The "Dumbing Down" continues


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Race Denial Fanatics vs. Law Enforcement, Academic Reality

The core ideology of our Ruling Class, which citizens contradict at peril of losing their livelihood, is Race Denialism. Statistical differences in outcome by race cannot possibly be biological in origin. The only reasons for those differences you may discuss in public are social: poverty, oppression, lack of self-esteem. And in fact all of those reasons have a single root cause: “systemic racism” on the part of whites towards other races.

Of course, there are at least two problems with this Race Denialism.

You might therefore think that the evidence against Race Denialism is now so glaringly obvious as to force Denialists to some reconsideration—some doubts as to the soundness of their theory.

That, however, would be to underestimate the fanaticism of the Race Denialists. Once a big idea has a real grip on believers, mere logic has no power to dislodge it.

MY OPINION: The author starts out with credible arguments, but devolves into the political realm which leads to subjective analysis- therefore "dumbing down"- he has an objective, I'll give him that. But, he's not objective.
Though racism cannot be exclude from preconceptions about certain groups, it is deplorable that no discussion at all can take place regarding genetic pre-dispositions regarding socio-ethnic categories. It is similar to the gender debates; it seems impossible for some people to see that equal does not mean identical.
Ronald Reagan once said that Blacks were still uncomfortable wearing shoes.
Ronald Reagan once said that Blacks were still uncomfortable wearing shoes.
Reagan was talking about some African delegation the likes of which were out of an edition of National Geographic of the 1970s and was for the most part just as true then as it is today and well before the dumbing down that political correctness has brought about.
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Ronald Reagan once said that Blacks were still uncomfortable wearing shoes.
So? A lot of girls are too. I prefer boots myself- and jeans, preferably wranglers- Reagan also "officially" cited Trickle Down Economics, which is a natural state of affairs, until, the top from which the trickle begins is the gov't- which is the truth of that matter-

Blind squirrels manage to find nuts- to deny racist is to deny reality- it is an on going, never to be ended phenomenon being exploited by BOTH sides of the equation- and blacks exercise it as much as whites- no race (or in the case of jews, ethnicity) is immune to its effect- blacks have been given and given and given- so have jews. Yet, jews have become the richest of the rich. What's up with that? The article points out Asians are richer than whites- what' up with that?

The victimization is real, for blacks, in many instances. But, to expect and demand more from the givers (tax payers) is a sure fire way to create racial tension, officially- I believe it was LBJ credited with a little ditty everyone seems to ignore- and, boy, he was correct- that is, in fact, racist and the exploitation of- why do "academics" not point that out?
Though racism cannot be exclude from preconceptions about certain groups, it is deplorable that no discussion at all can take place regarding genetic pre-dispositions regarding socio-ethnic categories. It is similar to the gender debates; it seems impossible for some people to see that equal does not mean identical.

There are some topics that are so hurtful that they may not be discussed among us ordinary people.

Some people have said that if (IF) it were ever "proved" that one ethnicity was less intelligent than other ethnicities, that "fact" would have to be kept from general circulation.

I agree that in such a case, censorship would be necessary.

How would you like to be a member of an ethnicity that has been "proved" to be less intelligent than the other ethnicities? It would probably totally demoralize you.

I think that this argument also goes for women. We are currently told that women are equal to men in everything. For example, women may now apply to be in combat. If anyone disagrees, even mildly, that men and women are the same (except in the obvious way), one will be swimming against the tide and will suffer the consequences.
Ronald Reagan once said that Blacks were still uncomfortable wearing shoes.
So? A lot of girls are too. I prefer boots myself- and jeans, preferably wranglers- Reagan also "officially" cited Trickle Down Economics, which is a natural state of affairs, until, the top from which the trickle begins is the gov't- which is the truth of that matter-

Blind squirrels manage to find nuts- to deny racist is to deny reality- it is an on going, never to be ended phenomenon being exploited by BOTH sides of the equation- and blacks exercise it as much as whites- no race (or in the case of jews, ethnicity) is immune to its effect- blacks have been given and given and given- so have jews. Yet, jews have become the richest of the rich. What's up with that? The article points out Asians are richer than whites- what' up with that?

The victimization is real, for blacks, in many instances. But, to expect and demand more from the givers (tax payers) is a sure fire way to create racial tension, officially- I believe it was LBJ credited with a little ditty everyone seems to ignore- and, boy, he was correct- that is, in fact, racist and the exploitation of- why do "academics" not point that out?
You mean a lot of Black girls. White girls wear shoes all the time.
Race is just a superficial difference. You can't judge a book by it's cover.

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