud, while the other is facing a funding crunch. Both of them have close ties to India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party,” which is headed by none other than Trump’s rally partner, Prime Minister Modi."

Let us not forget China:

They should have Biden's picture next to that Clause
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.

A "blind trust" is a gesture. Not a requirement. Foreign governments bought copies of Barack Obama's books so I'm pretty sure he made profits from those sales.

At any rate, there is nothing whatsoever banning a president from making a profit from business with other nations while he serves as president. Presidents Washington and Jefferson both did.
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

What is so serious of Hunter Biden taking a job in a foreign business? Doesn't Donald Trump continue to earn money in India, China and other foreign nations?

Stop the hypocrisy, it's not only ridiculous, it is so dishonest.
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

What is so serious of Hunter Biden taking a job in a foreign business? Doesn't Donald Trump continue to earn money in India, China and other foreign nations?

Stop the hypocrisy, it's not only ridiculous, it is so dishonest.
/——-/ Taking a no show job for $83,000 a month because your father is VP isn’t a serious ethics problem? You azzclowns tried to remove a president from office for making a phone call.
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.

A "blind trust" is a gesture. Not a requirement. Foreign governments bought copies of Barack Obama's books so I'm pretty sure he made profits from those sales.

At any rate, there is nothing whatsoever banning a president from making a profit from business with other nations while he serves as president. Presidents Washington and Jefferson both did.

Yeah sure, and they both owned slaves. A blind trust*** is not a gesture, so don't make shit up it only ruins your credibility. Consider this, are they gestures or bribes:

Read the OP and the links there, the corruption is linked to Trump&Co. clearly a criminal enterprise
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

What is so serious of Hunter Biden taking a job in a foreign business? Doesn't Donald Trump continue to earn money in India, China and other foreign nations?

Stop the hypocrisy, it's not only ridiculous, it is so dishonest.
/——-/ Taking a no show job for $83,000 a month because your father is VP isn’t a serious ethics problem? You azzclowns tried to remove a president from office for making a phone call.

How much per month has Trump accumulated from his hotel in DC, and golf courses (renting golf carts and charging the secret service [tax payers] for food and lodging)? How much has his daugher accumulated with Trademarks issued to Trump's daughter and her salary as an adviser (Nepotism); let's not forget how his sons received permission to kill protected animals in Africa and other foreign nations?

Can you say in a straight face that these are not serious issues? Very possibly criminal.
 The Foreign Emoluments Clause (art. I, § 9, cl. 8): “[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

"India is not just another U.S. ally. It also happens to be the Trump Organization’s largest foreign market—“home to the most Trump ventures outside North America,” as the Washington Post put it. Among the five Trump properties in the country are four luxury high-rises (Trump Tower Mumbai, Trump Towers Pune, Trump Towers Delhi NCR, Trump Tower Kolkata) and an office tower under construction, all branded under licensing deals.

"And so the same suspicion of conflict of interest—Trump using the presidency for eventual profit—that began when he first refused to divest from his business holdings upon taking office also hovers over the India trip. Both Trump and Ivanka (who oversaw development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization) say they are currently not involved in the family’s real estate dealings, but both could profit from the India ventures (as well as others globally) in the future.

"In the meantime, the Post notes that “two of Trump’s business partners in India have developed problems of their own: One is accused of massive fraud, while the other is facing a funding crunch. Both of them have close ties to India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party,” which is headed by none other than Trump’s rally partner, Prime Minister Modi."

Let us not forget China:

that's a lot of babble crap
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

What is so serious of Hunter Biden taking a job in a foreign business? Doesn't Donald Trump continue to earn money in India, China and other foreign nations?

Stop the hypocrisy, it's not only ridiculous, it is so dishonest.
/——-/ Taking a no show job for $83,000 a month because your father is VP isn’t a serious ethics problem? You azzclowns tried to remove a president from office for making a phone call.

