The Democrats' Game of Hide the Agenda


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Nowhere in recent memory has a major party gone to such great trouble to hide its agenda. On virtually every issue, the Democrat agenda this year is - shall we say? - "unpopular."
  • Fracking,
  • Free college,
  • Medicare for all,
  • Open borders and "comprehensive immigration reform,"
  • Covid 19,
  • taxes,
  • the environment and Global Warming,
  • the Police and law enforcement,
  • Reparations for slavery,
  • You name it.
Although I lack the stomach to actually watch the thing, I gather that the Democrats' main messages at this "convention" are Trump-hatred and vacuous criticisms of same. And while they claim to have a "plan" to help the economy recover, that "plan" sounds a lot like the non-existent "shovel ready" infrastructure projects promised by Soetoro, which devolved into pissing away a couple trillion dollars on...nothing in particular.

The next few months will be interesting. The Republicans need do nothing more than play videos of the Democrats telling the truth about their agenda [those videos do exist], and hope that they are seen by enough voters in swing states, while Democrats are pushing everyone to (a) vote by mail! and (b) do so before you realize exactly what they intend to do if they win.

And By The Way, living in Pennsylvania I'm witnessing an interesting campaign by Republicans to point out that Joe Biden said he would ELIMINATE FRACKING (I've personally seen the tape), while Democrats pretend that he never said that. While it is true that the few Adults in the Democrat Party have subsequently told Mr. Biden that he shouldn't say that out loud, and he now rejects that categorical promise, he actually DID say it, and it's on tape.
It's been the Communist play since 1945. American would never vote for their retarded shit if they were honest about it.

On a side note, where I come from "hide the sausage" means something completely different.
Democratic agenda

Attack COVID based on scientific guidance rather than political goals
Strengthen Obamacare
Protect the environment
Return America as leader of the Free World
Sensible immigration reform
Repeal unnecessary tax cuts on wealthy and corporations
Repair our global image
The democrats platform for this election cycle is HATE, pure HATE... HATE for Trump, HATE for cops, HATE for whites, HATE for anything American.

That's all they've got... HATE.
I am sure that Trump will tell us how much he loves Joe and all the Dems at the RNC convention-not.

Nowhere in recent memory has a major party gone to such great trouble to hide its agenda. On virtually every issue, the Democrat agenda this year is - shall we say? - "unpopular."
  • Fracking,
  • Free college,
  • Medicare for all,
  • Open borders and "comprehensive immigration reform,"
  • Covid 19,
  • taxes,
  • the environment and Global Warming,
  • the Police and law enforcement,
  • Reparations for slavery,
  • You name it.
Although I lack the stomach to actually watch the thing, I gather that the Democrats' main messages at this "convention" are Trump-hatred and vacuous criticisms of same. And while they claim to have a "plan" to help the economy recover, that "plan" sounds a lot like the non-existent "shovel ready" infrastructure projects promised by Soetoro, which devolved into pissing away a couple trillion dollars on...nothing in particular.

The next few months will be interesting. The Republicans need do nothing more than play videos of the Democrats telling the truth about their agenda [those videos do exist], and hope that they are seen by enough voters in swing states, while Democrats are pushing everyone to (a) vote by mail! and (b) do so before you realize exactly what they intend to do if they win.

And By The Way, living in Pennsylvania I'm witnessing an interesting campaign by Republicans to point out that Joe Biden said he would ELIMINATE FRACKING (I've personally seen the tape), while Democrats pretend that he never said that. While it is true that the few Adults in the Democrat Party have subsequently told Mr. Biden that he shouldn't say that out loud, and he now rejects that categorical promise, he actually DID say it, and it's on tape.
Fantastic post, thank you.
Democratic agenda

Attack COVID based on scientific guidance rather than political goals
Strengthen Obamacare
Protect the environment
Return America as leader of the Free World
Sensible immigration reform
Repeal unnecessary tax cuts on wealthy and corporations
Repair our global image
very sad that you actually believe any thing out of the democrats....i wonder who their actual candidate is...quite obvious that BEIJING joe sure as hell cant think for himself....and kum illa deville is a douche bag swallower...good luck troll
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Democratic agenda

Attack COVID based on scientific guidance rather than political goals
Strengthen Obamacare
Protect the environment
Return America as leader of the Free World
Sensible immigration reform
Repeal unnecessary tax cuts on wealthy and corporations
Repair our global image
very sad that you actually believe any thing out of the democrats....i wonder who their actual candidate is...quite obvious that BEIJING joe sure as hell cant think for himself....and kum illa deville is a douche bag swallower...good luck troll

It’s the TRUTH

Something we will never see out of our President
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The democrats platform for this election cycle is HATE, pure HATE... HATE for Trump, HATE for cops, HATE for whites, HATE for anything American.

