The Democratic party in Picture form...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
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Philadelphia, Amazing huh...

Desperation, fear, and disgrace all rolled into one...
Avatar4321 said:
who the heck is that?

Al Gore, doing his best impression of Mr.Brooks?

Freedom in Debate.
Indianapolis, Indiana, Locomotive [Democratic]

(23 May 1856)

Mr. Sumner, Senator from Massachusetts, was attacked in the Senate Chamber by Mr. Brooks, Representative from South Carolina, and so beaten with a cane, that at last accounts he was in dangerous and critical condition. The assault was made while Mr. Sumner was sitting at his desk, writing, entirely unprepared, and is alleged, for an insult on the State, and on a relative, in the speech of Mr. Sumner. Committees were appointed in both houses to investigate the matter, and pass on the conduct of Brooks. Freedom of speech should be guarantied to all public men in debate on public questions, and the spirit of ruffianism exhibited by Brooks cannot be too highly censured. This is another result of the bitter personal partisan spirit, that characterizes the press and public speakers of the day, and while it continues, will excite men to acts of lawless outrages that they would not think of in calmer moments.
insein said:

Desperation, fear, and disgrace all rolled into one...

Damn!!!!!! He looks more like Kennedy every day!
I have heard that certain types of medication can alter ones appearance like that. Maybe he is taking the same stuff Sen. Kennedy takes.
There is no way that is Al Gore. He just doesnt look likehim.
Avatar4321 said:
who the heck is that?

Actually that's preacher fire and brimstone Gore, with about 50 extra pounds........All that good living, better watch the arteries Al!!
Al Gore didn't even carry his home state of Tennesse when he ran for Prez. What a fully qualifed loser he turned out to be.
rtwngAvngr said:
Al Gore didn't even carry his home state of Tennesse when he ran for Prez. What a fully qualifed loser he turned out to be.

And now the Democartic Party is blessed to have him on their team to stump using the words "Churches will burn if you don't get to the poles and vote against Bush evil incarnate" :puke:
I laugh that so many people still feel the Dems are the party of the "englightened" ones. They run on pure hatred and envy these days.
rtwngAvngr said:
I laugh that so many people still feel the Dems are the party of the "englightened" ones. They run on pure hatred and envy these days.

Well it's all they have left............But whats that saying about not being able to shine Sh&% ????
Zhukov said:
He looks crazed.....
No doubt it is his PTSD which is a result of his having the last presidential election stolen from him.
CSM said:
No doubt it is his PTSD which is a result of his having the last presidential election stolen from him.

Stolen? :laugh: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :laugh:
CSM said:
It must have been stolen otherwise he wouldn't have PTSD!

I see it more like a public nervous breakdown, now requiring Jenny Craig's help!

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