The Dems Have Less Than 40 Days To Dump Biden Before They're Stuck With Him

Such talk comes entirely from the Trump cult losers. Biden has got them crapping themselves uncontrollably.

No, the gaslighting won't work. We're not cult imbeciles like you, so we understand how and why you're lying. You're trying to get rid of the candidate that will beat you like a gong. And you're failing badly.

Enjoy losing again, because we're certainly certainly going to enjoy stomping you. Do you plan to leave the board to escape your humiliation?
This isn't the WWF. Go Fk yourself.
I have long argued that the Dems should get Biden to withdraw and have a real primary. Not that I think Biden is especially corrupt or has served especially badly as President. No, that’s not the case, though I think he’s mishandled the Southern immigration problem. It’s mostly just that he is old and does seems to lack energy and appeal. The country desperately needs an effective alternative to “MAGA mania.”

The country needs a younger, more “appealing” Democratic candidate to run for President — a politician who can finish off Trump & “Trumpism” completely. I agree the Dems are right to be concerned at Biden’s unpopularity. They may even be underestimating the chance of Trump winning the 2024 election.

In a match-up between “The Donald” and almost any liberal democratic politician, I myself would without doubt go with the Democrat. DJT would only lead us rapidly further along the road to civil war, and foreign dictatorial enemies would rejoice if Trump won, for good reasons.
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More loquacious elegance and intellectual rapier wit to tickle our souls on this fine evening.

You, Sir, are an absolute treasure.

I don't care what everyone says.
Thank you. And it’s a fucking shame that everyone calls you a retard. Not your fault that you are one, is it? :itsok:
a politician who can finish off Trump & “Trumpism completely.

You are a smart, savvy poster.

Depth and nuance is no stranger to you, despite your predilection for Leftist politics.

But on this one, my friend?

The truth has been abdicated.

Trump, is not, nor will ever entirely encompass the concept of "Trumpism".


And its clarion call shall be long marched throughout the Great Nation of our Federalist Republics for years to come, regardless of who the messenger happens to be.

That said, thank you for your unique, worthwhile contribution.

God knows I miss the day the Left was comprised of thoughtful intellectuals one could enjoy a cigar/whiskey with, and actually calmy discuss contemporaneous developments.

That day is no more.

So, cheers to you.
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The country needs a younger, more “appealing” Democratic candidate to run for President
I have long argued that the Dems should get Biden to withdraw and have a real primary. It’s mostly just that he is old and does seems to lack energy and appeal. The country desperately needs an effective alternative to “MAGA mania.”

In other words, you and I agree on the problem.

Just not the solution.
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In other words, you and I agree on the problem.

Just not the solution.
Well, no. There are lots of problems. Where two people disagree so broadly about what must be done to solve problems, they usually also disagree about what the problems really are.

The immediate political problem the country faces is Donald Trump. This demented but cunning old demagogue now actually threatens our whole Republic as well as our democratic culture and traditions. His “clarion call” of disunity and distrust will echo for years — even if he is defeated in 2024.

From the beginning my fear was never so much Trump‘s “policies.” It was always that the immense defects of his character and his demagogy would end up tearing our already disunited & not very sophisticated people apart. This has already come to pass. The wounds flowing from his demagoguery and the irrational hatreds he has sown will indeed take a very long time to heal.
From the beginning my fear was never so much Trump‘s “policies.”

True story: The day after the election 2016, drunk as fuck.

OK, no surprise there.

But I thought Trump would precipitate nuclear War.

I was so scared of his demeanor, that I never considered his "policies".

Seven years later?

Well, let's just say sophistication follows age.

It was always that the immense defects of his character and his demagogy would end up tearing our already disunited & not very sophisticated people apart. This has already come to pass.


The Deep State jailed Robin of Loxley, and the Sheriff of Rottingham danced over his grave.

In the end?

None of it helped turn the people against him - in fact?

Quite the oppo.
Quite a few thinking democrats won't pick up this gauntlet. They will be stuck with bribery Biden or Kumquat Harris
We could be really screwed if Biden wins.

He'll drop dead in three months, and then Camela will be president for FOUR YEARS.

That in and of itself is a good enough reason to vote for Trump.
This demented but cunning old demagogue now actually threatens our whole Republic as well as our democratic culture and traditions.

This ignores the fact that our Republic has ceased to function as written when true power was handed over to unelected bureaucrats who remain in their positions ad infinidum. The Permanent Political Class who will run decade after decade until they are being wheeled in to votes as they melt before us and have to be yelled at by interns or freeze mid-sentence or ramble on with completely fabricated stories, has also created a laundry list of issues.

Our whole Republic needs an over haul and a return to the documentation under which it was written. The only politician I have seen with any interest in tackling it from the bottom up is Donald J. Trump.

And our democratic culture and tradition generally involves the citizenry being able to participate in the democratic process and voting for the candidate they find the most suitable.
Well, no. There are lots of problems. Where two people disagree so broadly about what must be done to solve problems, they usually also disagree about what the problems really are.

The immediate political problem the country faces is Donald Trump. This demented but cunning old demagogue now actually threatens our whole Republic as well as our democratic culture and traditions. His “clarion call” of disunity and distrust will echo for years — even if he is defeated in 2024.

From the beginning my fear was never so much Trump‘s “policies.” It was always that the immense defects of his character and his demagogy would end up tearing our already disunited & not very sophisticated people apart. This has already come to pass. The wounds flowing from his demagoguery and the irrational hatreds he has sown will indeed take a very long time to heal.
That's strange considering Trump is more popular than Biden. Perhaps your perception is fucked up.
The Permanent Political Class who will run decade after decade until they are being wheeled in to votes as they melt before us and have to be yelled at by interns or freeze mid-sentence or ramble on with completely fabricated stories,

So with all this talk about Dems now panicking and realizing their corrupt, compromised Octogenarian is super unpopular - and would probably lose the Electoral College to Orange Man - it got me thinking.

How long do they really have before Biden is pretty much set as their nominee? (Barring any health issues, of course.)

The full answer is complex, because states all have different filing deadlines. Most fall between November and January, but one outlier has one in March.

However, the first deadline is coming up on October 16th.

And which state would that be?

The all important swing state of Nevada.

Now, I may be no expert on the esoteric particulars regarding Presidential candidate filing rules and standards.

But I do know a bit about politics.

And there is just no way in Hades that the Dems are going to bring their candidate into the general while ceding Nevada.

It won't happen. I don't think anyone on the Left, or the Right would argue this point.

Therefore, unless we see a knight in shining armor suddenly jump in and declare within the next 35 days or so - the DNC is tied to Biden like white on rice.

And it will be their inevitable downfall.

If 10/16 comes and goes, that's the ball game folks.

And we can all look back and laugh that the election was actually won over a year before it even happened.

Well, at least us Trump supporters can. ;)

The democrats have other choices. They can vote for RFKjr or that other person.

The party leadership needs a better reason than he's old and demented (for some stupid reason).. You'd think that would be enough.
God forbid Kamala runs for president, if Biden drops out. She'd probably win.
Yes but that would manifest in chaos as multiple candidates would spar for the position - AND Kamala would attempt to step into the breach.

The only chance they have to do this in a way that does not internally nuke the Party apparatus completely disappears in 38 days.

Does Kamala want the job? she likes the power and money but does she want the rest?

The best part about Biden dropping out? If he leaves office before the election?

Kamala would be the first woman President instead of Hilary…..and Kamala got her start in politics on her back…..with Willy Wilson…while Hilary was cheated on by the rapist bill clinton…..

Imagine the wine fueled rage of Hilary on that day…..

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