The democrats are making a run to control the banks.....and to control how you think.......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party is evil.....through and through......they are making their bid to take over the banks and through the banks to control the country.....

In other words, if the FDIC likes your bank, the depositors are insured. If not, the depositors are not insured over $250,000, which means what?

It means that people will withdraw their money from community banks and hand those deposits over to a handful of fascist giant banks that not only own almost all the banking but will refuse to do business with you if you hold certain political opinions they find offensive… Oh, and you can bet those political opinions they find offensive will always-always-always be conservative opinions.

Lankford understands what these corrupt crony capitalists are up to and follows up with this:

I hope everyone understands what’s happening here…

By informing the public that their money is only safe in those big banks the Democrat party favors, everyone will deposit their money in the big banks and effectively bankrupt community banks or force them to give up the ghost to the big banks.

That’s just step one.

Step two is worse.

Once the big banks control all the money, they will also control everything else, including what kind of business you can run, what you can and cannot say on social media, and what opinions you can hold…

How would you like to live in a world where a gun store has no place to bank or run a credit card payment?

How would you like to live in a world where a mall owner cannot rent to a gun store?

How would you like to live in a world where your accounts are closed if you tweet a biological fact like, “Trans women are men?”

You might not want to live in that world, but that is the world the Democrat party seeks, so they are in the process of deliberately undermining faith in community banks.

It is always about control through centralized power.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Why don't the democrats care about inflation?

It gives them power.

Why don't they care about a cratering energy sector?

It gives them power.

The Great Depression was a great lesson for the modern left........some of the biggest strides in government control were made in that period of time after the economic crisis....the modern leftists in the democrat party understand that lesson and are now using it to consolidate power....
The democrat party is evil.....through and through......they are making their bid to take over the banks and through the banks to control the country.....

In other words, if the FDIC likes your bank, the depositors are insured. If not, the depositors are not insured over $250,000, which means what?

It means that people will withdraw their money from community banks and hand those deposits over to a handful of fascist giant banks that not only own almost all the banking but will refuse to do business with you if you hold certain political opinions they find offensive… Oh, and you can bet those political opinions they find offensive will always-always-always be conservative opinions.

Lankford understands what these corrupt crony capitalists are up to and follows up with this:

I hope everyone understands what’s happening here…

By informing the public that their money is only safe in those big banks the Democrat party favors, everyone will deposit their money in the big banks and effectively bankrupt community banks or force them to give up the ghost to the big banks.

That’s just step one.

Step two is worse.

Once the big banks control all the money, they will also control everything else, including what kind of business you can run, what you can and cannot say on social media, and what opinions you can hold…

How would you like to live in a world where a gun store has no place to bank or run a credit card payment?

How would you like to live in a world where a mall owner cannot rent to a gun store?

How would you like to live in a world where your accounts are closed if you tweet a biological fact like, “Trans women are men?”

You might not want to live in that world, but that is the world the Democrat party seeks, so they are in the process of deliberately undermining faith in community banks.

It is always about control through centralized power.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Why don't the democrats care about inflation?

It gives them power.

Why don't they care about a cratering energy sector?

It gives them power.

The Great Depression was a great lesson for the modern left........some of the biggest strides in government control were made in that period of time after the economic crisis....the modern leftists in the democrat party understand that lesson and are now using it to consolidate power....
The democrat party is evil.....through and through......they are making their bid to take over the banks and through the banks to control the country.....

In other words, if the FDIC likes your bank, the depositors are insured. If not, the depositors are not insured over $250,000, which means what?

It means that people will withdraw their money from community banks and hand those deposits over to a handful of fascist giant banks that not only own almost all the banking but will refuse to do business with you if you hold certain political opinions they find offensive… Oh, and you can bet those political opinions they find offensive will always-always-always be conservative opinions.

Lankford understands what these corrupt crony capitalists are up to and follows up with this:

I hope everyone understands what’s happening here…

By informing the public that their money is only safe in those big banks the Democrat party favors, everyone will deposit their money in the big banks and effectively bankrupt community banks or force them to give up the ghost to the big banks.

That’s just step one.

Step two is worse.

