The debate is starting.

Its one thing to jokingly sing along with a stupid song...another thing altogether to openly express that your policy is to invade an ally if they disagree with you.

Not much of a ally Pakistian has been to give safe haven to Osama Bin Laden for the past 7 years huh?

With allies like that, who needs enemies.
Oh you sonofabitch McCain, don't you DARE use your Devil Dog son as a hearttugger excuse for your pathetic pisspoor support that caused our sons' sacrifices in this cluster****. If it wasn't for Bush and you and your worthless ilk, our Marines would be actually fighting where they are needed.

**** you. "Existential", my a**.
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McCain's making a great case for his foreign policy/national security experience.

4,000 dead, 30,000 wounded, and $700 billion dollars wasted.

How was that experience?
McCain took a good ten seconds to just repeat the sentence. That's what he does when his teleprompter goes out. :lol:
With allies like that, who needs enemies.

Oh, I agree. But I'm not sure you really want to advocate coming out and telling our more testy "allies" that we aren't really their allies and that we'll invade them at the slightest provocation.

Coming from Obama...the man who supports diplomacy first and foremost at EVERY opportunity, he has stated that time and time was a gaffe of misunderstanding when he stated what he did about Pakistan...which is why he just let it go when McCain mentioned it.
Obama came unarmed to a battle of wits.

McCain's gotten stronger and stronger as the debate goes on. Obama looks petty and annoyed :razz:

You do realize that McCain is making just as much uhs, uhms, and pauses?
Mccain s standing firm on no withdrawl date. Aren't we kind of supposed to be gone by 1 2009?

Isn't that why Mook tada el sadr called a truce with us? We promised to leave.

With the french, british? Do they still have our backs?
McCain took a good ten seconds to just repeat the sentence. That's what he does when his teleprompter goes out.

Thats takes Obama at least 10-15 seconds of umm, ahh, uhhs...before he ever gets to his answer...
McCain scowls and looks on edge when Obama speaks, Obama just listens when McCain speaks and then calmly says what he has to say.

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