The Democrat Dilemma


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
With the ascending candidacy of Bernie Sanders comes the dual difficulties of suppressing the unelectable socialist's campaign while continuing to try to disguise the party's increasingly obvious slide from liberalism to socialism. It is clear that much of Dem support now comes from out-of-the-closet comrades and anarchists who, if unable to seize power, will simply return to spewing invective at America and doing their best to destroy it from within.
With the ascending candidacy of Bernie Sanders comes the dual difficulties of suppressing the unelectable socialist's campaign while continuing to try to disguise the party's increasingly obvious slide from liberalism to socialism. It is clear that much of Dem support now comes from out-of-the-closet comrades and anarchists who, if unable to seize power, will simply return to spewing invective at America and doing their best to destroy it from within.

Bernie appeals to a subset of a subset just as T-Rump does.

Ultimately it will be whomever can appeal to the moderate center who will win.

At present that is still Hillary.
With the ascending candidacy of Bernie Sanders comes the dual difficulties of suppressing the unelectable socialist's campaign while continuing to try to disguise the party's increasingly obvious slide from liberalism to socialism. It is clear that much of Dem support now comes from out-of-the-closet comrades and anarchists who, if unable to seize power, will simply return to spewing invective at America and doing their best to destroy it from within.

Bernie appeals to a subset of a subset just as T-Rump does.

Ultimately it will be whomever can appeal to the moderate center who will win.

At present that is still Hillary.
At least Hillary makes the race more interesting
Sanders could win NH. And it would mean as much as Tsongas beating Bill Clinton in 1992, or Tom Harkin beating Bill Clinton in Iowa. This time around, without Mark Penn there to organize a failure, Hillary's team knows how to count delegates. That's where they failed in 2008, not keeping an eye on the big picture, while the Obama team figured out just where to focus to get the needed delegates.
Bernie is a social democrat, democratic socialism refers to this.
Bernie is a social democrat, democratic socialism refers to this.

Yeah, I've read his manifesto. It reads like sugar-coated socialism ... sugar coated to make it more palatable. I did notice the extremely union-friendly (and very biz unfriendly) nature of Bernie's plan and language which, I suppose, could be explained by a look at his list of large donors ... all unions.
Anyway this thread isn't about Bernie specifically but rather the fact that Dem socialists are out-of-the-closet and running free, much perhaps to the dismay of mainstream Dems who know that depending on who the Repubs choose could cost them the White House.

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