That's all they've got... HATE.
I am sure that Trump will tell us how much he loves Joe and all the Dems at the RNC convention-not.
He doesn't hate cops, or white people, or patriotism, or America, etc... democrats are the party of HATE now, period.

How many statues have conservatives torn down? How stores have conservatives looted and destroyed? How many towns have conservatives burnt down? How many people have been terrorized by conservatives? How many places where conservatives live are seeing a mass exodus?

I could go on, but it's obvious to anyone with half a brain. The democrats are the party of HATE, ANARCHY, RIOTS, VIOLENCE, RACIST WHITE HATE, and they want the ONE THING that can RESTORE PEACE to our cities and streets to be DEFUNDED and DISBANDED, the POLICE.

SOROS and CHINA are pulling the strings for the democrat party now. That's the ONLY PLACE they can get any financial support, so that is who they are doing their bidding for, and it ALL centers around HATE, and destroying America.
Democratic agenda

Attack COVID based on scientific guidance rather than political goals
Strengthen Obamacare
Protect the environment
Return America as leader of the Free World
Sensible immigration reform
Repeal unnecessary tax cuts on wealthy and corporations
Repair our global image
Sorry RW,

Education - Make fair & afforadable
Trade - Renegotiate TPP and put China back in the box
Defence - Put manners on Russia and never let them attack America again without expecting a response...
EU - Align with EU on major matters in the world, making EU-US main allies
Voting - Reverse gerrymandering and voter supression
Rural - Implement Rural Broadband and save the post office.
Democrat platform?

Attack COVID based on scientific guidance rather than political goals (Nonsense. The SCIENCE IS EVOLVING constantly, as the data are constantly being evaluated. NO EXPERT has the same recommendations today as they did in February, because now we know a lot more about what we are facing. The Democrats have no "position" on Covid; it is merely to bad mouth the President and hope it sticks).

Strengthen Obamacare (Bullshit. Be specific. And no, socialized medicine is not a "strengthening" of Obamacare, which is unconstitutional, and will shortly be identified by the USSC as unconstitutional).

Protect the environment (Nonsense. Mankind is not an invasive species. All Democrats want to do is impede industrial activity, in the name of "saving the planet," as they always have).

Return America as leader of the Free World (Bullshit. American IS the leader of the free world, and the fact that foreign journalists don't like the President is neither good nor bad; who gives a shit?)

Sensible immigration reform (There is no such thing. We have immigration laws; the President is trying (meekly) to enforce them, and the Democrats refuse to enforce them. The Democrats true goal is to naturalize the thirty million border jumpers, but they can't afford to make that public because it would cause them to fail spectacularly at the polls).

Repeal unnecessary tax cuts on wealthy and corporations (Zzzzzzzzzz).

Repair our global image (You mean the image of a country that is invariably disadvantaged by every trade agreement it ever signed before Trump? No thank you).

I had forgotten that right-winger is nothing but a troll. Sorry.
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I had forgotten that right-winger is nothing but a troll. Sorry.
He's a "PAID" troll. Look at his post count. He's PAID to post the most moronic leftard bull shit he can, and as much of it as he can.

Best just put him on ignore.
Democratic agenda

Attack COVID based on scientific guidance rather than political goals
Strengthen Obamacare
Protect the environment
Return America as leader of the Free World
Sensible immigration reform
Repeal unnecessary tax cuts on wealthy and corporations
Repair our global image
Sorry RW,

Education - Make fair & afforadable
Trade - Renegotiate TPP and put China back in the box
Defence - Put manners on Russia and never let them attack America again without expecting a response...
EU - Align with EU on major matters in the world, making EU-US main allies
Voting - Reverse gerrymandering and voter supression
Rural - Implement Rural Broadband and save the post office.

You are right

After Trump, there is so much to do to repair his damage

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