The elimination of opposition.


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.
Now that Biden is President, all of a sudden the Left loves police officers instead of assassinating them and following them to the hospital yelling that they hope they die.

How interesting.

And to think they were all racists at one time.
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.

Nope, not at all...but do you really want to go down the road of who the cop killers are? If so, I will start with just one example of which there are many....

"... the murders of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in December 2014, have fuelled the accusations that BLM-inspired anger at police is driving a “war on cops”. The officers, sitting in their patrol car, were shot without warning by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who had made a string of anti-police postings on social media in the hours before the attack, including a claim that he was “putting wings on pigs today”, alongside a picture of a handgun. "

So, until you bring your side to heal in the name of executing police through ambush, a cowardly act, then I would say politely STFU.
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.
Now that Biden is President, all of a sudden the Left loves police officers instead of assassinating them and following them to the hospital yelling that they hope they die.

How interesting.

And to think they were all racists at one time.

Oh, they'll go back to hating them, and cheering their assassinations just as soon as the threat to them is gone....
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.

Nope, not at all...but do you really want to go down the road of who the cop killers are? If so, I will start with just one example of which there are many....

"... the murders of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in December 2014, have fuelled the accusations that BLM-inspired anger at police is driving a “war on cops”. The officers, sitting in their patrol car, were shot without warning by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who had made a string of anti-police postings on social media in the hours before the attack, including a claim that he was “putting wings on pigs today”, alongside a picture of a handgun. "

So, until you bring your side to heal in the name of executing police through ambush, a cowardly act, then I would say politely STFU.

Re-read what I wrote. Stop killing cops in the name of "patriotism".
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.

Nope, not at all...but do you really want to go down the road of who the cop killers are? If so, I will start with just one example of which there are many....

"... the murders of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in December 2014, have fuelled the accusations that BLM-inspired anger at police is driving a “war on cops”. The officers, sitting in their patrol car, were shot without warning by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who had made a string of anti-police postings on social media in the hours before the attack, including a claim that he was “putting wings on pigs today”, alongside a picture of a handgun. "

So, until you bring your side to heal in the name of executing police through ambush, a cowardly act, then I would say politely STFU.

Re-read what I wrote. Stop killing cops in the name of "patriotism".
So, it's okay to kill cops in the name of communism?
...Democrats, having fraudulently eliminated the single biggest threat to the leviathan of government power in a century, have decided to eliminate all potential to resurrect any such threats. Not only are leftists seeking to bar Trump from ever running again, but they’re also seeking to demonize and ostracize his supporters.

How? Language. You’re labeled a racist, a terrorist, or a fascist on social media for all the world to see. The terrorist designation used to be for people who blow up planes, kill innocents in discos, or set fire to churches. No longer. Today, simply stating you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 election is sufficient to get you labeled as such, as is voicing your support for Trump or an investigation into election anomalies.

This wouldn’t be a catastrophic problem if it was limited to social media. However, there’s no such limitation. Being designated a terrorist and landing on a government watchlist has enormous real-life consequences, from the ability to fly to risking custody of your children to exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats discussed throwing out Congressmembers who supported calls for a review of the election. They talked about making lists of his supporters and even “reprogramming” white supremacists, which is what all Trump supporters apparently are.

And based on the fiction of widespread “white supremacism,” the Biden administration is “standing down” the American military so commanders can address “extremism” in their ranks. Essentially one political party is seeking to eliminate from within military ranks all those who support that party’s political opponents – despite soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a man or party. In this way, should Democrats call on the military to support its purges, they’ll face less resistance from soldiers who understand the Posse Comitatus Act and who might be averse to raising their weapons against law-abiding American citizens.

The Democrats are using the fiction of Trump supporters being terrorists to mold the military into a Praetorian Guard for use against Americans when and if necessary. Anyone familiar with the Roman Empire understands why that might not be conducive to a free society.

Supplementing all of the machinations within the government is the takeover of the town square by blocking Trump and his supporters from social media and banking, and even by circumventing the Fourth Amendment by getting compliance corporations to conduct illegal searches. With the cancel culture seeking to keep Trump supporters out of colleges and jobs, and quashing publishing contracts, you have the modern equivalent of book burning. What’s more, the authors and supporters of such unapproved content will be figuratively stoned in the public square until they surrender their minds to the majority.

And so here we are, in February 2021, three weeks after Biden and the Democrats took total control of Washington and witnessing an Impeachment trial so unconstitutional it would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. The Democrats aim to eviscerate any opposition and that starts with the man who inspired 75 million Americans to seek to Make America Great Again.

Regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial, the die has been cast, and it is indeed dark. Democrats seek complete control of the American government, unlimited authority over every aspect of American life and, most of all, total domination of the American people. They will of course use their traditional tools of regulation and taxation, but that’s not enough. They have new tools: name-calling, book burning, intellectual fascism, and focusing of the military on domestic enemies.

Those policies didn’t end particularly well in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union last century and I wouldn’t expect them to end well here either.

Read more: Book Burning, Name Calling, And The Democrats Praetorian Guard
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Mr. Conyer is absolutely correct...This push by progressives is not only corrosive to the United States, we have seen this type of behavior before, and it did not end well....We need to pull back from this current culture of attack, demonize, and destroy we find ourselves in...

Stop killing police officers in the name of "patriotism" and we'll see what we can do about treating animal blob supporters like humans.

Oh wait....let me're going to make the argument that the cop died of natural causes...there were no blobbers on the Capitol Hill on 1/6, and Trump never told a lie in his life.

Nope, not at all...but do you really want to go down the road of who the cop killers are? If so, I will start with just one example of which there are many....

"... the murders of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in December 2014, have fuelled the accusations that BLM-inspired anger at police is driving a “war on cops”. The officers, sitting in their patrol car, were shot without warning by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who had made a string of anti-police postings on social media in the hours before the attack, including a claim that he was “putting wings on pigs today”, alongside a picture of a handgun. "

So, until you bring your side to heal in the name of executing police through ambush, a cowardly act, then I would say politely STFU.

Re-read what I wrote. Stop killing cops in the name of "patriotism".

And you need to re read what I said....Tragic that any officers died in that mess, but let's be real, the left has a corner on the market in murdering police....Period.

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