The demise of Isreal is imminent!

It’s absurd that the US gives those Palestinian terrorists any money at all.
Go research how much money we send Palestine and how much we send Israel.

As Americans are homeless and starving, children especially, we send billions to Israel and what do we get? Hatred from the rest of the world?

I don’t give a shit. If we give the Palestinian terrorists one cent, it’s too much.
I don’t give a shit. If we give the Palestinian terrorists one cent, it’s too much.
How can you not care about children starving on the streets and how negatively we are seen by the world outside of zionism?
Please get back to the topic of the thread.

Just how is Israel about to see its demise any day now?
I don’t give a shit. If we give the Palestinian terrorists one cent, it’s too much.
How can you not care about children starving on the streets and how negatively we are seen by the world outside of zionism?

How can you not care about children starving on the streets

If the Muzzies spent less on tunnels and rockets, they could feed those kids.
And yet the embassy will still be built in Jerusalem, and the US will be cutting of funding to the Palestinians. Reality time, as opposed to the usual meaningless inconsequential bullshit from the UN.

Reality time... the next president will cancel these plans long before the foundation gets laid.
More mental masturbation topics for you guys to fantasize about. You forget that both the Democratic and republican party and especially the American public are very pro Israel.
Amazing how the South Africans are aware that the Jewish People are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel, the there is NO Apartheid in Israel, and they have not stolen anything from anyone, but legally obtained the right to recreate their Nation ON their ancient homeland, which happens NOT to be the ancient homeland of the Palestinian Arabs.

okay, buddy, you keep using the "But the Magic Pixie in the Sky promised me this land" as an excuse... but there is no God. Never was.

That the Jews have only ended up with less than 20 % of their original land, and are willing to negotiate for giving up IF NECESSARY to achieve peace with the Palestinians as they did with Egypt and Jordan.........there is no argument about that either.

Or they can get pushed into the sea and solve everyone's problem.
Yeah, the God gave us others' land argument is the most bottom of the barrel argument of all the zionist idiocy we see here.
Tell that to the Muslims who are killing non Muslims are over the middle east and the world?
Look, guy, I heard the same arguments made about Whites in South Africa 40 years ago. Those were pretty lame, too.

Look pal, I've been alive almost as long as the Nation of Israel has existed. During that time the Israelis have tried to get the Palestinians to live along side them in peace.

All they've gotten in return was murdered Olympic athletes, plane hijackings, suicide bombers etc. They gave back Gaza in an attempt for peace.

All they got out of that was a barrage of mortar and rocket fire.

And all I've seen out of the 'Palestinians', who where created during my lifetime is the use of their civilian population as disposable human beings in an attempt to tell half truths and deny historical events

Fuck it. They had better get their shit together fast because the clock is now ticking.

Tick tock.
teddyearp, that is terribly one-sided and patently unfair.

You can't steal a peoples' homeland and then claim to have tried to get the Palestinians to live along side them in peace.

You can't complain about terrorists, when your own terrorism far surpasses that of your enemy.

And honestly believing that God gave land to anyone is silly.
abi, you calling me one sided is hilarious!

You need to brush up on your history. But here I reckon I'm getting off topic and I am SURE you will get your pet mod to delete this, or at least attempt to.

The return of the Jews to their ancient homeland was at one time heralded by almost the whole world. At one time even the Arabs were in favor of it with one of the agreements made near WWI.

But after the Arabs secured their own independent states of Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and Jordan from the aftermath of WWI, then the mufti of Jerusalem decided to stir them up more and remind the Muslims that they should hate the Jews. And that was the beginning of terrorism in that region.

And Arab terrorism continues to this day.

So go ahead and hit the report button. Again.
The only one who is crazy here is YOU.

When you reply to posts, you almost always omit certain parts because to address them directly destroys your fictional story.

The Balfour agreement was pretty much welcomed by the whole world at that TIME. The whole world was keen on letting the Jews (and yes, Jews from Europe who had never been there) return to their ancient homeland. There was even an agreement with the Arabs that welcomed the Jews back. And before you ask, use Google. The link had been posted on this board multiple times.

But let me go back just about eight years before. Now I know why my thread about the Pasha of the ottoman empire dragging said empire into WWI never got much traction.

Because that single fact blows the whole argument out of the water! The pasha was a Muslim Arab. If he had not drug the ottoman empire into WWI, then we wouldn't be here.

But we are. And the fault is fully laid upon the feet of an Arab for ALL the events that have us where we are now.

Now go and hit up your pet mod and hit the report button. Again.
Hahaha! It took you less time to reply than it took me to compose that post.

Very telling. Very much so.

Thanks for proving that you do not read a whole post and only address a tiny part. But that is all you do here and have always done.

You need to get out of your little box that you have selectively put yourself into, little girl.

I'll just give you one hint. Oil.

Now go hit up your pet mod and report my post.
How many indigenous people have you been able to make them agree with you that their ancient homeland is not important to them, and that their gods had nothing to do with where they ended up to create the nations and cultures which evolved out of them being on that land, working it, defending it, etc ?

Thank you for wishing all Jews dead. Which is exactly why they are now sovereign of their own recreated State, ON their ancient homeland, and they do NOT owe anyone ANYTHING

I think as soon as Americans figure out Jesus isn't coming back and stop funding your religious theme park, you guys are going to have some real problems.

six million pairs of water wings? Works for me.

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