Once the big banks control all the money, they will also control everything else, including what kind of business you can run, what you can and cannot say on social media, and what opinions you can hold…

How would you like to live in a world where a gun store has no place to bank or run a credit card payment?

How would you like to live in a world where a mall owner cannot rent to a gun store?

How would you like to live in a world where your accounts are closed if you tweet a biological fact like, “Trans women are men?”

You might not want to live in that world, but that is the world the Democrat party seeks, so they are in the process of deliberately undermining faith in community banks.

It is always about control through centralized power.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Why don't the democrats care about inflation?

It gives them power.

Why don't they care about a cratering energy sector?

It gives them power.

The Great Depression was a great lesson for the modern left........some of the biggest strides in government control were made in that period of time after the economic crisis....the modern leftists in the democrat party understand that lesson and are now using it to consolidate power....
Progs give the same response to near all the agendas. There are Republicans in this. People who remain narrow minded to their views as the supreme answer lose everything that they force on others after the carnage. Lat week or so Joe told you about accumulated debt over the last five hundred years. Most likely because he had another brain freeze. The Grand Super Cycle is what it is called I believe. Then there are smaller ones like the Super Cycle and other cycles. The financiers who print the money in many nations manage this and have cause many wars and suffering on peasants. So, Joe took a statement from Lyndon Larouche on this. The globalists want complete control to shut us down individually for disagreeing. Trudeau did that to the truckers striking in Canada last year.
The democrat party is evil.....through and through......they are making their bid to take over the banks and through the banks to control the country.....

In other words, if the FDIC likes your bank, the depositors are insured. If not, the depositors are not insured over $250,000, which means what?

It means that people will withdraw their money from community banks and hand those deposits over to a handful of fascist giant banks that not only own almost all the banking but will refuse to do business with you if you hold certain political opinions they find offensive… Oh, and you can bet those political opinions they find offensive will always-always-always be conservative opinions.

Lankford understands what these corrupt crony capitalists are up to and follows up with this:

I hope everyone understands what’s happening here…

By informing the public that their money is only safe in those big banks the Democrat party favors, everyone will deposit their money in the big banks and effectively bankrupt community banks or force them to give up the ghost to the big banks.

That’s just step one.

Step two is worse.

Once the big banks control all the money, they will also control everything else, including what kind of business you can run, what you can and cannot say on social media, and what opinions you can hold…

How would you like to live in a world where a gun store has no place to bank or run a credit card payment?

How would you like to live in a world where a mall owner cannot rent to a gun store?

How would you like to live in a world where your accounts are closed if you tweet a biological fact like, “Trans women are men?”

You might not want to live in that world, but that is the world the Democrat party seeks, so they are in the process of deliberately undermining faith in community banks.

It is always about control through centralized power.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Why don't the democrats care about inflation?

It gives them power.

Why don't they care about a cratering energy sector?

It gives them power.

The Great Depression was a great lesson for the modern left........some of the biggest strides in government control were made in that period of time after the economic crisis....the modern leftists in the democrat party understand that lesson and are now using it to consolidate power....
Power & Control is the topic of choice for the demented. Tears For Fears should have named it "Every Lefty Wants To Rule The World."
Guess what they're also rolling out currency....
They crazy sons of bitches also may try to cancel all debt

This will not end well

They just announced they're going to rapidly push ahead ...

Can't have you buying more than 1 steak per month
What they are doing is pushing back against the moral hazard in banking by signaling that no the FDIC isn't going to cover all your losses so no you can't run your bank into the ground.

I just wish they could actually prosecute the idiots who do this.
What they are doing is pushing back against the moral hazard in banking by signaling that no the FDIC isn't going to cover all your losses so no you can't run your bank into the ground.

I just wish they could actually prosecute the idiots who do this.

No....they are telling banks if you give to leftists you will be protected.
No....they are telling banks if you give to leftists you will be protected.

I bet your My Pillow is very comfy. Sure I like to troll the democrats too, but there is a legitimate rationale behind this. If Bank of America were to go down, a crap ton of companies wouldn't be able to cover payroll. If the Three Forks Injun Credit Union were to go down, not so much.

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