How much per month has Trump accumulated from his hotel in DC, and golf courses (renting golf carts and charging the secret service [tax payers] for food and lodging)? How much has his daugher accumulated with Trademarks issued to Trump's daughter and her salary as an adviser (Nepotism); let's not forget how his sons received permission to kill protected animals in Africa and other foreign nations?

Can you say in a straight face that these are not serious issues? Very possibly criminal.
/——/ So you’re saying no member of any democRAT family ever ever made any money while their kin folk was in the White House.
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.

A "blind trust" is a gesture. Not a requirement. Foreign governments bought copies of Barack Obama's books so I'm pretty sure he made profits from those sales.

At any rate, there is nothing whatsoever banning a president from making a profit from business with other nations while he serves as president. Presidents Washington and Jefferson both did.

Yeah sure, and they both owned slaves. A blind trust*** is not a gesture, so don't make shit up it only ruins your credibility. Consider this, are they gestures or bribes:

Read the OP and the links there, the corruption is linked to Trump&Co. clearly a criminal enterprise

Ivanka Trump is not an office holder in the United States. She can do what she wants.
 The Foreign Emoluments Clause (art. I, § 9, cl. 8): “[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

"India is not just another U.S. ally. It also happens to be the Trump Organization’s largest foreign market—“home to the most Trump ventures outside North America,” as the Washington Post put it. Among the five Trump properties in the country are four luxury high-rises (Trump Tower Mumbai, Trump Towers Pune, Trump Towers Delhi NCR, Trump Tower Kolkata) and an office tower under construction, all branded under licensing deals.

"And so the same suspicion of conflict of interest—Trump using the presidency for eventual profit—that began when he first refused to divest from his business holdings upon taking office also hovers over the India trip. Both Trump and Ivanka (who oversaw development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization) say they are currently not involved in the family’s real estate dealings, but both could profit from the India ventures (as well as others globally) in the future.

"In the meantime, the Post notes that “two of Trump’s business partners in India have developed problems of their own: One is accused of massive fraud, while the other is facing a funding crunch. Both of them have close ties to India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party,” which is headed by none other than Trump’s rally partner, Prime Minister Modi."

Let us not forget China:

that's a lot of babble crap

Idiot-gram^^^; variety, babble crap on steroids.
I guess that didn't matter when the half black anointed one was in office- right?

Off topic, no evidence that President Obama profited from his presidency, he put everything in a blind trust, as did every recent US President before him. Trump has not. This is a fact, something you must find to be anathema, that is something you vehemently dislike. I suppose that is true of all Trump Supporters.
/----/ Since when do democRATs need evidence to prove their talking points? The seriousness of the charges is all that matters.
Remember hearing this one: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters." It was apparently Tom Foley (D) House Speaker who said: "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

What is so serious of Hunter Biden taking a job in a foreign business? Doesn't Donald Trump continue to earn money in India, China and other foreign nations?

Stop the hypocrisy, it's not only ridiculous, it is so dishonest.
/——-/ Taking a no show job for $83,000 a month because your father is VP isn’t a serious ethics problem? You azzclowns tried to remove a president from office for making a phone call.

How much per month has Trump accumulated from his hotel in DC, and golf courses (renting golf carts and charging the secret service [tax payers] for food and lodging)? How much has his daugher accumulated with Trademarks issued to Trump's daughter and her salary as an adviser (Nepotism); let's not forget how his sons received permission to kill protected animals in Africa and other foreign nations?

Can you say in a straight face that these are not serious issues? Very possibly criminal.
/——/ So you’re saying no member of any democRAT family ever ever made any money while their kin folk was in the White House.

That is not what I'm saying; I said what I wrote, and what I wrote was Ivanka Trump exploited Donald Trump's office and the trademarks were a bribe. Also, she is an employee of the executive branch and she accepted a monetary reward; If You Can't Understand That Ask Your Mommy!

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